第33章 贫贱不能移 富贵要济世
- 围炉夜话(汉英对照)
- 王永彬
- 328字
- 2022-04-12 10:31:18
Remain unyielding when poor;be useful to the world when rich.
English Translation
It's not a shame to be poor and humble,but so indeed if one has resort to others in a way of degrading oneself because of poverty and humbleness.
It's not an honor to be wealthy and influential,but so indeed if one does something good and useful to the world with the wealth and influence of his own.
A man full of wisdom and ability can only be so called when he earnestly dedicates what he has in mind.
A man who is really well versed in knowledge and learning will never behave in a queer way.