- 机械行业英语:职场英语
- 刘亚丽 孟皎 张宏杰
- 1506字
- 2021-04-28 12:45:21
Reading and Writing 读写拓展
Reading 阅读
FESTO (FESTO Production Ltd.), the global leader in bionic technology and pneumatic automation field, is of decisive importance in Chinese pneumatic industry and wins the praise of the industry with its remarkable quality, excellent problem-solving skills and perfect service.
The headquarter of FESTO is located in Esslingen, which is the capital and largest city of Esslingen, the Stuttgart district of Baden-Württemberg, Germany. It is located on the banks of the Neckar River, 14 km southeast of Stuttgart, with an area of 46.43 square kilometers and a population of 92,299. Neckar River cross the city from the southeast to the northwest and the old city is located in the north bank of the river.
bionic [baɪˈɑnɪk] adj.仿生学的;利用仿生学的
pneumatic [numætɪk] adj.气动的;充气的;有气胎的
remarkable [rɪˈmɑːkəb(ə)l] adj.非凡的;卓越的
excellent [ˈeksələnt] adj.极好的;杰出的
perfect [ˈpɜ:fɪkt] adj.完美的
quality [ˈkwɒlətɪ] n.质量
problem-solving skills 问题解决能力
service [ˈsɜːvɪs] n.服务
headquarter [ˈhedkwɔːtə] n.总部
Activity 9:Read the following passage and finish the questions below.读短文回答问题。
It was my first day on campus. The Winona State University of Minnesota, a small but neat and clean school. I flew a long way from Bangladesh to be here. The whole place looks white from the plane as it was covered with snow. I knew from my brother that it's very cold in Minnesota as it is on the north. So I covered myself with warm clothes.
I was nervous to be in a new place, but kind of curious too. A Bangladeshi student of WSU came to pick me up. I found myself in a new world, new people.
It's impossible now to express those feelings in words here. But I can tell you my experiences. I felt little comfortable when I saw some Bangladeshi students in the orientation. They were the representative of Bangladeshi student organization. I met students from different countries, like China, Japan, Africa, Iraq. I met one guy from Palestine. Time were moving with joy, I met a beautiful girl from South America who was really a nice person.
We got a lunch break. First time in my life I got the opportunity to taste American food which looks nice but didn't fulfill my appetite as I love rice and curry. But I know I have to depend on these foods. After lunch we were taken to visit the campus. Our group leader took us to different buildings and explained clearly. By this time I made some friends who are from Malaysia. I was enjoying every minute. We were also taken to a building to take pictures for our school ID. I asked my group leader who was a Bangladeshi to take me to my dorm. I was kind of scared first as my roommate is an American. But when I met Riley (My roommate) I felt like he is one of us.
The sun went to bed soon and I felt tired as I walked a long way in the snow and it's freezing outside. I prepared my mind for the next day as I have to go to my first class at 8:30 in the morning. So time to go to bed.
Such is my first day on campus.
1. How did he get to Winona State University of Minnesota?
A. By train.
B. By bus.
C. By plane.
D. By sea.
2. What does the word “appetite”(Para.4, Line 2) mean?
A. Desire to eat
B. Strong desire for success
C. Goal
D. Feeling
3. Which country is the writer from?
A. Palestine.
B. Bangladesh.
C. America.
D. Malaysia.
4. Which of the following activity is not mentioned in the passage?
A. Take ID card photo.
B. Arrive at the dorm.
C. Taste rice and curry.
D. Visit the campus.
5. Which is the best title for the passage?
A. I Entered a New College
B. Various People of My College
C. How Did I Feel in the New University
D. My First Day on Campus
Writing 写作
Leave/Absence Request Form 请假申请

Request for Leave 请假条
The Request for Leave is one of the commonly used applications. The commonly used ones are Request for Sick Leave and Leave of Absence.
There are three points you need to pay attention when writing a request for leave:
1. The request for leave has many similarities with letters, which is a great simplification of letters. It is generally composed of four parts: time, title, text and signature.
2. The first paragraph should begin with polite request for leave. The second paragraph should explain the reason for the leave and apologize. At the end, express your wish that you want to get a leave.
3. The feature of it includes straightforward, brief, and easy to understand.
To: John Smith, Supervisor
From: George Chen, Accounting Department
Date: May 9th, 2018
Subject: Personal Leave
Dear Mr. Smith,
I would like to know if I could ask for a personal leave for one day on May 18th.
This morning I received a letter from a friend, inviting me to attend his wedding ceremony which will take place next Friday, May 18th. I am so pleased to hear this good news that I cannot wait to see my best friend become the happiest groom in the world.
I hope a one-day leave next Friday will not cause much trouble to you. You will be highly appreciated if you grant
me my request.
Wang Nan
常见的英文书信格式有两种。一种是传统的缩排式(indented style),即每个段落的第一行要空格,结束语、签名等也要缩排,例如Activity 10中的请假条是典型的缩排式。上文中的格式是更简洁的齐头式(block style)。在齐头式中,信中的每个部分都从左边界起头,不同的部分之间用空行分隔开。由于这种格式在写电子邮件时更方便,所以更受欢迎。
Activity 10: Please write a Request for Leave according to the following context.请根据下面的情境写一份请假条。
I_____(非常抱歉)that I am unable to come to the 1st period today.
Due to_____(昨天我淋了雨,晚上发烧了). The doctor advised me to rest for several days and after my recovery, I will attend school as soon as possible.
I am_____(非常抱歉)about the inconvenience. However, I would like to have_____(批准). Also, afterwards I would phone you and there's the certificate by the doctor.your
Wang Nan