- 英语口语,自己学:英语口语常用短语和表达方式
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- 2020-08-26 13:27:49
Lesson Six
Key phrases & Expressions 关键短语和表达方式:
be my guest 请吧(口语中礼貌地同意别人的请求),邀请作客
be sure(to do)一定要做,务必做到
bear(keep)in mind 记住某事,牢记在心
beat around(about)bush(说话)转弯抹角,旁敲侧击,卖关子
Well,I can drive that loader.I have a Class Two rating.
——Be my guest.All right,we're a team,and there's nothing to worry about.We come here to conquer.Is that understood?
Could I borrow the book?I've been wanting to read it.
——Be my guest,but I warn you,it's not as good as they say.
I heard you're getting married.Congratulations!
——Thank you.Will you be my guest?
Do we need to ship stuff?I mean,can't we just take it on the flight with us?Check it in?
——If you want to pay a fortune in excess weight charges,be my guest!There are plenty of agents there who ship stuff to China.
How long will it take to get the money back from the insurance?
——Usually they'll send it within a couple of weeks after you submit the receipt.Be sure to keep a copy of the receipt I give you when you send the original to the insurance company.
I saw the auto water boiler at the end of the car,can we get the water ourselves?
——Yes,sir.When I'm not available,you can help yourselves there.But be sure not to throw the leftovers there.
Paul,do not accept assistance from anyone while using the ATM!
——Yes,I got it.And be sure to take my receipt with me or shred it before discarding.Am I alright?
Do you mind if I look at your notes you wrote down in class this morning.
——Yeah,be my guest.But be sure to return my notebook to me before Friday.
But you also need to know,we drive along the right in our country.It's my first time to drive in UK after obtaining the license.
——Yes,we should bear that in mind.You are a green hand in driving.Remember,safety comes first!
As you write it you need to bear in mind three basic questions.They
Are:What do you hope to accomplish?Why do you want to do it?And how are you going to do it?I can't make it simpler than that.
——No,no,that's really helpful indeed,thanks.
I thought Mr Chou presented himself quite well,bearing in mind;it's a rather daunting experience fronting up to an interview panel.
——There were a few areas which didn't greatly impress me,but,as you say,may be we should make some allowance for nerves.
Sometimes,it's wise to be direct with people.Come on,just tell me.Don't beat about the bush,please!
——Well,since you'd like an honest answer,I'll tell you the truth.
Oh,Dad,I promised to focus on my studies rather than games.But Dad,I have been performing well in my studies.You can't deny this.Besides,Dad,playing games do encourage me to work harder on my studies.
——Playing games makes you work harder?Where does that come from?Tommy,stop beating the bush!You have to finish your homework first before I allow you to play games on line.
Well,we were asked to bring our food for dinner together and someone volunteered to contribute an eggplant dish prepared in the Chinese way.Had any memory now?
——Stop beating around the bush.What do you want to say?
Notes to the text 课文注释:
loader载重汽车;Class Two Rating二级驾照;team团队;to conquer占领,征服;to warn提醒,警告;to ship stuff货运东西;can't we just take it on the flight with us?能不能随身携带登机;To check in办理登机,托运;if you want to pay a fortune in excess weight charges,be my guest!如果你愿意付一大笔超重费的话,随你便!;excess weight charges超重费;to pay a fortune付一大笔钱;insurance保险公司;to submit the receipt提交收据;to keep the copy of the receipt保留收据的复印件;the original原件;auto water boiler自动煮水(饮水)机;available有空的,可找到的;not to throw the leftovers there别把剩菜饭随地丢;To accept assistance接受协助;to shred it before discarding丢弃前先撕;to shred(shredder碎纸机)撕碎;to discard丟弃;to drive along the right in our country在我们的国家可是靠(路的)右边行驶的;to obtain the license取得驾照;green hand新手;safety comes first安全第一;to accomplish(to achieve)完成;I can't make it simpler than that我没法说的更简单了;to present oneself quite well很好地表现自己;to present展示,提交;it's a rather daunting experience这是一次很令人却步的经历;daunting令人却步的;to front up to an interview panel面对一组考官(面试小租);to front up to面对,直面;to make some allowance for nerves对他们的紧张表示一点宽容;to make allowance谅解,体谅;to be direct with people直接一点,照直说;direct直接的;honest answer明确的答复;to focus on专注,着重于;to perform well表现不错;to deny否认;to encourage鼓励;where does that come form?这是哪里弄出来的说法;to volunteer to contribute an eggpland dish(有人)主动贡献一份烧茄子;to volunteer主动;to contribute贡献;prepared in Chinese way用中餐的烧法;had any memory now?现在记起来了吗?
Practice 练习
Oral Translation 口头汉译英:
如果你是个外国学生,你可以在英国申请健康保险(health insurance)。你需要出示(to show)你的体检单(physical examination)、护照和录取证明(university offer)。你只需要申请一般的(general)健康保险,这种保险一般是一年30英镑。在这段时间内(within),如果你要支付医疗费用(medical treatment),你可以申请报销(to claim your payment)。但是,英国有医疗津贴(allowance),如果外国全日制(full-time)学生在英国学习6个月后,都可以申请医疗津贴。如果你不清楚(to be aware of)这种津贴,一定要(be sure to)向学生会求助。
我们的前(former,ex-)部门经理(department manager)很健谈,每次开会他都可以滔滔不绝地讲上3小时。他讲的东西都是转弯抺角,讲不到点子上(not to the point)。所有参加会议的同事都会打瞌睡(to doze off)。好在来了一位新老板,这位老板的讲话(speech)简短又清楚,他不喜欢做长报告。当我们在会上做销售汇报时(sales report),他时常劝告我们不要转弯抺角,不要浪费时间(to waste the time)。他总是说,“作报告之前先写出提纲(outline),这样的报告才会简短又清楚”。
Paragraphs Recitation 背诵英语口语短文:
Many British people are usually embarrassed(难堪,尴尬)and ill-at-ease(紧张,不自在)in social situations(公众场合),and do not know whether to shake hands,kiss or hug(拥抱).Do not be worried if you find yourself in a situation where you are a bit confused(困惑).There are,however,certain rules that you should bear in mind(记牢)and which you should always follow.For instance,you should always say“ sorry”if you bump into(撞到)people,you should always say“please”and“thank you”,you should never jump a queue(插队),you should never ask personal questions,you should never spit(吐口水),burp(打嗝)or make hacking(干咳)noises in public.
My parents told me not to marry a man who doesn't own a house.I am not sure about this.You know it is a competitive(竞争的)society.I understand that everyone has so much to undertake(承担).A house is not so necessary now for me.We can't afford to buy a house even after we get married for a few years.But that doesn't mean we wouldn't enjoy happiness.Buying a house is going to be more expensive than you think it will.If you don't have a steady(稳定的)income,chances are that you won't be approved for a mortgage(抵押).It is important that every preparation is taken before you make the decision.