- Learn Microsoft Office 2019
- Linda Foulkes
- 258字
- 2025-02-20 17:20:51
Indenting paragraphs
Indents are applied using various methods. The simplest method is to use the increase or decrease indent icon, which we highlighted earlier. Alternatively, you can use the ruler bar to manipulate indent icons along the ruler or go to the Paragraph dialog box to set indents.
On your ruler bar, you will find the indent button—it looks like an egg timer. We will use this indent button to create various types of indents in our document. Select a paragraph to indent, then click on the increase indent button in the Paragraph group:
- First-line indent: Select a paragraph to apply an indent to and drag the top slider of the egg timer to the position you want on the ruler bar:

- Hanging indent: Select a paragraph to apply an indent to and drag the hanging indent slider (the middle slider of the egg timer) to the position you want on the ruler bar:
- Left indent: Select a paragraph to apply an indent to and drag the left indent marker (the entire egg timer) to the desired position on the ruler:
- Right indent: Select a paragraph to apply an indent to and drag the right indent marker to the desired position on the ruler:
Although it is not that important to check whether the indents are positioned at the correct position on the ruler, we need it to be accurate in the certification exam. Therefore, it is imperative that you go to the Paragraph dialog box and set indents with accurate measurements: