§3.3 Motion analysis of fluid parcel
3.3.1 Composition of fluid parcel motion
The particle is micelles, micellar motions were decomposited the Helmholtz. Motion of fluid particle may be subj ected to translation, rotation and deformation (including linear deformation and angular deformation).Actually, many movement of fluid was combined with motion translation, rotation and deformation (see Fig.3-10).

Fig.3-10 Motion types of an ideal fluid element
3.3.2 Rotation motion of fluid parcel
It is antisymmetric so its diagonal elements are zero and its off-diagonal elements are equal and opposite.Furthermore, its three independent elements can be put in correspondence with a vector.
Defining O:(u, v), A:(uA, vA)






3.3.3 Rotational flow and irrotational flow
Rotational flow is also called Vortex flow.The fluid particles of rotational flow rotate about its axis, and is independent of motion path.One of the three components (ωx, ωy, ωz)of the rotation is not zero at least.
Rotational flow or irrotational flow depends on whether fluid particles rotate about its axis, and is independent of motion path(see Fig.3-11 a).

Fig.3-11 Rotational flow and irrotational flow
Irrotational flow is also called Potential Flow, in which elements will translate or deform but not rotate, that is, fluid particles will not rotate about its any axes(see Fig. 3-11b).


The flow is irrotational flow, otherwise it is rotational flow.