Adding citation sources

Follow these steps to learn how to add citation sources:

  1. For this demonstration, we will open the document called CiteThis.docx.
  2. The first step when it comes to generating your bibliography is to insert citations throughout the document.
  1. Position the mouse pointer either on the left- or right-hand side of the text you wish to cite to include it in the bibliography.
  2. Visit the References tab on the ribbon.
  3. Select the Insert Citations icon from the Citations & Bibliography group.
  4. Select Add New Source...
  5. Edit the source by selecting the Type of Source you wish to create from the drop-down list provided.
  6. For this example, we will create two sources at two different points in the document:
  1. Fill in the details of the source, then click on the OK command when complete.
  2. The source will be inserted at the position of the mouse pointer and will look as follows:
  1. Move to the next position in the document to add the next new source. Change the Type of Source, if necessary, and fill in the details:

That's it. Now that you have learned how to insert citations, we will build a bibliography.