
杨洁 孔江平

摘要 本文通过声学分析和感知实验,探讨了陈述句和疑问句之间的感知范畴和模式。声学分析表明,无论句末字调是几声,疑问句的平均音高均高于陈述句;陈述句中,除句末字调为阳平外,其他句末字调在句尾均呈现降调;疑问句句末字调保持单字调不变。基于声学分析结果,通过改变基频、时长、振幅三个参数,合成过渡样本连续体,进行听辨实验。听辨实验结果表明,陈述句和疑问句之间呈现为连续感知范式。影响感知范式和听辨结果的因素,除了基频、时长、振幅之外,当句末字调为阴平、阳平和去声时,发声类型对语句的感知也有贡献。

关键词 陈述句,疑问句,语调感知,连续感知

A Study on the Perception of Declarative and Interrogative Sentences in Mandarin

YANG Jie KONG Jiangping

Abstract This study investigated the perceptual patterns of declarative and interrogative sentences based on both acoustic and perceptual data.The acoustic analysis shows that the mean F0 of the interrogative sentences is higher than that of the declarative.In declarative sentences,except for cases when the final syllable is Tone 2,the final syllable in all the other cases show falling F0 patterns. In interrogative sentences,the final syllables remain their canonical F0 contour shapes in all four cases. Based on results of the acoustic analysis,F0 continuums for a follow-up perceptual study were synthesized by changing F0,duration and amplitude. Results of the perceptual experiments revealed that the intonational perception from the declaration to interrogation is continuous.In addition to F0,duration and amplitude,phonation type also contributed to the perception of declarative and interrogative intonation when the final syllables are of Tone 1,Tone 2 and Tone 4.

Key words Declaration,Interrogation,Intonational perception,Continuous perception