Gems of Chinese Classics(中国历史著述)
张慈贇著 朱晨蕾绘更新时间:2021-02-20 14:27:15
最新章节:徐霞客游记 (xú xiá kè yóu jì) The Travelogue of Xu Xiake封面
三字经 (sān zì jīng) Three Character Classic
千字文 (qiān zì wén) Thousand Character Classic
百家姓 (bǎi jiā xìng) Hundred Family Surnames
周易 (zhōu yì) Book of Changes
考工记 (kǎo gōng jì) The Records of Examination of Craftsmen
山海经 (shān hǎi jīng) The Classic of Mountains and Seas
四民月令 (sì mín yuè lìng) Ancient Guide Still Yields a Harvest
九章算术 (jiǔ zhāng suàn shù) The Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Art
齐民要术 (qí mín yào shù) China’s First Agricultural Encyclopedia
水经注 (shuǐ jīng zhù) Commentary on the Waterways Classic
缀术 (zhuì shù) The Method of Interpolation
食疗本草 (shí liáo běn cǎo) Materia Medica for Dietotherapy
茶经 (chá jīng) The Classic of Tea
酒经 (jiǔ jīng) The Classic of Wine and Spirits
梦溪笔谈 (mèng xī bǐ tán) Dream Pool Essays
授时历 (shòu shí lì) The Season-Granting Calendar
天工开物 (tiān gōng kāi wù) Tiangong Kaiwu Encyclopedia
农政全书 (nóng zhèng quán shū) A Complete Treatise on Agriculture
黄帝内经 (huáng dì nèi jīng) The Yellow Emperor’s Inner Canon
难经 (nàn jīng) Canon of 81 Difficult Medical Issues
伤寒论 (shāng hán lùn) Treatise on Cold Damage Disorders
千金要方 (qiān jīn yào fāng) Essential Prescriptions in Chinese Medicine
本草纲目 (běn cǎo gāng mù) Compendium of Materia Medica
春秋 (chūn qiū) The Spring and Autumn Annals
史记 (shǐ jì) Records of the Grand Historian
资治通鉴 (zī zhì tōng jiàn) Comprehensive Mirror to Aid in Government
诗经 (shī jīng) The Book of Songs
离骚 (lí sāo) The Lament
说文解字 (shuō wén jiě zì) Explaining and Analyzing Characters
文心雕龙 (wén xīn diāo lóng) The Literary Mind and the Carving of Dragons
唐诗 (táng shī) Tang Poetry
宋词 (sòng cí) Song Lyric Poetry
西厢记 (xī xiāng jì) Romance of the West Chamber
窦娥冤 (dòu é yuān) The Injustice to Dou E
牡丹亭 (mǔ dān tíng) The Peony Pavilion
西游记 (xī yóu jì) Journey to the West
水浒传 (shuǐ hǔ zhuàn) Water Margin
三国演义 (sān guó yǎn yì) Romance of the Three Kingdoms
红楼梦 (hóng lóu mèng) A Dream of Red Mansions
金瓶梅 (jīn píng méi) The Plum in the Golden Vase
聊斋志异 (liáo zhāi zhì yì) Strange Stories of Liaozhai
儒林外史 (rú lín wài shǐ) The Scholars
古文观止 (gǔ wén guān zhǐ) The Ultimate Anthology of Ancient Prose
道德经 (dào dé jīng) The Book of Virtue
论衡 (lùn héng) Discourses Weighted in the Balance
盐铁论 (yán tiě lùn) Discourses on Salt and Iron
金刚经 (jīn gāng jīng) The Diamond Sutra
坛经 (tán jīng) The Platform Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch
兰亭序 (lán tíng xù) Calligraphy Sage’s Crowning Masterpiece
孙子兵法 (sūn zǐ bīng fǎ) The Art of War
三十六计 (sān shí liù jì) Thirty-Six Stratagems
徐霞客游记 (xú xiá kè yóu jì) The Travelogue of Xu Xiake
更新时间:2021-02-20 14:27:15