- 新托福百日百句百篇(第二册)
- 刘文勇
- 1001字
- 2025-03-09 12:30:59
Sentence 27
For a number of years the selection of music for each film program rested entirely in the hands of the conductor or leader of the orchestra, and very often the principal qualification for holding such a position was not skill or taste so much as the ownership of a large personal library of musical pieces.
TOEFL: 1995.12

1.“A rest in B”的意思是“A处在B之中”。
2.“not A so much as B”的意思是“与其说A,还不如说B”。

Most students' academic success comes not so much from their natural intelligence, as it does from their eff ort. Therefore, it is necessary to assign homework to the students every day.

Many teachers assign homework to students every day. Do you think that daily homework is necessary for students?
改前:Students achieve success on their studies do not come from remarkable talents so much as the working hard after birth. Because of assignment everyday, it is a kind of review of knowledge formerly. In the maintime, it is the demands before having class to prepare for the lessons well.
改后:Students become successful in their studies not really because of their remarkable talents but from hard work. By doing their daily assignments, they are constantly reviewing previous knowledge. At the sametime, it is required that they had prepared for their lessons before coming to their classes.
改前:The reason why students get success from school work is not talent so much as hard working. So, it is really necessary to make students do their homework everyday:because daily homework is not only a review of knowledge they learn in the day, but also a preview of the knowledge they will learn in the future.
改后:The reason why students succeed in school is not from talent so much as from hard work. So, it is really necessary to make students do their homework every day:because doing daily homework is not only a review of the knowledge they learned, but also a preview of the knowledge they will learn in the future.
改前:The principal qualification for gaining the achievements at school were not gift of intelligence so much as students' hard working; Therefore, daily homework is necessary for students: daily homework, is not only easy for us to review, but also is a approach of previewing.
改后:The principal qualification for gaining achievements at school is not the gift of intelligence so much as the students' hard work; Therefore, daily homework is necessary for students: daily homework is not only a way for them to review, but is also a means of previewing future learning.