- 国际水墨设计2
- 李中扬主编 李僮 许力 张通 王佳副主编
- 2310字
- 2025-02-20 09:56:35
The Final Judges of 2018 International Exhibition of Modern Design on Ink Painting

Pouya Jahanshahi
美 国
致力于平面设计+综合媒体,先后任教于美国加利福尼亚艺术学院、拉古纳艺术设计学院、加利福尼亚查普曼大学。他曾获得2018 UCDA大学设计协会设计卓越奖、2008圣地亚哥艺术学院教师奖。设计作品在国际专业竞赛和展览中获奖。
Professor of graphic design, Oklahoma State University
He is focus on graphic design + integrated media.He has been a teacher in California Arts College, Laguna Institute of art and design and California Chapman University. He has won 2018 UCDA University Design Association Design Excellence Award, 2008 the Santiago Academy of Art Award for teachers. His works have won awards in major international competitions and exhibitions.

Krzysztof Szymanowicz
波 兰
UMCS professor and department head of art department, Academy of Fine Arts
He received his doctorate at Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw in 2000.Teaching at Academy of Fine Arts in UMCS in1997. He became a member of the Poland Artists Federation in 1990. Since 1990, he has been vice-chairman of the Lublin District of the Federation of Polish Artists, and in 2002 he became chairman of the Lublin District of the Federation. He has participated in more than 250 collective exhibitions.His works have won awards in major international competitions and exhibitions.

Jason Frazier
美 国
Assistant Professor of Graphic Design in the CSU Department of Art & Art History
He has over 20 years in both graphic design and education. At Missouri State University, he was the senior graphic designer in the office of publications, as well as a part-time instructor in the department of art and design. Previously at Colorado State University, he taught graphic design and illustration in the department of art & art history, as well as running the design area computer lab. He was also a professor of graphic design at Savannah College of Art and Design, teaching courses in graphic design studio, production, package design and digital publishing, among others, as well as leading sponsored projects and cross-discipline collaborations. His personal work reflects his interest in technology, social and environmental issues. He has been recognized for his publication and media work in the United States, Mexico, Ukraine, and South Korea, being the recipient of multiple regional and national awards for his efforts.

Sebastian Smit
波 兰
毕业于波兰麦克苏鲁布林大学(McSu LuBLin)艺术绘画系。现任教波兰卢布林居里夫人大学,博士、副教授。同时担任卢布林大学玛丽亚·居里·斯克洛多夫斯卡美术学院助理教授。创办波兰卢布林海报双年展并担任该展主席职位。
Famous designer
He graduated from art and Painting Department of Mike Su Lu and McSu LuBLin in Poland.Currently teaches professor Curie, associate professor of Madame Curie, Lublin, Poland. He is currently an assistant professor at Academy of Fine Arts in Lublin, Maria Curie Sklodowska.The biennial of Lublin poster in Poland will be held as chairman of the exhibition.
Sebastian has 15 years of rich design experience, design areas including product design, graphic design, digital printing and new media design, design works in major international professional competitions and exhibitions awarded.

中 国
The professor, Master Instructor, Research Studio of Art Design, The Capital Normal University
Working on design education, research and professional practice for a long time. He was participated in the National 863 Program and edited the national excellent textbook, and as an international design competition judge, China Ministry of education, Ministry of culture and the Ministry of science and technology design project evaluation. His works was selected by Chinese Art Exhibition, International Posters biennale Exhibition in Italy, Russian golden bee international graphic design Biennale Exhibition and won awards for times, some posters are collected in Hamburg art and Arts Museum in Germany.His works have been exhibited in the United States, Germany, France, Italy, Switzerland, Poland, Czech Republic, Russia, Mexico, Peru, Japan, Korea and other countries. He chaired the planning of the Beijing international design week, the international public poster masterpiece exhibition, contemporary international ink design exhibition, and so on.It is now he is a member of the China Institute of higher education, the international ICO-D, a member of the AIGA of the United States, a board member of the KSDS.

许 力
Xu Li
中 国
布拉格虚拟双年展-第8届布拉格国际艺术与设计展项目/艺术指导顾问,国家公派德国奥芬巴赫设计学院/访问学者。现任教于北京印刷学院设计艺术学院,同时担任捷克J. E普尔基涅大学客座教授,澳大利亚南澳大学特邀客座讲师,曾受邀在荷兰、波兰、德国、捷克、匈牙利、西班牙、韩国、迪拜、厄瓜多尔等著名设计院校、机构举办学术讲座和工作坊。
Independent curator
The art director of Beijing Art A&B Design
He is a project consultant of Virtual Biennale Prague 8-Prague International Art & Design Exhibition. He is a Visiting scholar of Offenbach University of Art and Design. He is an instructor of Beijing Institute of Graphic Communication, China. He is guest professor of J. E Purkyně University and is guest lecturer of University of South Australia. Li Xu has lectured and taught workshop in the Netherlands, Poland, Germany, Czech Republic, Hungary, Spain, South Korea, Dubai, Ecuador, etc.
In recent years, Li Xu has curated international design exhibitions in the United States, Italy, Poland, Mexico, Iran, South Korea, Estonia, Slovakia, Ukraine and other countries, He has been invited to serve as the international jury members of international design and poster competitions in more than ten countries, such as France, Italy, Poland, and Latvian.
Li Xu has received some important awards. more than 20 awards.Such as the first prize of AIGA(re)design, the gold prize of IDA-International Design, the London Creative Awards, Pentawards Bronze Award etc. Li Xu Solo design exhibitions were held at gallery of Colombia, Italy, Russia, Poland, Australia, Dubai, Ecuador, South Korea. At the same time, his design works have also been invited to participate in international design group exhibitions held in more than 30 countries around the world, and some works have been permanently collected by some art galleries and poster museums.