Customer lockbox request

The Customer Lockbox feature comes with an Office 365 E5 plan automatically, and can be purchased as an add-on to any Enterprise plan. If your company has no such plans, you can safely skip this section. (However, this is one among many reasons that we recommend that every Office 365 customer purchase at least one E3 plan.)

When Microsoft support engineers answer service requests, they sometimes need to access your company's data. Without the Customer Lockbox feature, they will access what they need as they need it, and will relinquish access after they're done; but you, the customer, will have no control of or knowledge of their access. With the lockbox feature, you receive an email telling you there's a customer lockbox request, and you log in to the page to approve or deny the request.

The Customer Lockbox feature, if your tenant has a license that gives you access to it, can be turned on and off in Security & privacy, under Settings. More on that will follow.