- Building RESTful Web services with Go
- Naren Yellavula
- 230字
- 2021-07-02 20:14:06
Installing supervisord
We can easily install supervisord on Ubuntu 16.04, with the apt-get command:
sudo apt-get install -y supervisor
This installs two tools, supervisor and supervisorctl. supervisorctl is intended to control the supervisord and add tasks, restart tasks, and so on.
On macOS X, we can install supervisor using the brew command:
brew install supervisor
Now, create a configuration file at:
You can add any number of configuration files, and supervisord treats them as separate processes to run. Add the following content to the preceding file:
logfile = /tmp/supervisord.log
By default, we have a file called .supervisord.conf at /etc/supervisor/. Look at it for more reference. In macOS X, the same file will be located at /usr/local/etc/supervisord.ini.
Coming to the preceding configuration:
- The [supervisord] section tells the location of the log file for supervisord
- [program:myserver] is the task block which traverses to the given directory and executes the command given
Now we can ask our supervisorctl to re-read the configuration and restart the tasks (process). For that, just say:
- supervisorctl reread
- supervisorctl update
Then, launch supervisorctl with the command:
You will see something like this:
supervisorctl is a great tool for controlling supervisor programs.
Since we named our romanserver myserver in the supervisor configuration file, we can start, stop, and restart that program from supervisorctl.