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- 2024-11-05 00:18:05
02 2016:巨星陨落之年
David Bowie dies of cancer aged 69
(8 January 1947–10 January 2016)

△Photo credit: Getty images
David Bowie was one of the most influential musicians of his time, constantly re-inventing his persona and sound, from the 1960s hippy of Space Oddity, through Ziggy Stardust and the Thin White Duke to his later incarnation as a soulful rocker.
在他所在的年代里,大卫·鲍伊是最有影响力的音乐人之一,他的形象和曲风都不断地改变,从二十世纪60年代嬉皮士风的《Space Oddity》,到后来他作为抒情摇滚歌手的代表作《Ziggy Stardust》和《Thin White Duke》。
Where before, artists and groups either evolved their musical style and appearance or remained unchanging, David Bowie seemed to be in permanent revolution.
Just as he blazed a trail through the world of rock'n'roll, David Bowie gave financial markets something they had never seen before—pop bonds.
In 1997, the musician, whose death was announced a, sold $55m of “Bowie Bonds”, securities backed by current and future revenues of the 25 albums he recorded before 1990.
Alan Rickman, Harry Potter and Die Hard actor, dies aged 69
(21 February 1946–14 January 2016)

△Photo credit: Getty images
His sonorous, languid voice was his calling card-making even throwaway lines of dialogue sound thought-out and authoritative.
It could also be laced with threat, something he employed to great effect in Die Hard, Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves and the eight Potter films, where he played scheming potions master Severus Snape.
But he could also take on romantic leads, as in Anthony Minghella's 1991 drama Truly, Madly, Deeply and later turned his hand to directing.
但他也演得来爱情片主角,比如Anthony Minghella 1991年的剧情片《Truly, Madly, Deeply》,后来他又尝试亲自导演。
Harper Lee: US author of To Kill a Mockingbird dies aged 89
(April 28, 1926–February 19, 2016)

△Photo credit: Getty images
To Kill a Mockingbird has been in print for more than five decades and few works have been subject to as much critical analysis and interpretation.
It has become a set book in school literature studies and regularly appears on lists of books that are essential reading.
Yet its author refused all requests for interviews and public appearances and there was surprise when, in 2015, it was announced she had previously written a sequel.
Nancy Reagan: Former US First Lady dies aged 94
(July 6, 1921–March 6, 2016)

△Photo credit: Getty images
Like Ronald, she was a former Hollywood performer who made it all the way to the White House.
The Reagans' 52-year marriage was once described as the greatest love affair in the history of the American presidency.
“My life really began when I met my husband,”she once wrote.
Prince, singer and superstar, dies aged 57 at Paisley Park
(June 7, 1958–April 21, 2016)

△Photo credit: Getty images
He was one of the most prolific artists in music, releasing 39 studio albums, including four in the last 18 months.
Last month, publisher Spiegel & Grau announced that it acquired Prince's memoir, set for release in fall of 2017.“We're starting from the beginning from my first memory and hopefully we can go all the way up to the Super Bowl,”Prince said.
3月,出版商Spiegel & Grau宣布他们拿到了Prince回忆录的出版权,预计将在2017年秋天出版。“我们将从我最初回忆的开端开始,希望我们能一直写到超级碗”,Prince说。
It now seems unlikely we will ever get to read those words, from one of rock's most elusive and enigmatic performers.
Boxing legend Muhammad Ali dies at 74
(Jan.17, 1942-June 3, 2016)

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Muhammad Ali was, at his peak, arguably the most famous man on the planet.
His prodigious boxing talent was matched only by a towering self-belief.
“I am the greatest,” he said, and who could doubt a man who won the World Heavyweight Championship three times.
Gene Wilder death: Star of Willy Wonka dies aged 83
(June 11, 1933–August 29, 2016)

△Photo credit: Getty images
His performances combined sentimentality, comedy and suppressed rage, often veering between idiocy and apoplexy.
Films such as Young Frankenstein, Silver Streak and The Producers established him as one of Hollywood's top comedy talents.
《新科学怪人》、《Silver Streak》、《金牌制作人》等电影让他成为好莱坞顶级喜剧天才之一。
But behind the corkscrew hair, the bulging eyes and the twitchy mannerisms, lay a much gentler, more reflective individual.
Shimon Peres, former Israeli president, dies aged 93
(August 2, 1923–September 28, 2016)

△Photo credit: Getty images
Shimon Peres, the Israeli leader and Nobel Prize-winning peacemaker who coined the phrase “the new Middle East”, has died at the age of 93 with the region still sadly reminiscent of the old one.
Shimon Peres was born Szymon Perski on August 2 1923 in what was Wieniawa in Poland (today Vishniev, Belarus) and sailed with his parents, a wealthy timber merchant and a volunteer librarian, at the age of 11 to British Mandate Palestine.
One of Israel's longest-serving public officials, he was prime minister, foreign minister and president at different times and played a role in the country's history from before its founding.He will be best remembered as a father of the Oslo accords, the blueprint that was meant to create a Palestinian state.
Leonard Cohen: Canadian singer dead aged 82
(September 21, 1934–November 7, 2016)

△Photo credit: Getty images
Leonard Cohen was called “the high priest of pathos” and the “godfather of gloom”.
But the influence and appeal of this poet, novelist, songwriter and legendary ladies' man has endured throughout his career.
Often prone to depression, his witty, charming and self-deprecating manner-not to mention his black humour-was reflected in his lyrics.
Fidel Castro, Cuba's leader of revolution, dies at 90
(August 13, 1926–November 25, 2016)

△Photo credit: Getty images
He seized power audaciously in 1959 and commanded to the last a powerful personal following inside and outside Cuba.But during more than half a century in office Fidel Castro, who has died at the age of 90, metamorphosed from a popular and charismatic guerrilla leader into a traditional caudillo, an autocratic holdover from another age.
他在1959年大胆夺取了古巴政权,此后终生享有国内外追随者的强大个人崇拜。但在半个多世纪的掌权期间,刚刚去世、享年90岁的菲德尔·卡斯特罗(Fidel Castro)从一个广受欢迎、魄力非凡的游击队领导人,沦为一个传统的独裁者,就像是从另一个时代穿越而来的威权遗物。
At his life's end, although bolstered by the emergence of a few new friends such as the late Venezuelan leader Hugo Chávez, he was assailed by foreign governments and human rights groups and spurned by many former supporters, including even his daughter.Yet Castro remained one of the most remarkable revolutionary figures of the 20th century.
The slogan he coined and repeated in his later years, “socialism or death”, is a fitting epitaph for a stubborn and headstrong rebel turned statesman who swam with the current of history when it suited, but dared to fight it when it turned against him.As one of the longest serving national leaders of his time, first as prime minister and then as president, he nurtured his own legend, keeping even into old age his beard and olive-green uniform that had made him an instantly recognisable world figure.
blaze a trail
Just as he blazed a trail through the world of rock'n'roll, David Bowie gave financial markets something they had never seen before—pop bonds.
scheming ['skiːmɪŋ]
It could also be laced with threat, something he employed to great effect in Die Hard, Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves and the eight Potter films, where he played scheming potions master Severus Snape.
prone to
Often prone to depression, his witty, charming and self-deprecating manner-not to mention his black humour-was reflected in his lyrics.