- 高职交际英语综合教程
- 刘励
- 685字
- 2020-06-24 17:00:51
Part Seven Test Yourself

Task 1 Fill in the blanks with the given words.
A. follow
B. famous
C. cultural
D. support
E. festivals
F. creativity
G. associations
H. international
I. color
J. satisfy
The students of Peking University enjoy a rich and vibrant campus life. Peking University has been 1 for its student activities ever since the time of its foundation. Enjoying the full 2 from the university, students are encouraged to experience 3 campus life.There are more than two hundred student-organized 4 , and a range of student activities running year-round, which 5 the different demands of local as well as 6 students. Through these activities, students cultivate their mutual friendship, 7 , and leadership. Every year, there are several carefully designed 8 and activities, which are regarded as main campus events. Some of them are annual, such as New Year's Eve Celebration, or the International 9 Festival. Others may be the result of the university encouraging students to 10 current trends or explore new activities; the Singing Competition for Foreign Students is one such new event.
Task 2 Watch the video clip and decide whether the following statements are TURE of FALSE.
( ) 1. We form friendships when we grow up.
( ) 2. Our friendships make our lives better in many ways.
( ) 3. Many people think going away to college is a necessary thing in life in America.
( ) 4. Most college students say they make friends quite quickly when they start at university.
( ) 5. Most college students feel lonely during their first few weeks of the first year.
Task 3 Watch the clip again and fill in the blanks.
From the time we're 1 we form friendships in the neighborhood and in elementary school. In 2 , friendships enrich our lives and help us through hard times. Friendships are a source of 3 , creative inspiration, insight, and the joy of sharing.
In the United States, 4 to college is a rite of passage. For many it's painful to leave old friends behind. Most college students say that their 5 of freshman year felt very lonely. Those who successfully made new friends reported that they had to 6 it. Many said that it took as long as 7 months.
Task 4 Put the following proverbs and quotations into Chinese.

1.There is no royal road to learning.
2.Where there's a will, there's a way.
3.The more we study, the more we discover our ignorance. —Shelley, British writer
4.If you think your teacher is tough, wait till you get a boss. He doesn't have tenure. —Bill Gates
5.College is like a fountain of knowledge and the students are there to drink.
6.The principal mark of genius is not perfection but originality.
7.Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.
8.The secret of education is to respect students.
9.The direction in which education starts a man, will determine his future life.
10. Education should not merely have intelligence in mind and it must try to make the educated sharper, more civilized, and more benevolent.
Task 5 The following is part of a registration form. Fill in the form with the information given below in Chinese.