Special Germans


In the evening, Wang Chenxin rings Li Yucui. There is a man at the other end of telephone.

“May I speak to Miss Li Yucui?”says Wang Chenxin.

Wang Chenxin hears the man shouttng:“Irene!A lady wants to speak to you.”

“Hello!Irene speaking,”says Li Yucui.

“Wang Chenxin.”

“Hi!How is everything ge ng on?”asks Li Yucui.

“Very Well. I do appreciate your effort, my elder sister.”says Wang Chenxin.

“We are very happy that you are with us.”says Li Yucui.

“We'?You and who?”says and laughs Wang Chenxin.

“Hans Weber, my boy friend,”says Li Yucui.

“Well, you have a German boyfriend. Please tell me something about Germans and their culture,”says Wang Chenxin.

“They are very special for us. There is a German proverb 1:‘Order is half of life.'This expresses the value Germans place on organization, conformity and structure.The Germans, because they value proper decorum, are also reluctant to disclose highly personal information in most settings.The German proverb‘A friend to everyone is a friend to no one'clearly underscores their view of superficial relationships.This reticent and reserved attitude often transfers to their relationship with others,”says Li Yucui.

“How did the rettcent and reserved young German fall in love with an acttve and modern Chinese girl?”says Wang Chenxin.

“It is almost a general rule that they are quite afraid of approaching other people, especially complete strangers. If you are willing to take the ffrst inittattve though, most German people turn out to be very friendly, complaisant and more than willing to help in case you have a questton or problem.If you want to ffnd friends among Germans, you should also not hesitate to make the ffrst move.”says Li Yucui.

“You must have taken the first initiative.”says and giggles Wang Chenxin.

“We are complementary to each other. His calmness and rational judgment help us control our ship nicely and prevent it from striking a hidden reef.Life is a long journey.It will be dull and boring without my giggling and songs.”says Li Yucui.

“I really admire you very much.”says Wang Chenxin.

“German society is actually a very multicultural society and today there are over 14 million people with a migration background living in Germany. For example, one out of five marriages is a binational one and one out of four children born in Germany has at least one foreign parent.So contemporary German society has already been inffuenced by people from many different nattonalittes and Germans are generally very tolerant and open-minded.”says Li Yucui.

“Really!It is so thrilling to be here.”says Wang Chenxin.

“Hold on for a minute!Hans has some business with me.”said Li Yucui.