重点例句 Key Notes to the Text

1. You have “market value” as a person--you have qualities that set you apart from others and abilities other people want and need.


2. As a result, there has been a trend toward integrating marketing with other business functions (such as management and accounting) instead of making it a separate function.


3. The modern marketplace may take the form of a grand shopping mall, a mail-order catalog, a television shopping network, an eBay auction, or an E-commerce website.


4. A production orientation works best in a seller’s market when demand is greater than supply because it focuses on the most efficient ways to produce and distribute products.


5. The value proposition is a special statement that a firm claiming its product or services can attribute to its customers, and it’s total gain that customers can perceive from their interaction with value providers.

价值主张(value proposition)是企业宣称其产品和服务能为消费者带来的独特价值,是客户所能感知到的一系列既得利益的总和。

6. Selling orientation means that management views marketing as a sales function, or a way to move products out of warehouses so that inventories don’t pile up.


7. Companies that calculate the lifetime value of a customer look at how much profit they expect to make from a particular customer.


8. The value chain is a useful way to appreciate all the people that work together to create value.

价值链是正确评价在一起工作、共同创造价值的合作者的有效方式。9. When you couple desire with the buying power or resources to satisfy a want, the result is demand.


Example: Real energy comes from doing what you truly desire with all your heart.

真正的活力来自于做你内心真正想要的做的事。10. The Wisdom of Crowds perspective argues that under the right circumstances, groups are smarter than the smartest people in them.


11. A need is a basic biological motive; a want represents one way that society has taught us to satisfy the need.


12. A triple bottom-line orientation means building long-term bonds with customers rather than merely selling stuff to them today.

三概要原则旨在建立与客户长期的联系,而不是“一锤子买卖”。13. Addictive consumption: Consumption addiction is a physiological or psychological dependency on goods or services.
