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- 2022-05-07 15:58:54
08 从未公开过的NASA宇航员训练照片

全文共400个词, By John Angerson
In 1995, while I was working as a photographer, I had a chance meeting in Berlin with a producer who was filming a documentary about Nasa’s astronauts. I was asked to take some publicity shots, and of course I accepted. On December 6, I entered Mission Control at the Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas, the same control centre that had made history with the Apollo moon landing in 1969.
1995年,我在做摄影工作的时候,在柏林偶然遇到了一位制片人,他当时正在拍摄一部关于美国国家航空航天局(NASA)宇航员的纪录片。他请我帮忙拍摄一些宣传照,我欣然接受了这项工作。那年的12月6日,我来到了位于得克萨斯州休斯顿市的约翰逊航天中心(Johnson Space Center)地面指挥中心——这就是在1969年阿波罗(Apollo)登月时创造了历史的那个地面指挥中心。

There were six astronauts preparing for mission STS-72, which would depart from Earth on the Endeavour Space Shuttle with an assignment to bring back a Japanese research spacecraft from orbit. Brian Duffy, a former Air Force pilot, was the mission’s commander.
当时有六名宇航员正在准备执行STS-72任务,在此次任务中,他们将搭乘奋进号航天飞机(Endeavour Space Shuttle)从地球出发,执行将一个日本的研究航天器从轨道上回收的任务。前空军飞行员布赖恩·达菲(Brian Duffy)是此次任务的指挥官。
Over the next month, the film crew and I travelled between the Nasa space centres in Florida and Texas on numerous budget flights. The astronauts, on the other hand, made the commute in their personal Nasa T-38 supersonic jets. Many of the images I made were in the Neutral Buoyancy Laboratory, a large swimming pool where the astronauts took part in complex and dangerous training exercises simulating the weightlessness they would experience during space travel.
接下来的一个月里,摄制组和我无数次乘坐廉价航班,往返位于佛罗里达州和得克萨斯州的两个NASA航天中心。宇航员则是坐着他们自己的NASA T-38超音速飞机往返两地。我的许多照片都是在中性浮力实验室(Neutral Buoyancy Laboratory)内拍摄的。这个实验室就是一个巨大的游泳池,宇航员在这里进行复杂而危险的训练,模拟他们将在太空旅行中经历的失重状态。

The crew were welcoming, albeit focused on the fast-approaching launch day and their demanding schedule. I was in a privileged position to observe this closely bonded group at a critical time in the history of the Space Shuttle programme. Each shuttle mission was plagued with technical issues and a constant battle with the US Congress to obtain the necessary funding. The programme cost an estimated $209bn over its 30-year history until it shut down in 2011.
航天中心的工作人员对我的拍摄表示欢迎,尽管他们的注意力都集中在即将到来的发射日和严苛的日程安排上。在美国航天飞机计划(Space Shuttle programme)的关键历史节点上,我有幸能在一旁观察这个关系紧密的团队。每一个飞行任务都受到技术问题的困扰,他们还要不断与美国国会作斗争,以争取到必要的资金。在美国航天飞机计划于2011年关闭之前的30年中,据估计它总共耗资2090亿美元。

The photographs depict the camaraderie of the team; I found their company relaxed and good-humoured. Mission specialist Daniel T Barry was affectionately called Doctor Doctor because of his two doctorates; Koichi Wakata was known simply as The Man.
这些照片记录了整个团队的同志情谊,我也觉得跟他们待在一起轻松愉快。任务专家丹尼尔·T·巴里(Daniel T Barry)因为有两个博士学位,获得了“博士博士(Doctor Doctor)”的爱称。而若田光一(KoichiWakata)则被简单地称为“那个人(The Man)”。

My initial run of photos from the STS-72 project was used in the television listings pages of magazines and newspapers when the documentary was released in 1996. I revisited the work this year during lockdown and found many images I had overlooked that are now being seen for the first time. Furthermore, while researching the mission history at the US National Archives, I uncovered hundreds of pictures taken by the STS-72 crew in Earth’s orbit.
我为STS-72项目拍摄的照片首次展示,是在这部纪录片于1996年发行时,当时这些照片被用在杂志和报纸的电视节目指南页上。今年疫情封锁期间,我重新翻看这套作品,第一次发现了许多之前被我忽略了的照片。此外,当我在美国国家档案馆(US National Archives)研究这段任务的历史时,我发现了数百张由STS-72机组人员在地球轨道上拍摄的照片。

Twenty-five years on, reflecting on these images, I believe my access allowed me to capture a unique intimacy among the astronauts that is rarely seen.

约翰·安格森(John Angerson)的摄影作品《STS-72》(售价28英镑)可在johnangerson.com网站购买