- The Depot Master
- Joseph Crosby Lincoln
- 601字
- 2016-03-02 16:33:46
They struck matches and examined the enemy's cast clothes.There were no initials in the hat.The jacket contained neither papers nor pocketbook.Nevertheless, they made a discovery which was destined to give the case no little celebrity and which had a terrible influence on the fate of Gilbert and Vaucheray: in one of the pockets was a visiting-card which the fugitive had left behind...the card of Arsene Lupin.
At almost the same moment, while the police, towing the captured skiff behind them, continued their empty search and while the soldiers stood drawn up on the bank, straining their eyes to try and follow the fortunes of the naval combat, the aforesaid Arsene Lupin was quietly landing at the very spot which he had left two hours earlier.
He was there met by his two other accomplices, the Growler and the Masher, flung them a few sentences by way of explanation, jumped into the motor-car, among Daubrecq the deputy's armchairs and other valuables, wrapped himself in his furs and drove, by deserted roads, to his repository at Neuilly, where he left the chauffeur.A taxicab brought him back to Paris and put him down by the church of Saint-Philippe-du -Roule, not far from which, in the Rue Matignon, he had a flat, on the entresol-floor, of which none of his gang, excepting Gilbert, knew, a flat with a private entrance.He was glad to take off his clothes and rub himself down; for, in spite of his strong constitution, he felt chilled to the bone.On retiring to bed, he emptied the contents of his pockets, as usual, on the mantelpiece.It was not till then that he noticed, near his pocketbook and his keys, the object which Gilbert had put into his hand at the last moment.
And he was very much surprised.It was a decanter-stopper, a little crystal stopper, like those used for the bottles in a liqueur-stand.
And this crystal stopper had nothing particular about it.The most that Lupin observed was that the knob, with its many facets, was gilded right down to the indent.But, to tell the truth, this detail did not seem to him of a nature to attract special notice.
"And it was this bit of glass to which Gilbert and Vaucheray attached such stubborn importance!" he said to himself."It was for this that they killed the valet, fought each other, wasted their time, risked prison...trial...the scaffold!..."Too tired to linger further upon this matter, exciting though it appeared to him, he replaced the stopper on the chimney-piece and got into bed.
He had bad dreams.Gilbert and Vaucheray were kneeling on the flags of their cells, wildly stretching out their hands to him and yelling with fright:
"Help!...Help!" they cried.
But, notwithstanding all his efforts, he was unable to move.He himself was fastened by invisible bonds.And, trembling, obsessed by a monstrous vision, he watched the dismal preparations, the cutting of the condemned men's hair and shirt-collars the squalid tragedy.
"By Jove!" he said, when he woke after a series of nightmares."There's a lot of bad omens! Fortunately, we don't err on the side of superstition.Otherwise...!" And he added, "For that matter, we have a talisman which, to judge by Gilbert and Vaucheray's behaviour, should be enough, with Lupin's help, to frustrate bad luck and secure the triumph of the good cause.Let's have a look at that crystal stopper!"He sprang out of bed to take the thing and examine it more closely.An exclamation escaped him.The crystal stopper had disappeared...