- 我的一本海外生活笔记:当德国文化遇到中国式生活(英汉对照)
- 徐克枢 王明理 李睿编著
- 1025字
- 2021-03-28 14:38:34
Dec.12th,2011,Monday, Cloudy Interview
Interview time is 3:30 p. m.It is 1 p.m.Wang Chenxin is in Starbucks in Wangfujing Street.In an international call, she asks Li Yucui:“I am going to my interview.A little nervous.What shall I pay attentton to?”
“The best way is the honest way. 6.800 Euros should be ready to deposit in the Germany Bank in Beijing.You can draw 700 to 800 Euros a month after you start your studying in a Germany university.You should show your ffnancial power-the job of your parents, your saving and how much they can earn a month.They will ask about your ability of foreign language.Do not forget to tell them your TOEFL scores.The relattve certtffcate should be ready in your bag.You should be proud of your English.You should be able talk about what you have learnt in each program.”
“Yes, I have tried to outline my programs and some key items of my chief programs such as linguistics, British and American Literature by heart.”
“That is great. You will make it.I am sure.”
“Thank you so much.”
Wang Chenxin walks out Liangmaqiao Statton of Subway Line 10.It takes her 7 minutes to the front of Liangma Building.She enters an elevator.There are already two girls and a boy in it.They are talking about the interviews they took last ttme, in which they failed.It is Room 11.They walk in, show their ID, store their bags and mobile in a box, sit in sofa and wait for their turn.Wang Chenxin is quiet while everybody else talks about APS interview.A Shanghai boy comes with his mommy affer he has failed for three ttmes in his interview and has no chance to have his APS certtffcate.His mommy wants to know exact reasons.A young girl says:“In the internet, I read a piece of information on the interview.Someone who has such an experience says you should talk more in your introductton so that they will ask you less because of ttme limit.”A boy says:“I am afraid that is recittng.It should not be a western way.Western people want you to react acttvely and give more cases and examples to show your understanding of what you have learnt.”There is a long screen over the service table to show the sequencein Chinese.Wang Chenxin tries hard to be easy.A tall German granny comes and asks in a low voice:“Who is Wang Chenxin?Come in.”
Following her, Wang Chenxin walks in a small room for written test. There are several dictionaries in the bookshelf.The test is on her major-educatton for 20 minutes.Before she ffnishes her paper, the granny knocks at the door.Her heart suddenly beats fast.Li Yucui ever told her quite a lot of people was not able to ffnish the paper and it would not inffuence their interview results.The key is her oral English in the interview.She is conffdent of her spoken English.She tries hard to calm herself with a deep breath.
The old lady leads her into another small interview room. A young woman is there to record.They exchange“hello”.After she sits down, the old granny says:“Good affernoon.I am Laura Fischer.This is Miss Barbara Bauer.”
“Good affernoon.Wang, Chenxin.My English name is Sarah.My major is English education and my minor is business.I am afraid I have no ttme to study German in the past but I have paid and planed to study German for 120 hours in Shanghai first.My TOEFL scores are 110.In my senior year till now, I have studied linguisttcs, English literature, translatton, etc.……”
“Well, have you ever been to Germany?”
“No, never. But I read a lot of books about Germany.Germany is a great country with a lot of great philosophers, poets and writers.Its college educatton of business, medicine, engineering, arts and philosophy, etc.impress the world very much.Its vocatton education is a model or example of the world.Its wise choice in economic reform such as welfare decrease prevents it from ffnancial crisis of many other European countries.”
“Do you have any relattves in Germany?”
“No, I don't.”
“How much money can your family support you?”
“My father is a boss of a small business and my mother works in the municipal administratton.Although we are not rich, I have enough funds to support my study in Germany.”
“How much exactly?”
“At least 7 thothe USAnd Euros, a year. It is enough for me.You know most Chinese are diligent and thriffy.I am such a girl.”
“Why do you choose to study in Germany?”
“Because of its advanced academic education and the universittes are very friendly to overseas students.”
“As I know, American and British schools are also very friendly.”
“But with expensive tuittons.”
“Well, what have you learnt in your English literature class?”
“Our English literature class hours are mostly about outstanding poets and their poems. I love Thomas Nashe's poem‘Spring, the Sweet Spring'with inside rhyme or middle rhyme most.‘Spring, the sweet spring, is the year's pleasant king;Then blooms each thing, then maids dance in a ring, Cold dath(does)not sttng, the pretty birds do sing:Cuckoo, jug-jug, pu-we, to-witta-woo!’”
“What do you think of royal wedding on April 29th?”

“Many young girls admire Duchess of Cambridge. His Highness is very handsome.It is really something for Prince William of Wales to marry a common girl.The Duchess reminds us of Cinderella.Really sweet and beauttful.”
“Great, which university do you prefer in Germany?”
“Although I am sttll surveying and choosing, I prefer Munich University.I have a friend there.”
“Great.”says the granny, and shakes hands with Wang Chenxin.
“Please wait for your interview result.”says the granny in the end.
“Thank you so much. I do appreciate your patience and assistance.”says Wang Chenxin.