Task 7
Read Passage 1 and then work in pairs to speak out the common expressions given in brackets.
1.The braking system,a part of________(底盘),is actually the most important system in cars.
2.Brakes covert the________(动能)of the vehicle into thermal.
3.The master cylinder converts your foot's mechanical pressure into________(液压).
4.Steel brake hase and flexible brake hoses connect the________(制动主缸)to the slave cylinders located at each wheel.
5.When you press the________(制动踏板),a pushrod connected to the pedal moves the primary piston forward inside the master cylinder.
6.A slave cylinder,also called wheel cylinder,is located inside a drum brake system on each________(后轮)and is usually at the top,above the shoes.
7.That air can compress causes sponginess to the pedal and severely reduced________(制动效果).
8.Exposure to air will cause the fluid to absorb moisture which will lower that________(沸点).
Passage 1

Task 8
Read the passage again and supply the missing words or expressions to complete the following statements in pairs.
1.The braking system is crucial to a vehicle because it can________to stop the car.
2.Just because the master cylinder consists of________,we can still stop the car if one pressure system goes wrong.
3.Quite opposite to the master cylinder,the slave cylinder will change hydraulic pressure into________.
4.________is used to get rid of the dangerous air bubbles mixed with the fluid.
5.Similar to a steel bar,brake fluid can be pushed through pipes because it is unable to________.
6.If the brake fluid is easy to boil,it may result in________which makes it difficult for your car to stop.
7.The fluid should be kept covered because________in the air will lower its boiling temperature.
8.For the sake of its reliability and safety,the brake fluid should be________.
Task 9
Work in groups and discuss the following questions.
1.What's the structure of the braking system?
2.What's the operating principle of the braking system?
3.What's the function of the slave cylinder?
4.What are the specific properties of the brake fluid?
5.Please give some advice about how to properly use the brakes.
Task 10
Work in groups and translate the following sentences into Chinese.
1.The brake fluid is designed to withstand cold temperatures without thickening as well as very high temperatures without boiling.
2.Connected to the brake pedal via a pushrod,it converts non-hydraulic pressure(commonly from a driver's foot)into hydraulic pressure and displaces hydraulic pressure to the rest of the brake system.
3.When brake pressure is applied,the pistons are forced out,pushing the shoes into contact with the drum and causing the friction to slow the car.
4.Most cars use DOT 3 or DOT 4 brake fluid which has a dry boiling point of 401℉(205 ℃)and 446℉(230℃)and a wet boiling point of 284℉(140℃)and 311℉(155 ℃)respectively.
5.It should be noted that brake fluid is highly corrosive to paint,and care should be used not to get it on your car's finish.In addition,the brake fluid requires periodic changes to ensure reliability and safety.
Task 11
Work in pairs to complete the statements with the information from Passage 2.
1.Ideally,the cooling system can avoid the damage to the engine caused by heat by____.
2.The job of water pump is to____.
3.The metal tubes of the radiator are made of such metals as brass or aluminum because they____.
4.____will be reduced if the engine works at a very low temperature during the freezing days.
5.To maintain the correct temperature for the engine,the thermostat can regulate the amounts of passing coolant according to____.
6.If the coolant temperature is lower than the specified temperature,it will directly go back to the engine through____.
7.The boiling point of coolant in the____is increased.
8.Without____,the hoses will break because of too much pressure.
Passage 2

Task 12
Read the passage again and work in pairs to translate the following sentences into Chinese or English.