- 跟着美国小学课本学阅读(畅销修订版)
- 赵岚
- 1444字
- 2021-03-19 14:23:21
Telltale Print
暴露秘密的指纹 I-08 / 008
Eyewitnesses say Louie stole a necklace. Officer Valdez needs more evidence. She recalls fingerprinting of Louie and his brother when they got in trouble last year. If prints at this crime scene are the same as the ones on file, she's got a strong case.
Officer Valdez sprinkles colored powder on a book, jewelry box, shelf, phone, and doorknob. She puts a chemical on cloth item. These treatments show the finger marks left by natural oil from skin. Photos are taken. At the police station, she looks in the computer file for a match. The prints match someone else. The thief was Louie's identical twin, Lester!
This tale shows how fingerprints can be used. In the 1880s, Sir Francis Galton did studies in Great Britain that proved no two people have the same prints. Ten years later, Sir Edward R. Henry made a system to recognize criminals by their prints. Other countries used it. In 1924, the United States set up a print file at the FBI. It has cards with prints of more than 173 million people.
A print is the pattern of ridges on the pad of a finger. These last a lifetime unless they are altered by disease or injury. When Officer Valdez made Louie's prints, she first pressed his finger pad in ink. Then she rolled it on a card from side to side. This was repeated for each finger.
You can create your own prints. Scribble with a pencil on a piece of paper until you have a gray smudge. Rub your finger pad in the smudge. Press a piece of clear tape on your finger. Stick the tape to a card. There's your fingerprint!
Words and Phrases
telltale [ˈtelteɪl] 形 暴露实情的;能说明问题的
eyewitness [ˈaɪwɪtnəs] 名 目击者
fingerprinting [ˈfɪŋɡəprɪntɪŋ] 名 指纹识别
on file 存档;记录下来备查

sprinkle [ˈsprɪŋkl] 动 洒(水),撒(粉末)
doorknob [ˈdɔ:nɒb] 名 门把手
finger mark 指纹
police station 警察局
identical twin 同卵双胞胎
criminal [ˈkrɪmɪnl] 名 罪犯
FBI 名 美国联邦调查局
ridge [rɪdʒ] 名 脊;隆起
lifetime [ˈlaɪftaɪm] 名 一生;寿命
finger pad 指肚,指腹
scribble [ˈskrɪbl] 动 潦草地书写;乱涂
smudge [smʌdʒ] 名 污点,污迹
clear tape 透明胶带
1. What was the first thing Officer Valdez did to find fingerprints at the scene of the crime?
A. sprinkled colored powder on a book, jewelry box and so on
B. looked in the computer files
C. put on her glasses
2. When was the system made to recognize criminals by their prints?
A. in the 1920s
B. in the 1880s
C. in the 1890s
3. What did Officer Valdez do after she pressed Louie's finger in ink?
A. put a chemical on cloth items
B. scribbled with a pencil
C. rolled it on a card
4. To take your own fingerprint, when do you put tape on your finger?
A. before you scribble a gray smudge
B. before you press it in ink
C. after you rub your finger in the smudge

答案 1. A 2. C 3. C 4. C