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- 英国《金融时报》
- 1070字
- 2022-05-07 15:58:50
06 年度词汇:*型复苏

Photo credit:FTChinese
全文共463个词,by Katie Martin
Visual aid used to communicate expectations of the pandemic’s effect on markets and growth
Alphabet soup has been on the menu in this historic year. Central banks fired volleys of acronym-laden financial assistance at the collapse in economic activity when lockdowns kicked in, from Europe’s PEPP to the Bank of England’s TFSME and the US’s dizzying mix of Ls, Fs, Pc, Cs and Ms. (Only purists know their MMLF from their MSLP.)
Markets proved powerless to resist this relentless barrage of letters and, despite an economic crisis unmatched in modern peace time, embarked on a V-shaped recovery.
In the US, home of the global benchmarks of financial ebullience, the S&P 500 index is on track to end the year with a gain of around 14 per cent, a recovery from the March low of nearly 70 per cent — extraordinary by any standard but particularly for a year of such grotesque disruption.
在金融繁荣全球基准的发源地美国,标准普尔500指数(S&P 500)到去年年底实现14%左右的涨幅,相对于3月的低点上涨了近70%——这以任何标准来衡量都非同寻常,尤其是在如此离奇混乱的一年。

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Tech stocks in the US, meanwhile, can boast gains of around 40 per cent on the year, measured through the lens of the main Nasdaq indices. These stocks suffered more mildly from the pandemic in the first place and then offered outstanding revenue growth in the breakthrough year for working, playing and shopping from home. Their rally of close to 90 per cent since March diverges sharply from the fate of stocks in beaten-up sectors such as banking, leading to claims of a K-shaped rebound. The UK’s FTSE 100, still bumping along at 12 per cent weaker on the year, may need its own new letter.
与此同时,以纳斯达克(Nasdaq)主要股指衡量,美国科技股去年的涨幅达到40%左右。这些股票起初受大流行的影响较轻微,随后在居家办公、娱乐和购物取得突破性进展的一年里,这些股票实现了出色的收入增长。这些股票在3月以后实现了近90%的涨幅,它们的命运与银行业等受重创板块的股票大相径庭,导致将出现K型反弹的说法。而去年下跌12%的英国富时100指数(FTSE 100)或许需要属于自己的新字母代号。
The alphabet has been a key way to get all this across to the general public. Central bankers patiently explained how we could all hope for rapid V-shaped recoveries, but slovenly Us, bumpy Ws or even flatlining Ls remain a clear possibility. It should be little surprise that forward-looking markets are more V- or at least W-like than underlying economies, which will need longer to heal.