Swift Game Development Third Edition
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Chapter 1. Designing Games with Swift
Why you will love Swift
What you will learn in this book
New in Swift 4.2
Setting up your development environment
Exploring the SpriteKit demo
Examining the demo code
Cleaning up
Chapter 2. Sprites Camera Action!
Preparing your project
Drawing your first sprite
Building a SKSpriteNode class
Animation—movement scaling and rotation
The story on positioning
Working with textures
Designing for Retina
Organizing art into texture atlases
Centering the camera on a sprite
Chapter 3. Mix in the Physics
Laying the foundations
Renovating the GameScene class
Physics bodies and gravity
Exploring physics simulation mechanics
Bumping bees into bees
Chapter 4. Adding Controls
Retrofitting the Player class for flight
Assigning a physics body to the player
Polling for device movement with Core Motion
Wiring up the sprite onTap events
Teaching our penguin to fly
Listening for touches in GameScene
Fine-tuning gravity
Spreading your wings
Improving the camera
Pushing Pierre forward
Tracking the player's progress
Chapter 5. Spawning Enemies Coins and Power-Ups
Introducing the cast
Locating and adding the art assets
Adding the Power-up Star
A new enemy - the Mad Fly
Another terror - Bats!
Guarding the ground with the Blade
Adding coins
Organizing the project navigator
Testing the new game objects
Preparing for endless flight
Chapter 6. Generating a Never-Ending World
Designing levels with the SpriteKit scene editor
Building encounters for Pierre Penguin
Looping encounters for a never-ending world
Adding the Power-up Star at random places
Turning bronze coins into gold coins
Chapter 7. Implementing Collision Events
Learning the SpriteKit collision vocabulary
Collision versus contact
Physics category masks
Using category masks in Swift
Adding contact events to our game
Assigning categories to game objects
Preparing GameScene for contact events
Viewing console output
Testing our contact code
Player health and damage
Animations for damage and game over
The Power-up Star logic
Chapter 8. Polishing to a Shine – HUD Parallax Backgrounds Particles and More
Adding a HUD
Parallax background layers
Using the particle system
Creating a SpriteKit particle file
Configuring the path particle settings
Adding the particle emitter to the game
Granting safety as the game starts
Chapter 9. Adding Menus and Sounds
Building the main menu
Wiring up the START GAME button
Wiring up GameScene for game over
Informing the GameScene class when the player dies
Implementing touch events for the restart menu
Adding music with AVAudio
Playing sound effects
Adding Options to the Menu Scene
Chapter 10. Standing out in the Crowd with Advanced Features
Adding crates to smash open
Creating the Crate particle effects
Recycling emitter nodes with particle pools
Wiring up crate contact events
Creating the health power-up crate
Spawning smashable crates that reward coins
Chapter 11. Introduction to SceneKit
Creating a Scene with SCNScene
Adding objects to the scene
Importing scenes from an external 3D application
Creating the hero class and physics
Adding an enemy and collision detection
Adding a SpriteKit overlay
Adding labels and buttons
Adding touch interactivity
Adding the Gameloop
Adding wall and floor parallax
Adding particles
Adding character animation
Chapter 12. Choosing a Monetization Strategy
Developing your marketing plan
Leveraging crowdfunding
Showing display ads for revenue
Adding an AdMob Ad in the App
Selling in-app purchases
Adding In-App Purchases
Localization in foreign markets
Managing scope and completing projects
Chapter 13. Integrating with Game Center
Authenticating the player's Game Center account
Opening Game Center in our game
Updating the leaderboard from the code
Adding an achievement
Chapter 14. Introduction to Spritekit with ARKit
Requirements for the project
Creating an AR Spritekit project
Adding text and crosshair
Adding anchors at random locations
Adding custom sprite
Registering touch controls to remove game objects
Chapter 15. Introduction to Scenekit with ARKit
Going through the basic Scenekit/ARKit project
Project setup and detecting a plane
Adding touches
Adding Game Objects
Adding Score and Gameover text
Finishing touches
Chapter 16. Publishing the Game on the App Store
Creating the Bundle ID for the app
Preparing the project
Create the App in the itunesconnect portal
Upload the App and submit for review
Chapter 17. Multipeer Augmented Reality
Multipeer connectivity framework overview
Creating the multipeer session class
Creating a UI for the app
Setting outlets and adding variables
Testing the application
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更新时间:2021-07-16 17:38:22