- 国际样板房大观:全球最新室内设计名家作品集(下)
- 徐宾宾
- 624字
- 2025-02-18 07:32:47
Por Una Cabeza


In a mansion located on a peaceful alley of Minquan East Rd, the music “Por Una Cabeza”, a well-known tango, is floating softly. Quoted by various movies, this tango perfectly echoed the life pattern of the sweet couple, the owner of the mansion, who have been married for over forty years and still love each other as time goes by. The husband is fond of music while his charming wife is fascinated by art and enjoys cooking for her husband. So the design is focused on three parts: the living space within sound effects, the open dining space and the separated kitchen.
Based on loved-story background, the affection is dramatically created and the sophisticated distance, as tango dancing, is drew from contrast feelings like calm and tease, idleness and passion, and seriousness and humor, that it forms love and exists in the mansion forever.
Being an independent lover with pretty postures, the beautiful wife follows her husband's steps faithfully and tenderly. She knows the art of one-step distance and always goes forward and backward perfectly. She captivates her husband with feminine figures under where lust is wriggling and seems to burst out anytime. Her love makes the space alive and will not fade with time.
民权东路静谧巷弄里的刘公馆,一曲《Por Una Cabeza》正悠扬;这是在1935年由Carlos Gardel作曲、Alfredo Le Pera作词的经典探戈舞曲,曾经是电影《女人香》、《魔鬼大帝之真实谎言》及《辛德勒的名单》中的插曲,广受民众的欢迎。这首旋律也恰如其分地勾勒出本案男女主人四十余年恩爱的相处模式;男主人热爱音乐,女主人热爱艺术,享受为另一半烹调三餐。空间安排主要着重于:音效客厅、开放餐厅及独立厨房,并依此设计其专属的生活空间。