- 英语口语,自己学:英语口语常用短语和表达方式
- 顾南华
- 1554字
- 2020-08-26 13:27:49
Lesson Nine
Key phrases & Expressions 关键短语和表达方式:
care about 在乎,在意,关心
care for 喜欢,照看,照料病人,保养
would you care for...? 你是否要某物?要不要来点……
carry out 实行,执行,进行某事
cautious about 小心的,谨慎的,慎重的
You're experienced in shopping on line,but can you tell me what I should care about?
——Although shopping on line is easy,some steps are in need of attention.Choose a good website,Check the goods before you make the payment.And you should be careful if you present your personal information.
Unfortunately,I cannot save all the species from dying out.I can only save a robin.
——Don't worry about it.I'm sure there are a lot of people out there who care about all kinds of species.
If I got a scholarship,I will buy a heater for my mother to use in winter.
——Oh,you're so boring?You know parents never care about things like that.If you buy it,they will think you're just wasting your money.
Would you care for some pepper?
——No,thank you.I think this soup is hot enough.My mouth is quite on fire.
May I make a recommendation,sir?The clams with our special sauce are pretty good.They're fresh from the ocean.
——Thank you.But I don't care for shellfish.I prefer steamed fish.
The company is selecting three employees to attend the marketing seminar next month.Did you put your name in for it?
——No,I don't really care too much for seminars.I find them to be either boring or useless.I mean,how much can you really learn in one afternoon?
Have you ever put one of these together before?
——No,never.But I think if we carry out these instructions exactly,we won't have any trouble.
Do you Americans carry out a birth control policy?Can Americans have as many children as they want?
——Yes,we can have as many as we want,but most people decide to have only one or two.And some people even decide not to have.
Now,what kind of policy did the government introduce to help the small enterprises?
——The government has carried out assistance programs,and provided funds to support them.
Take your cash,ATM card and receipt away before leaving the ATM!
——Yeah.I've been cautious about using the ATM all the time.
Complaint system exists on eBay though,there are much complaint that the advice was not done.
——Then I have to be cautious about it.I'll buy a high grade one here if things are cheaper than in the real shops.
That's certainly correct but we may need to be little cautious about how we present that technology to our customers.
——Very true.The originality of our technology has been thoroughly proven in terms of reliability,dependability and efficiency.
Notes to the text 课文注释:
in need of attention需要谨慎小心;I can not save all the species from dying out我无法防止所有的物种灭绝;robin知更鸟;boring没有创意,好烦人;to waste money浪费钱;pepper胡椒粉;recommendation推荐;clam蚌,蛤蜊;they're fresh from the ocean它们刚从海里捕捞的;fresh新鲜的;market seminar市场销售研讨会;to put name in报名;instruction指引,操作指南;birth control policy计划生育政策;small enterprise小企业;assistant program援助计划;to provide funds提供资金;complaint system投诉系统;eBay易趣网;there are much complaint that the advice was not done有很多投诉未被受理的抱怨;I'll buy a high grade one here if things are cheaper than in the real shop如果东西比实体商店便宜很多,我就买高档一点的东西;high grade高档的;real shop实体商店;how we present that technology to our customers?如何向客户推荐这种技术呢?;to present展现,出席(present=gift礼品);originality of our technology to be proven in terms of reliability,dependability and efficiency我们技术的独创性在其安全可靠和高效方面得到了证实;originality(original原来的)独创性;to prove证实;Reliability(reliable可靠的)可靠性;dependability(dependable可信赖的)可信赖;efficiency(efficient效率高的)高效
Practice 练习
Oral Translation 口头汉译英:
卡洛尔每个月发工资的那一天(pay day),他都要给父母寄一份礼物。自从他开始工作以来,他几乎买遍了他能想到的(could have imagined)所有礼物。昨天他来找我,要我帮他想出一份新的礼物。我告诉他,你知道,你的父母並不会在意你为他们买多少件礼物。他们在意的是,他们的子女(sons and daughters)能经常回家,能抽出时间跟他们聊聊家常(to chat daily life),陪他们度过(to spend)快乐的一天。
在美国和欧洲都不执行(to carry out)计划生育政策。他们的家庭想生多少个孩子都可以。但是,美国和欧洲的出生率(birth rate)依然每年在下降(to drop),因为很多家庭只要一个或两个孩子,有的家庭决定不要孩子。这些没孩子的家庭被称为丁克(DINK)家庭,意思是双收入(double incomes)、无子女。许多国家为有孩子的家庭发放津贴(to issue allowances),有些国家甚至要对DINK家庭征收额外的税(to impose an extra tax)。
Paragraphs Recitation 背诵英语口语短文:
Many Chinese have two names:one infant name(乳名)and one formal(正式的)name.As is easy to guess from the wording,infant names are very informal and used among the family members.Chinese use infant names for different reasons and usually they don't care much about how to get them.Chinese are much more serious about(很认真)formal names which are used officially(正式地)from birth to death.Among many factors(因素)in choosing a Chinese baby name,the date of birth,the genealogy(家谱),the baby name meaning,and the gender(性别)are considered most important.
Scientists believe they can change the gene structure(基因结构)of organisms(有机体,生物体)to provide characteristics(特性)enhancing(増强)its value.Much of this research work has been carried out on plants and animals.In the case of plants,the aim of the research has been to increase crop yields(农作物的收成)while making the plants more resistant(抵抗力)to diseases.In the case of animals,it has improved breeding(繁殖的)characteristics to provide healthier,stronger and better producing species(种群).Medical research uses genetics(遗传基因)to study disease and find ways of defeating(抵抗)their harmful effects.