
It is possible to create a new class that modifies the behavior of an existing class through inheritance. This is done by passing the inherited class as an argument in the class definition. It is often used to modify the behavior of existing methods, for example:

    class specialEmployee(Employee): 
def hours(self, numHours):
self.owed += numHours * self.rate * 2
return("%.2f hours worked" % numHours)

An instance of the specialEmployee class is identical to an Employee instance except for the changed hours() method.

For a subclass to define new class variables, it needs to define an __init__() method, as follows:

    class specialEmployee(Employee): 
def __init__(self,name,rate, bonus):
Employee.__init__(self, name, rate) #calls the base classes
self.bonus = bonus

def hours(self, numHours):
self.owed += numHours * self.rate + self.bonus
return("%.2f hours worked" % numHours)

Notice that the methods of the base class are not automatically invoked and it is necessary for the derived class to call them. We can test for class membership using the built-in function isintance(obj1, obj2). This returns true if obj1 belongs to the class of obj2 or any class derived from obj2.

Within a class definition, it is assumed that all methods operate on the instance, but this is not a requirement. There are, however, other types of methods: static methods and class methods. A static method is just an ordinary function that just happens to be defined in a class. It does not perform any operations on the instance and it is defined using the @staticmethod class decorator. Static methods cannot access the attributes of an instance, so their most common usage is as a convenience to group utility functions together.

Class methods operate on the class itself, not the instance, in the same way that class variables are associated with the classes rather than instances of that class. They are defined using the @classmethod decorator, and are distinguished from instance methods in that the class is passed as the first argument. This is named cls by convention.

    class Aexp(object): 
def exp(cls,x):

class Bexp(Aexp):

The class Bexp inherits from the Aexp class and changes the base class variable to 3. We can run the parent class's exp() method as follows:

Although this example is a little contrived, there are several reasons why class methods may be useful. For example, because a subclass inherits all the same features of its parent, there is the potential for it to break inherited methods. Using class methods is a way to define exactly what methods are run.