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- 2021-03-19 14:23:19
Our Big Universe
浩瀚的宇宙 I-03 / 003
For many years, people have had questions about the universe. In ancient times they thought the world rested on the back of an elephant. When asked what the elephant stood on, they answered, “On the back of a turtle.”Most ancient people believed the sun, moon, and stars revolved around the earth. Some also thought that the earth was flat because to them it looked that way. They were afraid that if one went too far in any direction, he would fall off the edge.
These beliefs, in the forms of legends, myths, and stories, were accepted as facts when they really were opinions. Opinions are beliefs that people have without positive knowledge or proof.
The astronomers' eyes made about three hundred and seventy years ago were an instrument made to help scientists learn more about space. The story has been told about a Dutchman who made eyeglasses. His name was Hans Lippershey. One day, unknown to him, his children slipped into the shop where he worked. They began to play with some glass lenses. One of the children picked up two lenses and looked out of the window. He was surprised at what he saw. He noticed that a church which was far away looked much closer and bigger. He called his father. His father rushed in and was amazed at what he saw. By chance Hans' son had made a very important discovery. He had discovered that if he held a lens near his eye and another lens a little farther away, objects at a distance appeared to be much closer and bigger than they really were. A short time later an Italian scientist named Galileo heard about this discovery. He started at once to use two lenses and made a telescope.
Since the time Lippershey and Galileo made their first telescopes in 1608 and 1609, scientists have made larger and better ones. The telescope has opened new worlds in astronomy. With telescopes astronomers can see farther and farther into space.
Another instrument that has aided in space study is the spectroscope. A spectroscope measures light from heavenly bodies. When you see a rainbow in the sky, you are looking at a type of spectroscope. The light of sun shining on the drops of water is broken into the colors of the rainbow. A spectroscope works like the raindrops to break up the colors of light from faraway heavenly bodies. By using a spectroscope with a telescope, an astronomer can learn important information about the stars.
Astronomers use another important instrument called a radio telescope to study the universe. The radio telescope is used to receive radio signals from stars and other objects in space. These radio signals are called waves.
A machine attached to the radio telescope strengthens the signals and records them as wavy lines on a piece of paper. The wavy lines tell the astronomer the distance to the object and where it is located in space. In this way, the astronomer gets the information from stars that are so far away and so dim that they cannot be seen through a regular telescope.
From these instruments, astronomers can get the needed information to make maps of the heavenly bodies.
Words and Phrases
turtle [ˈtɜ:tl] 名 海龟
ancient [ˈeɪnʃənt] 形 古代的;古老的
revolve [rɪˈvɒlv] 动(使)旋转
fall off 跌落
legend [ˈledʒənd] 名 传说

astronomer [əˈstrɒnəmə] 名 天文学家
instrument [ˈɪnstrəmənt] 名 器具,仪器
slip into 悄悄进入
by chance 偶然地,意外地
astronomy [əˈstrɒnəmɪ] 名 天文学
spectroscope [ˈspektrəskəʊp] 名 分光镜
heavenly bodies 天体
rainbow [ˈreɪnbəʊ] 名 彩虹
break into 把……分成……
break up 分解
radio telescope 无线电望远镜
radio signal 无线电信号
wavy [ˈweɪvɪ] 形 波状的;起伏的;有波纹的
1. Many ancient people believed that the earth rested on the back of_________.
A. a dog
B. a bird
C. an elephant
D. a cat
2. This belief in Question 1 was accepted as__________ by many.
A. fact
B. proof
C. silly
D. unbelievable
3. An Italian scientist who improved upon the telescope and made it popular was_________.
A. Lippershey
B. Galileo
C. Marconi
D. none of these

答案 1. C 2. A 3. B