- 我的一本海外生活笔记:当德国文化遇到中国式生活(英汉对照)
- 徐克枢 王明理 李睿编著
- 588字
- 2021-03-28 14:38:37
March 26th,2012,Monday, Fine Bremen
Wang Chenxin chooses University of Bremen in the end. The rettred parents of Li Yucui are in the city.They suggest that Wang Chenxin lives with them.The father of Li Yucui, Li Shaopeng says to Wang Chenxin the old couple are happy to have another daughter and she could clean the house, wash dishes and take care of the old couple when necessary instead of paying rent.Wang, Chenxin is really happy and lucky.Now she is in Bremen for 3 days.

Rathaus Dom Buergerschaft市政厅和大教堂
“Come with us to Bremen!”—the Whole world knows this famous invitation from the four Bremen town musicians immortalized in the Grimm's Fairy Tales ①.The cosmopolitan Hanseattc City enjoys a reputatton for being liberally minded and tolerant.Bremen, the town on the banks of the River Weser, is home to ports and ships, two universities, riverside walks and picturesque narrow streets built in centuries past.
Bremen is much more than just an important location for science and business. It also has a lot of history and opportunittes for leisure pasttmes.The City Hall and the Roland stature on the market square, symbol for justice and freedom, were declared UNESCO world heritage sites in 2004.The Bremen Glocke is one of the most famous concert halls in the North of Germany.A few steps farther and you’re in the Böttcherstraβe with its restaurants and ateliers.A little farther on and you come to Bremen’s riverside promenade, the Schlachte with its inviting beer gardens and taverns.No less appealing is Bremen’s historic old town, known as the Schnoor, with over 100 historical terraced houses huddled together in a maze of narrow cobbled streets-arranged like a tted shoelace, the old German name for which,“Schnoor”,gave the district its name.
The ttny Land of Bremen is the only two-town federal state in Germany-but nevertheless an important location for business, culture and science.Exhibittons like the Universum Science center, Bremen’s Übersee Museum and the German Emigration Center in Bremerhaven are good illustrations of how Bremen makes science both interesting as well as entertaining and enjoyable.The Hanseattc City State also has a great deal to offer in the ffeld of culture-besides the Bremen Theatre, a visit to the Bremer Shakespeare Company is an absolute must.Every year, the Breminale, a ffve-day open-air festtval on the banks of the Weser, attracts more than 150,000 visitors.

Blickrichtung von der Stephanibrücke in Richtung Stadtmitte/Dom斯蒂布鲁克桥方向的大教堂景色
And come what may-the people of Bremen will always remain loyal and enthusiasttc supporters of their soccer team.The town on the Weser is home to Werder Bremen, a top European club.The people of Bremen are sports enthusiasts in other respects, too.You will see them riding around on their bikes or boattng on the river, no matter what the weather is.At the start of each year, professional cyclists stage Bremen’s tradittonal Six-Day Race.Bremen possesses its own very special charm.
Cultural Case 3
In the office, Hans shouted at Jane Zhang and blamed her for the mistake on Monday morning. On the Tuesday morning, he talked very friendly with Jane and was kidding.It seemed that nothing had happened on the Monday.Jane could not understand.Why?
Explanation of Cultural Case 3
German do against business and they do not do it against any special person.