- 美国语文:英汉双语全译本(2)
- (美)威廉·H.麦加菲
- 482字
- 2021-11-05 20:09:07
Lesson 1 Evening at Home 第1课 温馨的家
newspaper cold order seem through
stockings chat story light Harry
branches kiss burns Mrs. events
an other Mr. stool lamp mends

It is winter. The cold wind whistles through the branches of the trees.
Mr. Brown has done his day's work, and his children, Harry and Kate, have come home from school.They learned their Lessons well to-day, and both feel happy.
Tea is over. Mrs.Brown has put the little sitting room in order.The fre burns brightly.One lamp gives light enough for all.On the stool is a basket of fne apples.They seem to say,"Won't you have one?"
Harry and Kate read a story in a new book. The father reads hisnewspaper, and the mother mends Harry's stockings.
By and by, they will tell one another what they have been reading about, and will have a chat over the events of the day.
Harry and Kate's bedtime will come frst. I think I see them kiss their dear father and mother a sweet good night.
Do you not wish that every boy and girl could have a home like this?