- Mastering Firebase for Android Development
- Ashok Kumar S
- 240字
- 2021-06-18 18:49:18
Managing users through console
The Firebase Authentication system allows developers to test and customize the application through the Firebase console, so let's make the best use of it. Adding the user is one of the essential operations that can be achieved through the console by entering the information in two fields. In the Authentication option, we notice the Users tab. Select it. Inside, you will notice a button named Add User, which allows entering the email address and password:

Adding users through Firebase console
After adding users, we can check for invalid email address. And, we also have controls such as disable the account, deleting it, and so on.
We can customize the templates of mail and OTP messages and so on. Choose the Templates tab in the authentication window. Here, we can change the format of the mail, we can change email subject, and we can also play with OTP messages.
Customize the email and messages through Firebase console. We can modify all the following parameters with the corresponding values:
- %DISPLAY_NAME%: Usually user’s first name
- %APP_NAME%: Application name
- %LINK%: The password change URL
- %EMAIL%: The user’s email address
- %NEW_EMAIL%: Used only when the user changes their email address
Using the Project settings menu, we can change the public name of the project and we can get access to the web API keys if we want to delete the entire Firebase project: