- 中国古代文化故事(第二辑):民间故事
- 郭惟佳
- 263字
- 2021-03-31 19:00:44
The Magical Horse
Once upon a time a beautiful foal was born, unfortunately it had four stumps instead hoofs therefore could not walk.A peasant bought this foal and was adamant in saying it was a magical horse.When he returned home, he took a sharp knife and carved away at the foal’s stumps into hoofs.On completion, the foal amazingly began to run and gallop, even though it was only a foal it looked like a full-grown horse.One day the peasant’s wife fell ill, he immediately rode on the magical horse and within in a blink of an eye he returned with medicine to save his wife in time.An army officer heard of this magical horse, he offered the peasant money and status in exchange for the horse, but he was refused.
The officer became impatient, as he desperately wanted the magical horse for himself.He framed the peasant and locked him away in jail while leading the magical horse away.The officer held a celebration dinner and invited many other high positioned officers to show off his magical horse.Magical horse sensed his owner was in trouble and wanted to take revenge.On the day of the celebration, the officer rode proudly on magical horse and within a few steps magical horse began to fly, suddenly in the middle of air he threw the officer off his back.Magical horse then rescued his owner and carried him away on his back.