What this book covers

Chapter 1, Becoming a Full-Stack .NET Developer, explains the meaning of full-stack development and what technologies will be covered throughout the rest of the book.

Chapter 2, Setting Up Your Development Environment, guides you through the installation of tools that you will use throughout this book. 

Chapter 3, Creating a Web Application with ASP.NET Core, teaches the basics of ASP.NET Core as a framework for creating web applications.

Chapter 4, Building REST APIs with ASP.NET Core Web API, explains why REST architectural styles are preferable when it comes to creating backends and teaches you how to create a REST API with ASP.NET Core.

Chapter 5, Persisting Data with Entity Framework, defines the data model you will use for the GiveNTake sample application this book creates, and teaches you how to store and query data from a relational database using EF Core. 

Chapter 6, Securing the Backend Server, teaches you how to make your service more secure and how to add authentication and authorization so that you can control who will use your APIs.

Chapter 7, Troubleshooting and Debugging, covers a number of techniques that will be valuable when you develop your backend application and that will allow you to troubleshoot potential issues.

Chapter 8, Getting Started with Frontend Web Development, covers the history, as well as current and future developments, in the web development field, focusing on HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. At the same time, it illustrates the app that you will build throughout the book and demonstrates a classic implementation of that using jQuery.

Chapter 9Getting Started with TypeScript, covers TypeScript, which is designed and maintained by Microsoft. In this chapter, we will cover the fundamentals of TypeScript, such as types, interfaces, classes, modules, decorators. TypeScript uses static typing and assists tremendously with maintainability and productivity.

Chapter 10, App Development with Angular, explains what Angular is, along with its features, and then teaches you how to build web apps using Angular as it takes you through a detailed step-by-step tutorial in building an actual app.

Chapter 11, Implementing Routing and Forms, teaches you additional features in Angular, specifically, its rich support for routing and forms as you add these to the app you built in the previous chapter.

Chapter 12, App Development with React, explains what React is, along with its features, and then teaches you how to build web apps using React as it takes you through a detailed step-by-step tutorial in building an actual app.

Chapter 13, App Development with Vue, explains what Vue is, along with its features, and then teaches you how to build web apps using Vue as it takes you through a detailed step-by-step tutorial in building an actual app.

Chapter 14, Moving Your Solution to the Cloud, reviews the meaning of the cloud and guides you in the first steps of creating your account in Microsoft Azure.

Chapter 15, Deploying to Microsoft Azure, explains the steps you need to carry out in order to deploy and host your application in Microsoft Azure and teaches you how to automate the process.

Chapter 16, Taking Advantage of Cloud Services, demonstrates a number of valuable services that the Azure cloud has to offer that will make it easier for you to scale your service based on demand, troubleshoot problems, and create multiple environments for the purpose of testing new features.