- 美国高考核心3000词(附练习册)
- 熊正煜 姚莹 徐静
- 4799字
- 2020-06-25 09:53:49
Word List 3

resent /rɪˈzent/
【释】v. 憎恨 (feel bitterness or indignation at)
【例】She resented being treated like a servant.
【形】resentment, resentful
redeem /rɪˈdiːm/
【释】v. 挽回 (compensate for the faults or bad aspects of (something))
【例】He had realized the mistake he had made and wanted to redeem himself.
【释】v. 兑现 (pay off (loans or promissory notes)
【例】Take the voucher to your local branch of Woolworths and it will be redeemed for one toy.
mourn /mɔːrn/
【释】v. 哀悼;表示遗憾 (feel or show deep sorrow or regret for)
【例】The manager announced his resignation and everybody mourned.
【近】lament, grieve
【释】v. 戴孝,服丧
【释】v. 呜咽;哀鸣
immunity /ɪˈmjuːnəti/
【释】n. 免疫力 (the ability to resist a particular infection)
【例】an immunity to malaria
【近】resistance to
【释】n. 豁免权 (privilege of exemption)
【例】to be given or granted immunity from prosecution
【释】n. 不受影响 (insusceptibility to influence)
【例】immunity to criticism
miniature /ˈmɪnətʃər/
【释】adj. 微型的,小规模的 (a smaller version of something)
【例】Rosehill Farm has been selling miniature roses since 1979.
【反】enormous, monumental, tremendous, gigantic, colossal
【释】n. 缩图;微型画;微缩模型
appliance /əˈplaɪəns/
【释】n. 器具
【例】We stock a wide range of kitchen appliances.
【近】device, machine, instrument, apparatus, utensil, implement, tool
ambiguous /æmˈbɪɡjuəs/
【释】adj. 含糊不清的 (can be understood in more than one way)
【例】The Foreign Secretary’s remarks clarify an ambiguous statement issued earlier this week.
【反】clear, simple
curb /kɜːrb/
【释】v./n. 控制,抑制 (restrain or keep in check)
【例】Increased interest rates should curb inflation.
【近】restraint, restriction, brake, rein, control
confidential /ˌkɑːnfɪˈdenʃl/
【释】adj. 机密的 (intended to be kept secret)
【例】National security is the stock excuse for keeping things confidential.
【近】intimate, secret
sober /ˈsoʊbər/
【释】adj. 冷静的,清醒的;未醉的 (not drunk; serious and sensible)
【例】a former addict who has been sober for 10 years
【近】serious, solemn, sensible
【反】drunk, flamboyant
【释】v. 变得冷静;醒酒 (become more serious and sensible)
【例】He could not be dissuaded and set off again on his foolish way while we headed north, saddened and sobered by his recklessness, and by the waste of his hours.
cynical /ˈsɪnɪkl/
【释】adj. 愤世嫉俗的 (distrustful of human sincerity or integrity)
【例】I know that some of you are very cynical about the proposals.
【近】skeptical, doubtful, pessimistic, negative
prestigious /preˈstɪdʒəs/
【释】adj. 有威望的
【例】Her first novel won a prestigious literary prize.
【反】obscure, minor
proximity /prɑːkˈsɪməti/
【近】【释】n. 接 (nearness in space, time, or relationship)
【例】Do not operate microphones in close proximity to television sets.
【近】accessibility, vicinity
hover /ˈhʌvər/
【释】v. 盘旋 (remain in one place in the air)
【例】An army helicopter hovered overhead.
【近】hang, linger
【释】v. 处于不稳定状态 (remain in an uncertain state; waver)
【例】hover between anger and remorse
confer /kənˈfɜːr/
【释】v. 授予;给予 (give power or honor to people)
【例】The constitution also confers large powers on Brazil’s 35 constituent states.
【释】v. 协商
【例】He conferred with Hill and the others in his office.
congress /ˈkɑːŋɡrəs/
【释】n. 国会;代表大会 (a large meeting that is held to discuss ideas and policies)
【近】assembly, house
soothe /suːð/
【释】v. 抚慰;缓和 (gently calm)
【例】He would take her in his arms and soothe her.
【近】comfort, subdue, ease
aspire /əˈspaɪər/
【释】v. 渴望 (direct one’s hopes or ambitions toward achieving something)
【例】She aspires to nothing less than the chairmanship of the company.
【近】desire, hope for, dream of, long for, yearn for
dissent /dɪˈsent/
【释】v./n. (持)异议 (hold or express opinions that are at variance with those previously, commonly, or officially expressed)
【例】He is the toughest military ruler yet and has responded harshly to any dissent.
【反】agree, agreement
altar /ˈɔːltər/
【释】n. 祭坛
【释】n. [基督教堂内的]圣餐坛
decree /dɪˈkriː/
【释】n. 判决,裁定 (a decision that is made in court)
【释】n. 法令;规定 (an official order from a ruler or a government that becomes the law)
【近】order, command, mandate
wedge /wedʒ/
【释】n. 楔子
【释】v. 楔入;强行挤入 (fix in position using a wedge)
【例】The phone was wedged under his chin.
deter /dɪˈtɜːr/
【释】v. 威慑 (discourage (someone) from doing something)
【例】Only a health problem would deter him from seeking re-election.
【近】discourage, daunt
【释】v. 防止,阻止 (prevent the occurrence of)
【例】Strategists think not only about how to deter war, but about how war might occur.
【近】avoid, put off, prevent
temperament /ˈtemprəmənt/
【释】n. 性情,性格
【例】an artistic/fiery temperament
【近】disposition, nature, character, personality
【释】n. 喜怒无常 (excessive irritability or sensi-tiveness)
【例】an actor with too much temperament
rim /rɪm/
【释】n. 外缘;外框 (the edge of an open container or circular object)
【例】Her glasses had gold rims.
【近】brim, edge, border
【形】【释】v. 成外沿 (form a rim that goes around the edge of something)
【例】Hills rimmed the horizon.
wicked /ˈwɪkɪd/
【释】adj. 恶毒的,有害的
【例】a wicked and unscrupulous politician
【近】evil, wrong, bad, corrupt, mean, foul
sprawl /sprɔːl/
【释】v./n. 蔓延;伸展 (spread in a messy way; cover a large area)
【例】The town sprawled along the side of the lake.
【近】stretch out, spread
idle /ˈaɪdl/
【释】adj. 无工作的;懒惰的 (not working hard; lazy)
【例】Get upstairs and wake up that idle brother of yours.
【近】lazy, slothful, sluggish
【反】industrious, busy, meaningful, serious
【释】v. (发动机等)低速空转 ((of an engine) to run slowly while the vehicle is not moving)
【例】The taxi hummed in the road, motor idling, meter ticking over.
redundant /rɪˈdʌndənt/
【释】adj. 多余的,过剩的 (not or no longer needed or useful)
【例】Many of the old skills had become redundant.
【近】unnecessary, needless
【反】essential, necessary
【释】adj. 被解雇的,失业的
【例】My husband was made redundant late last year.
imminent /ˈɪmɪnənt/
【近】【释】adj. 临的 (about to happen)
【例】There appeared no imminent danger.
【近】impending, close (at hand), near, (fast) approaching, coming
gratitude /ˈɡrætɪtuːd/
【释】n. 感激之情 (the quality of being thankful)
【例】It would be nice to show your gratitude every now and then.
【近】thanks, appreciation, recognition, credit
flatter /ˈflætər/
【释】v. 恭维 (compliment excessively and often insincerely)
【例】You’re trying to flatter me, and it won’t work.
turmoil /ˈtɜːrmɔɪl/
【释】n. 混乱 (a state of disturbance, confusion, or uncertainty)
【近】confusion, upheaval, turbulence, disorder
alley /ˈæli/
【释】n. 小巷
【近】passage, lane, path, pathway
moan /moʊn/
【释】v./n. 呻吟 (a low, sustained, mournful cry, usually indicative of sorrow or pain)
【例】James continued to moan loudly as the pain intensified.
【近】groan, sob
【释】v./n. 抱怨 (complain)
【例】Ben was moaning about his job again.
manifestation /ˌmænɪfeˈsteɪʃn/
【形】【释】n. 表现式 (sign, symptom)
【例】the early manifestations of the disease
menace /ˈmenəs/
【释】v./n. 威胁 (a possible danger to something or someone)
【例】The European states retained a latent capability to menace Britain’s own security.
【近】threat, warning, peril
wary /ˈweri/
【释】adj. 谨慎的 (feeling or showing caution about possible dangers or problems)
【例】People did not teach their children to be wary of strangers.
【近】cautious, careful, guard, alert
shuffle /ˈʃʌfl/
【释】n./v. 拖着脚走,慢吞吞地走
【例】They shuffled along the passage.
【近】shamble, stagger
【释】v. 挪动,拖拽
【例】She shuffled her feet.
【释】n./v. 洗牌
【例】He shuffled the cards.
【近】mix up
hypothetical /ˌhaɪpəˈθetɪkl/
【释】adj. 假设的,假定的 (of, based on, or serving as a hypothesis)
【例】The scenario I suggested was strictly hypothetical.
【近】theoretical, conjectural
bait /beɪt/
【释】v. 引诱;在…中放诱饵 (place food on a hook, in a trap, etc. in order to attract or catch an animal)
【例】He baited his hook with pie.
【近】lure, trap
【释】n. 诱饵 (food put on a hook to catch fish, or in nets, traps, etc. to catch animals or birds)
tier /tɪr/
【释】n. 一排;一行 (one of two or more layers one atop another)
【例】the auditorium with the tiers of seats around and above it
【释】n. 级别 (a relative position or degree of value in a graded group
【例】Islanders have campaigned for the abolition of one of the three tiers of municipal power on the island.
【近】layer, stratum
demolish /dɪˈmɑːlɪʃ/
【释】v. 摧毁 (pull or knock down)
【例】Our intention was to demolish the rumors that have surrounded him.
【近】destroy, smash
【反】construct, confirm, strengthen
baseline /ˈbeɪslaɪn/
【释】n. 底线;起点
souvenir /ˌsuːvəˈnɪr/
【释】n. 纪念品
【例】Keep the key ring as a souvenir.
dismay /dɪsˈmeɪ/
【释】n./v. (使)惊愕 (a sudden or complete loss of courage in the face of trouble or danger)
【例】Local people expressed their dismay at the size of the pay rise.
【近】shock, upset
【反】encourage, pleasure, relief
gleam /ɡliːm/
【释】n./v. 微光;闪光 (a faint or brief light)
【例】Her car gleamed in the sunshine.
【近】shine, glitter, sparkle, twinkle, flicker, wink
therapeutic /ˌθerəˈpjuːtɪk/
【释】adj. 有益健康的
【释】adj. 治疗的
【例】the therapeutic effects of acupuncture
cumulative /ˈkjuːmjəleɪtɪv/
【释】adj. 累积的
【例】The effects of pollution are cumulative.
【近】collective, aggregate
recollection /ˌrekəˈlekʃn/
【释】n. 记忆,回忆 (the act of remembering something)
【例】She has no recollection of this event.
vault /vɔːlt/
【释】n. 金库
【释】n. 穹顶
【释】v. 跳跃 (jump over)
【例】He could easily vault the wall.
ponder /ˈpɑːndər/
【释】v. 仔细考虑 (think about carefully)
【近】contemplate, consider, reflect on
stationary /ˈsteɪʃəneri/
【释】n. 静止不动的 (not moving)
【例】The traffic got slower and slower until it was stationary.
【近】static, motionless, immobile, still
catastrophe /kəˈtæstrəfi/
【释】n. 灾难;劫难 (a great and sudden disaster)
【例】an economic/humanitarian/natural catastrophe
【近】calamity, ruin, adversity
tangible /ˈtændʒəbl/
【释】adj. 摸得着的 (perceptible by touch)
【例】Sculpture is a tangible art form.
skepticism /ˈskeptɪsɪzəm/
【释】n. (=scepticism) 怀疑态度
【例】His ideas were met with skepticism.
【近】doubt, agnosticism
excavation /ˌekskəˈveɪʃn/
【释】n. 挖掘,开凿 (digging)
【例】the excavation of a grave
literal /ˈlɪtərəl/
【释】adj. 字面上的 (being the basic or usual meaning of a word or phrase)
【例】I am not referring to “small” people in the literal sense of the word.
【释】adj. 完完全全的 (without doubt)
【例】He was saying no more than the literal truth.
【近】factual, objective
supplementary /ˌsʌplɪˈmentri/
【释】adj. 补充的,额外的 (completing or enhancing something)
【例】A supplementary reading list is attached.
asylum /əˈsaɪləm/
【释】n. 避难;庇护
【例】to grant/seek asylum
【近】refuge, shelter
【释】n. 精神病院;收容所,救济院
【例】He was confined to an asylum.
【近】psychiatric hospital, sanctuary
acclaim /əˈkleɪm/
【释】n./v. 称赞 (enthusiastic and public praise)
【例】The film met with considerable critical and public acclaim.
【近】praise, applaud, cheer
【反】criticize, criticism
discrepancy /dɪsˈkrepənsi/
【释】n. 差异 (lack of compatibility or similarity)
【例】There’s a big discrepancy between your account and his.
【近】difference, variation
charitable /ˈtʃærətəbl/
【释】adj. 慈善的 (of or relating to the assistance of those in need)
【例】charitable work for the handicapped
【近】humanitarian, hearted
【释】adj. 宽容的,体谅的 (kind or understanding towards)
【例】They were rather less than charitable towards the referee.
caravan /ˈkærəvæn/
【释】n. 大篷车;旅行队 (a group of people or vehicles who travel together)
【例】Police said the thieves forced the doors of the locked caravan and opened sealed bags.
ascend /əˈsend/
【释】v. 攀登;升高 (go up or climb)
【例】They began slowly ascending the rock face.
【近】climb, rise up, mount
【形】ascending, ascent
despise /dɪˈspaɪz/
【释】v. 鄙视,轻视 (feel contempt and have no respect for someone or something)
【例】I despised him for the way he treated his children.
【近】detest, hate, scorn
intercept /ˌɪntərˈsept/
【释】v./n. 拦截
【例】A nearby Coast Guard cutter was able to intercept the gunrunners before they reached the harbor.
【近】stop, cut off
【释】n. 窃听
【例】Intelligence agencies intercepted a series of telephone calls.
console /kənˈsoʊl/
【释】v. 安慰 (comfort someone at a time of grief or disappointment)
【例】Brenton was crying and she could do nothing to console him.
【近】comfort, sympathize
linkage /ˈlɪŋkɪdʒ/
【释】n. 联系
【例】There is no proof of linkage to a terrorist organization.
demise /dɪˈmaɪz/
【释】n. 死亡 (a person’s death)
【例】her tragic demise
【释】n. 终止;失败
【例】the demise of the Ottoman empire
【近】end, fall
badge /bædʒ/
【释】n./v. (授予)徽章 (a distinctive emblem worn as a mark of)
【例】The workers here must be badged.
paralyze /ˈpærəlaɪz/
【释】n. (=paralise) 使瘫痪,麻痹
【例】Both of his legs were paralyzed.
【近】disable, immobilize
abide /əˈbaɪd/
【释】v. 忍受,容忍
【例】She can’t abide his rudeness.
【释】v. 遵守 (accept or act in accordance with)
【例】You have to abide by the rules of the club.
【近】comply with, obey, observe, follow
【释】v. 停留,逗留 (stay temporarily)
【例】They abide in a remote village.
sensor /ˈsensər/
【释】n. 传感器
upbringing /ˈʌpbrɪŋɪŋ/
【释】n. 教养;养育;抚育
【例】Martin’s upbringing shaped his whole life.
【近】education, instruction
speculative /ˈspekjələtɪv/
【释】adj. 推测的 (based on conjecture)
【例】The papers ran speculative stories about the mysterious disappearance of Eddie Donagan.
【近】conjectural, suppositional, risky
【释】adj. 投机性的
liaison /liˈeɪzɑːn/
【释】n. 联络;联络员
【例】Dave was my liaison with the district manager.
【释】n. 私通
【例】a secret liaison
gloomy /ˈɡluːmi/
【释】adj. 阴暗的 (dark or poorly lit)
【例】a gloomy corridor
【释】adj. 令人悲伤的 (feeling distressed or pessimistic)
【例】gloomy forecasts about the economy
【近】despondent, pessimistic
segregate /ˈseɡrɪɡeɪt/
【释】v. 使…分开,使孤立 (set apart from the rest or from each other)
【例】They segregate you from the rest of the community.
【近】separate, isolate
insane /ɪnˈseɪn/
【释】adj. 精神失常的 (mentally ill)
【例】She was declared insane.
【近】mentally disordered
【释】adj. 愚蠢的 (foolish)
【例】She had an insane desire to pry.
【释】adj. 疯狂的,发怒的 (angry, distracted)
【例】The noise next door was driving us insane.
eccentric /ɪkˈsentrɪk/
【释】adj. 古怪的 (strange and unusual)
【例】She’s regarded as being rather eccentric.
【近】unconventional, abnormal, odd, queer, strange, peculiar, weird
daunt /dɔːnt/
【释】v. 使畏惧 (lessen the courage or resolution of)
【例】I admit I’m daunted by the job, but I’m going to try my best.
【近】discourage, deter, dishearten, intimidate
relish /ˈrelɪʃ/
【释】n. 喜爱;享受 (great enjoyment)
【近】delight, pleasure, rapture
【释】v. 期待,盼望
【例】She obviously relishes the opportunity of campaigning against her old rival.
sob /sɑːb/
【释】v. 啜泣 (cry noisily, making loud, convulsive gasps)
【例】I could hear her sobbing.
【近】weep, cry
intuition /ˌɪntuˈɪʃn/
【释】n. 直觉
【例】He works according to intuition.
【近】instinct, hunch
glamorous /ˈɡlæmərəs/
【释】adj. 富有魅力的 (having glamour)
【例】a glamorous evening dress
【近】beautiful, attractive, thrilling, exciting
larva /ˈlɑːrvə/
【释】n. 幼虫
dire /ˈdaɪər/
【释】adj. 严峻的;可怕的
【例】He was in dire need of hospital treatment.
【近】terrible, dreadful, frightful
mortar /ˈmɔːrtər/
【释】n. 迫击炮
【释】n. 砂浆;胶泥
【释】n. 钵;臼
nuance /ˈnuːɑːns/
【释】n. 细微差别 (a small difference in sound, feeling, appearance, or meaning)
【例】We can use our eyes and facial expressions to communicate virtually every subtle nuance of emotion there is.
【近】subtle difference
bald /bɔːld/
【释】adj. 秃头的;裸露的 (without any of the usual hair, marks, etc. covering the skin or surface of something)
【例】a bald spot on the top of his head
【近】stark, bare, naked
【释】adj. 直白的 (without any extra explanation or detail)
【例】The bald truth is that we don’t need you any longer.
canopy /ˈkænəpi/
【释】n. 树冠,华盖 (a covering that serves as a roof or shelter)
【例】The trees formed such a dense canopy that all beneath was a deep carpet of pine needles.
reiterate /riˈɪtəreɪt/
【释】v. 重申 (say something again or a number of times)
【例】He reiterated his concerns.
【近】repeat, retell
exclaim /ɪkˈskleɪm/
【释】v. 呼喊 (say something suddenly and loudly)
【例】“Wow!” Bill exclaimed. “You look beautiful!”
【近】cry out, declare, shout
preoccupy /priˈɑːkjupaɪ/
【释】v. 使入神,使全神贯注
【例】Crime and the fear of crime preoccupy the community.
【用】be preoccupied with... 对…全神贯注
petty /ˈpeti/
【释】adj. 琐碎的;次要的 (not important and not worth worrying about)
【例】I’m not interested in their petty squabbles.
【近】trivial, minor, unimportant, insignificant, negligible
【反】important, serious
convene /kənˈviːn/
【释】v. 召开;开会
【例】He convened a secret meeting.
【近】summon, assemble
remnant /ˈremnənt/
【释】n. 剩余部分 (a small part or portion that remains after the main part no longer exists)
【例】Beneath the present church were remnants of Roman flooring.
【近】remainder, residue
rehearse /rɪˈhɜːrs/
【释】v. 排练;预演
【例】Tens of thousands of people have been rehearsing for the opening ceremony in the new stadium.
【近】prepare, practice, drill
affluent /ˈæfluənt/
【释】adj. 富裕的 (having a great deal of money)
【例】the affluent neighborhoods of Malibu
【近】wealthy, rich