
In the Using Sass interactive mode and SassScript recipe of Chapter 1, Getting started with Sass, and the Using the @debug, @warn and @error directives recipe of Chapter 2, Debugging your code, you have already read about SassScript. In this chapter, you will get a better grip on SassScript. SassScript is small set of extensions of the plain CSS property syntax. You can use SassScript to set property values or generate property or selector names.

Variables enable you to define common use values at a single place. In the first recipe of this chapter, you will get a grip on variables. The second recipe talks about using operations in SassScript to set your property values. It is followed by two recipes, which will explain in detail why and how to use variables.

The next three recipes talk about mixins. Mixins can be used to create CSS code for your output. You can use mixins to set properties, and you can also dynamically create selectors and property names. You can use SassScript inside your mixins. The parameters for your mixins should be values defined by SassScript too.

The seventh recipe discusses the @function directive. You can use this directive to define a Sass function. Sass functions do not generate any output, but return a single value.