- 常春藤英语 五级·下(常春藤英语系列)
- 聂成军总主编 刘岩主编
- 1200字
- 2020-08-30 03:05:10
Lesson 11 The True Story of Pocahontas (2)
Kelly Reinhart
1、John Smith spoke to the Indians in sign language and a few Indian words.
2、“Great chief, I am a friend. My men and I want to live in peace with you.”
3、Powhatan and his medicine men did not like him.
4、John Smith gave a compass to the great chief. Powhatan looked at it. He turned it around in his hand. Why did the needle always point in the same direction? He tried to touch the needle but a piece of ice was in front of it! The ice wasn’t cold. It didn’t melt! Powhatan thought it was magic. All the Indians of the tribe looked at the compass. They were surprised at the white man’s magic.
5、Pocahontas liked John Smith and his magic, but her father didn’t like him. That afternoon John Smith and his men killed two Indians. Chief Powhatan and his tribe were very angry. Now John Smith must die!
6、Two Indian warriors pushed Captain Smith to the ground. They put his head on a very big stone. Then the Indians picked up another big stone. They wanted to kill John Smith! When Pocahontas saw this, she said, “No, father. Please don’t kill him. He isn’t a bad man.”
7、Powhatan said, “No! He and his men killed two Indians. He must die.”
8、The two Indians were ready to kill Captain Smith. One Indian raised his hand.
9、“No!” said Pocahontas. She jumped forward and put her head above Captain Smith’s head. “Please father, he must not die! Save him!” said Pocahontas.
10、Powhatan looked at his favorite daughter. He immediately told the two Indians to stop. Everyone was surprised at Pocahontas’ courage. Pocahontas saved John Smith’s life.
11、After this Pocahontas and John Smith became great friends.
12、John Smith taught her English and she taught him the Indian language. He gave her beautiful beads and trinkets. He told her about London and its enormous buildings. Pocahontas listened to Smith’s stories.
13、“The King of England is called King James I. He lives in a beautiful palace in London,” said John Smith.
14、“Is he your chief?” asked Pocahontas. “Yes, he’s our leader,” said John Smith.
15、“What do the English ladies wear?” asked Pocahontas.
16、“They wear long, colorful dresses, shoes and hats. They also wear jewels.”
17、“Are the English ladies beautiful?” Pocahontas asked.
18、“Some are beautiful and some aren’t!” said John Smith.
19、Pocahontas laughed and listened. She dreamed about London.
20、The hot summer passed and the cool autumn arrived. The Jamestown settlers had little food to eat. Many settlers were ill and weak. They needed help.
21、When winter arrived, there was no food. Pocahontas helped the Jamestown settlers. She asked her father for corn, meat and other food. Pocahontas and other Indians brought the food to Jamestown in big baskets. The courageous Indian princess helped the settlers to survive during the cold winter.
22、Ships came to Jamestown from England. Powhatan was not happy about this. More white men came to the New World. Powhatan was afraid of them. He was afraid of the future.
23、One winter day Powhatan sent an Indian messenger to Jamestown. He had a message for Captain Smith. “My chief Powhatan wants to speak to you. Follow me.” John Smith followed the messenger to Powhatan’s village.
24、Powhatan was in his longhouse. John Smith sat next to him. “We have no more food to give to your people. You must all leave this land now.” said Powhatan.
25、“Why must we leave?” asked John Smith.
26、The two men talked for a long time. At midnight Powhatan said, “It is very late. You can sleep in the small cabin near the river.”
27、Captain Smith accepted the invitation. He went to sleep in the small cabin. During the night, John Smith heard someone at the door. He got up, opened the door and saw Pocahontas. “What a surprise to see you, Pocahontas! Please come in!”
28、“Oh, Captain Smith, your life is in danger. My father and the medicine men want to kill you tonight! They don’t want white people to stay here. You must run away now.”
29、“Dear princess, you are saving my life again. How can I thank you? What can I give you?” asked Captain Smith.
30、“Run away now! Save yourself!” Pocahontas touched his hand and ran away.
31、John Smith ran out of the cabin. He walked to Jamestown in the middle of the night. When he arrived in Jamestown, he told the settlers that Pocahontas saved his life again. After this adventure, Captain Smith returned to England.
(807 words)
Ⅰ. How well did you read?
1. [Give the reason] Why did the Indians want to kill Captain Smith?
A. Because John Smith and his men killed Indians.
B. Because John Smith fell in love with Pocahontas.
C. Because the Indians wanted to get the compass.
2. [Check the details] How did Pocahontas help the Jamestown settlers?
A. She gave them some baskets.
B. She helped them by asking her father for corn, meat and other food.
C. She helped them by sending them messages.
3. [Draw a conclusion] From the 4th paragraph, we can learn that ______.
A. the Indians like magic
B. the ice on the compass is magic C. the Indians had never seen the glass on the compass before
Ⅱ. Read for words.
1. Choose one best paraphrase or Chinese meaning for the underlined words.
(1) The courageous Indian princess helped the settlers to survive during the cold winter. (Para. 21, Line 3)
A. brave, full of courage
B. helpful
C. encouraging
(2) After this adventure, Captain Smith returned to England. (Para. 31, Line 3)
A. 冒险经历 B. 逃跑 C. 活动
2. Choose one best paraphrase or Chinese meaning for the underlined expressions.
(1) Then the Indians picked up another big stone (Para. 6, Line 2)
A. 支起,架起 B. 挑出 C. 捡起,拾起
(2) Captain Smith, your life is in danger. My father and the medicine men want to kill you tonight! (Para. 28, Line 1)
A. not dangerous B. not safe C. ill
Ⅲ. Writing practice.
1. Princess Pocahontas saved John Smith twice. Do you think it’s a betrayal (背叛) to her own people? Give your reasons.
2. Captain Smith returned to England at the end of this chapter. Would he return to the New World? Why?