§3.5 Integration of Euler differential equation

Euler equation in differential form given is used in the situations that the ideal fluid flows along a streamline in steady.The Euler equation are multiplied by dx, dy and dz, and then added:

3.5.1 Integration under steady potential flow, gravity, incompressible condition

1.Bernoulli equation

Because the ideal fluid only have gravity, fx=fy=0, fz=-g, then

Because the ideal fluid is incompressible, then

Because the ideal fluid is potential flow,,then




The Bernoulli equation can be obtained with an integral along a streamline as formula (3-24).

2.The physical meaning of Bernoulli equation

The physical meaning and geometric meaning of Bernoulli equation is shown in Tab.3-1.

Tab.3-1 The physical meaning and geometric meaning of Bernoulli equation

3.5.2 Integration along the stream under steady, gravity, incompressible condition

Integration result in the potential flow only apply to potential flow.Along with a stream line is also available for integration to rotational flow.

Energy equation is

Formula(3-36)and(3-34)are exactly same in formation.However, integration constant are different.