- 四级高频率必考词汇:放口袋
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- 2021-04-01 23:20:41
Day 5 低频词
replacement [rɪˈpleɪsmənt] n. ①更换 ②替代者,替代品,替换物
拆分 re(又,重新)+ place(放置)+ ment(名词后缀)→代替,更换;替代的人或物
例句 Those tyres are badly in need of replacement.
翻译 It will be difficult to find a replacement for Mary(找到接替玛丽的人), so you’d better give her another chance.
同义替换 ②substitute
representative [reprɪˈzentətɪv] adj.有代表性的,典型的n.①代表②代理人
拆分 represent(代表)+ ative(形容词,名词后缀)→代表;有代表性的
例句 These comments from a customer service representative show how an inclusive attitude can improve sales.
衍生 representation n. 表现;代表
翻译 representative of all the students(代表全体学生)
同义替换 adj. typical; characteristic
reproduce [riːprəˈdjuːs] v. ①复制,再现 ②繁殖,生殖
拆分 re(重复)+ produce [pro(向前)+ duce(引导,带来)→向前引出→生产]→复制,繁殖
例句 It would make sense to give the fish enough time to recover, grow to full sizes and reproduce, then catch them in a way that doesn’t kill other innocent sea life.
衍生 reproduction n. 复制品;复制;繁殖,生殖
翻译 for the right to reproduce the painting
同义替换 ①copy ②generate; breed
resist [rɪˈzɪst] v. ①抵抗,反抗 ②抵制,阻挡③忍住,抵挡
拆分 re(反)+ sist(stand,站立)→站在相反的立场→反抗
例句 One cannot help being old, but one can resist being aged. 一个人无法不变老,但是他可以抵制衰老。
衍生 resistance n. 反抗,抵制;抵抗力,抵抗性;电阻
翻译 could never resist the temptation to get richer
同义替换 ①oppose; fight ③hit back
rigid [ˈrɪdʒɪd] adj. ①严格的,死板的 ②坚硬的,僵直的
例句 No government will adopt rigid restrictions on economic growth and personal freedom(limits on electricity usage, driving and travel)that might cut back global warming. 没有哪个政府会对经济增长和个人自由(限制电力的使用、驾驶和旅游)采取严格的限制令,虽然这样的限制可以缓解全球变暖。
翻译 obey the school’s rigid rules
同义替换 ①strict ②stiff; unbending
route [ruːt] n. ①(尤指地图上显示的)路线 ②(车辆常行驶的)路线 ③途径,渠道 ④公路
例句 Route 128 outside Boston has long housed companies spun off from MIT and Harvard. 波士顿著名的128号公路两侧布满了麻省理工学院和哈佛大学的公司。
翻译 which route we should take(应该走哪条路)
同义替换 ①way ②road ③way; method
routine [ruːˈtiːn] adj. 例行的,常规的n. ①常规,正常顺序 ②生活乏味,无聊
例句 John’s departure had upset their daily routine.
翻译 It’s just a routine medical examination(只是例行的体检), nothing to get worried about.
同义替换 adj. daily; everyday
senior [ˈsiːniə(r)] adj. ①资格较老的,地位较高的②年长的,高年级的 n. ①较年长者 ②(中学或大学的)毕业班学生,上级,长辈,高年级生
例句 Leng Xiwu, a senior engineer in Beijing, was surprised at McDonald’s increasing its prices. 北京的一位高级工程师冷昔伍对于麦当劳提价之举感到十分惊讶。
翻译 I am a senior student.(我是一名大四学生。)
同义替换 adj. ②older; elder
series [ˈsɪəriːz] n. ①一系列,连续 ②(电视)系列片
例句 Privacy economist Alessandro has run a series of tests that reveal people will surrender personal information like Social Security numbers just to get their hands on a pitiful 50-cents-off coupon(优惠券).
隐私经济学家亚历山德罗进行了一系列的测试,表明人们会为了微不足道的便宜50 美分的优惠券透露像社保卡号这样的个人信息。
翻译 a whole series of accidents(一连串的事故)
site [saɪt] n. ①场所,地点 ②建筑用地,工地 v.使坐落在,把……建于
例句 If you want to see the site of the Battle of Waterloo,you can visit Belgium. 如果你想看滑铁卢战役的遗址,你可以去比利时参观。
翻译 is to be sited in the center of the city(将建在城市中心)
同义替换 n. ①location; place; spot v. be placed
solar [ˈsəʊlə(r)] adj. ①太阳的 ②太阳能的

例句 But scientists now think that life could be even nearer in our own solar system.
翻译 Solar energy has been widely used.
somehow [ˈsʌmhaʊ] adv. ①以某种方式,用某种方法②不知怎么地
翻译 Somehow, for every answer new questions spring up.
同义替换 ①someway; someways; in some way; in some manner; one way or another②for some unspecified reason; puzzlingly
specialize [ˈspeʃəlaɪz] v. 专门从事,专攻,专门研究
拆分 special(专门的)+ ize(动词后缀)→专门从事,专攻
例句 He run a factory to specialize in components of industrial sewing machine with the money through mending shoes. 他用自己外出补鞋赚的钱在家乡办了一家工厂,专门生产工业缝纫机的零件。
衍生 specialist n. 专科医生;专家
翻译 determined to specialize in law(决定专攻法律)
status [ˈsteɪtəs] n. ①地位,身份 ②(进展的)情形,状况
例句 Today, we celebrate our regained status as a sovereign and independent nation. 今天,我们为重新取得了主权和独立国家的地位而欢欣鼓舞。
翻译 has a great status in the community

同义替换 ①rank; position ②situation
strain [streɪn] n. ①拉紧,绷紧 ②过劳,极度紧张③张力 ④扭伤,拉伤 ⑤旋律,曲调 ⑥品种,品系,家系⑦气质,个性特点 v. ①扭伤,拉伤 ②用尽全力,竭力使紧张 ③拉紧,绷紧
例句 Mother’s illness has put a strain on the whole family.
衍生 strained adj. 紧张的;疲惫的
翻译 You will strain your eyes.(你会伤到眼睛的。)
style [staɪl] n. ①风格,作风 ②设计,款式 ③文体,文风
例句 Examples of factual writing include notes on a book jacket or album cover and longer pieces, such as an article describing a style of music which you might read in a music appreciation course.
翻译 I don’t think going shopping with your wife is for you — watching NBA games is more your style(看NBA更像你的风格).
同义替换 ①mode②design; fashion
submit [səbˈmɪt] v.①屈服,听从,顺从,投降 ②呈送,提交 ③主张,建议
拆分 sub(下面)+ mit(send,送,放出)→送下去(由下面送出来)→屈服(提交)
例句 Applying for artistic merit scholarships usually requires that students submit a portfolio(作品).
翻译 All applications must be submitted by Monday(所有申请必须在周一前提交), or you will lose this chance.
同义替换 ①yield ②present ③suggest; propose; advise
suitable [ˈs(j)uːtəbl] adj. 适当的,适宜的,恰当的
拆分 suit(合适)+ able(……的)→适宜的,恰当的
例句 As for me, I consider the union with Miss Danglars a most suitable one. She will enrich you, and you will ennoble her. 依我看,和唐格拉尔小姐结合最合适不过了,她可以让您富有,而您可以让她高贵。
翻译 is not suitable for a large family
同义替换 proper; appropriate
summarize [ˈsʌməraɪz] v. 总结,概述
拆分 summar(summary,摘要)+ ize(动词后缀)→总结,概述
例句 These two files summarize the main reasons that led me to my final decision. 这两份文件对我做此最终决定的主要原因进行了总结。
衍生 summary adj. 简易的;扼要的 n. 摘要,概要
翻译 Summarize the main idea of the whole story.
同义替换 sum up; outline
superior [suːˈpɪəriə(r)] adj. ①上级的,(在职位、地位等方面)较高的 ②较好的,优于……的 ③质量上乘的 n. 上级,长官
拆分 super(超级的)+ ior→上级的;较好的;卓越的;上级
例句 “We still believe in rewarding superior achievements and know that these top students truly value the scholarship,” says Scott Friedhoff, Allegheny’s vice president for enrollment.
翻译 is superior to the one we went to last week
同义替换 adj.②better n. higher-up
surge [sɜːdʒ] v. ①(人群等)蜂拥而出 ②(感情等)洋溢,奔放,(波涛等)汹涌 n.(感情等的)洋溢,奔放,急剧上升
例句 In the wake of September 11, changes in the visa process caused a dramatic decline in the number of foreign students seeking admission to US universities,and a corresponding surge in enrollments in Australia,Singapore and the UK.
翻译 The crowd surge through the gates.
suspect adj. [ˈsʌspekt]可疑的n.[ˈsʌspekt]嫌疑犯,可疑分子 v. [səˈspekt]怀疑,推测,不信任
拆分 su(sus,下面)+ spect(看)→在下面看→怀疑
例句 I suspect that it’s only certain sectors of the population doing the running to the school — better–educated parents are probably more likely to be too involved.
衍生 suspicion n. 怀疑,涉嫌;一点,少量
翻译 Two suspects were arrested.(两个嫌疑犯被逮捕。)
同义替换 adj. doubtful; questionable v. distrust; doubt
symptom [ˈsɪmptəm] n. ①症状 ②(严重问题存在的)征兆
例句 Symptoms include headaches and vomiting.
翻译 can be considered a symptom of political instability
同义替换 ②sign; evidence
transform [trænsˈfɔːm] v. 使改变,使转化
拆分 trans(变换)+ form(形状)→变形
例句 In the last 20 years, Korea has been transformed into an advanced industrial power.在过去的20年里,韩国已经变成一个先进的工业强国。
衍生 transformable adj. 可变形的,可变化的 transformation n.(外观或性质的)改变
翻译 transform your hair and make up
同义替换 change; convert
transmission [trænzˈmɪʃn] n. ①(电子信号、信息等)的发送,播送 ②(电视、电台的)播送节目 ③(汽车的)变速器 ④传递,传播
拆分 trans(横过,越过)+ mission (任务)→发送出去→传播

例句 We apologize for the break in transmission earlier in the programme.
翻译 The first transmission attracted lots of people.
同义替换 ④spread
tremendous [trəˈmendəs] adj. ①极大的,巨大的 ②极好的,了不起的
拆分 trem(抖动)+ endous→大得让人颤抖的→巨大的
例句 During World War II, a tremendous increase in trucks and new roads were required. 在第二次世界大战期间,对卡车和新公路的需求迅猛增加。
衍生 tremendously adv. 惊人地
翻译 I learned a tremendous amount.(我学了很多东西。)
同义替换 ①enormous; massive; vast; huge ②remarkable
universal [ˌjuːnɪˈvɜːsl] adj. 普遍的,通用的,万能的,全世界的
拆分 univers [uni(单个)+ vers(转)→统一旋转→宇宙] + al(形容词后缀)→宇宙的,普遍的
衍生 universally adv. 普遍地
翻译 won universal support(赢得广泛支持)
同义替换 widespread; general
unlike [ˌʌnˈlaɪk] prep.(表示属性)与……不像,与……不同 adj. 不同的,不相似的
拆分 un(表示否定)+ like(像)→与……不像

例句 Unlike physical energy, which is finite and diminishes with age, emotional energy is unlimited and has nothing to do with genes or upbringing.有限的体能会随年月渐逝,而精神能量则是无限的,它与基因或教养无关。
衍生 unlikely adj. 不可能的
翻译 unlike most teenagers(和大多数青年不一样)
同义替换 adj. different; diverse; dissimilar
unusual [ʌnˈjuːʒuəl] adj. ①不平常的,异常的,少有的 ②与众不同的,独特的
拆分 un(表示否定)+ usual(平常的)→少有的;与众不同的
例句 Dr. Myer’s listeners are not unusual.
衍生 unusually adv. 异乎寻常地;非常
翻译 It is unusual to see snow in May.
同义替换 ① uncommon ②distinct; unique; distinctive; different
upset [ʌpˈset] v. ①使心烦意乱,使苦恼,使不适 ②打乱,搅乱 ③打翻,弄翻 n. ①翻倒,搅乱,不安 ②(肠胃等)不适 adj. ①心烦的,苦恼的,难过的,失望的 ②(肠胃等)不适的
拆分 up(上面)+ set(放置)→倒着放→打翻;打乱;不适
例句 He is pretty upset about it, but what can you do?
翻译 The sudden change of climate will not upset you.
同义替换 v.①annoy; disorder②disorganize③overturn n.① overturn; turnover adj.①annoyed ②troubled;distressful
vivid [ˈvɪvɪd] adj. ①生动的,栩栩如生的 ②(色彩,图案等)鲜艳的,鲜明的
拆分 viv(活,生命)+ id(表状态,形容词后缀)→鲜艳的,生动的
例句 Unable to resist the temptation, many children turn their attention from printed texts to the less challenging, more vivid moving pictures.
衍生 vividly adv. 生动地 vividness n. 逼真,生动
翻译 There is a vivid description of his journey.
同义替换 ①graphic ②bright
whale [weɪl] n. 鲸
翻译 The whale is a large animal.(鲸是一种很大的动物。)
worthy [ˈwɜːði] adj. ①(of)值得的,有价值的 ②可尊敬的
拆分 worth(值得)+ y→值得的
例句 I don’t think I am worthy of such an honorable title.
衍生 worthless adj. 没有价值的,没有用的 worthwhile adj. 值得(做)的
翻译 really worthy of the reputation(果真名不虚传)
同义替换 ①valuable②reputable; admirable
aboard [əˈbɔːd] adv. 在船上,在火车上,在飞机上prep. 在……之上

翻译 The plane which took off from New York at 10 a.m. yesterday crashed killing all 200 people aboard(飞机上200人全部遇难).
同义替换 adv. onboard
accomplish [əˈkʌmplɪʃ] v. 达到(目的),完成(任务),实现(计划、诺言等)
拆分 ac(to)+ compl(看作complete,完成)+ ish→完成
例句 But I’ll accept anxiety as another name for challenge and I believe I can accomplish wonders.
衍生 accomplishment n. 成就;实现;才艺,技能
翻译 not until he had accomplished the task
同义替换 realize; complete; achieve; fulfill; finish; complete
acute [əˈkjuːt] adj. ①严重的,激烈的 ②敏锐的 ③(疾病)急性的 ④尖的,锐的
例句 She still has very acute hearing, though she is eighty years old. 尽管她已经80岁,她的听觉仍然很灵敏。
翻译 an acute analysis of Chinese history
同义替换 ①serious; severe ②smart; quick; sharp; keen ④sharp
advanced [ədˈvɑːnst] adj. 先进的,高级的
拆分 advance(前进)+ d→先进的
例句 Universities are institutions that teach a wide variety of subjects at advanced levels.
衍生 advancement n. 前进,进步,提升
翻译 advanced learners of English(高水平的英语学习者)
同义替换 progressive; high; senior
afford [əˈfɔːd] v. ①买得起,担负得起(……的费用),抽得出(时间)②提供,给予
例句 Studies show merit aid also tends to benefit disproportionately students who could afford to enroll without it. 研究显示学业优异奖学金往往也会使没有它也上得起学的学生大为受益。
衍生 affordable adj. 负担得起的
翻译 We can’t afford to go on vacation.(我们没有钱去度假。)
同义替换 ②provide; supply
annoy [əˈnɔɪ] v. ①烦恼,使生气,打扰 ②骚扰
例句 She sometimes does things on purpose just to annoy me. 她有时存心做些事来使我生气。
衍生 annoying adj. 恼人的,讨厌的 annoyed adj. 恼怒的;烦闷的 annoyance n. 烦恼
翻译 His remarks were beginning to annoy me.
同义替换 ①trouble; bother
annual [ˈænjuəl] adj. 每年的,年度的,一年一次的 n.①年报,年刊,年鉴 ②一年生的植物
例句 After television, the medium attracting the next largest annual ad revenue is newspapers.
衍生 anniversary n. 周年纪念(日)
翻译 You will be asked about your expected annual income.
同义替换 adj. yearly n. ①year book; almanac