04 特朗普支持者闯进国会大厦阻止权力移交


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全文共712个词,by FT reporters

The peaceful transfer of power in America ground to a halt on Wednesday after angry mobs of pro-Trump supporters stormed the Capitol building and forced lawmakers to abandon the certification of Joe Biden’s presidential victory.

周三,支持唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)的愤怒暴徒袭击了美国国会大厦,迫使议员放弃认证乔·拜登(Joe Biden)胜选,这使得美国权力的和平移交陷入停滞。

The violent clashes capped two months of political turmoil during which President Donald Trump repeatedly refused to accept his defeat to Mr Biden and stoked anger among his supporters by peddling baseless allegations of mass voter fraud.


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Mr Biden warned that American democracy was under “unprecedented assault” and called for Mr Trump to appear on national TV to “demand an end to this siege”.


Moments later, Mr Trump appeared in a video posted to Twitter in which he called for his supporters to “go home”, while also professing his “love” for them. He described them as “very special”, and falsely claimed he won the election in a “landslide”.


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Thousands of Trump supporters had amassed in Washington to protest the certification of Mr Biden’s win in a joint session of Congress that was presided over by Vice-President Mike Pence before it was broken up by the angry mob.

成千上万名特朗普支持者聚集在华盛顿,抗议副总统迈克·彭斯(Mike Pence)主持的国会联席会议认证拜登胜选,随后这场认证会议因愤怒的暴徒而散会。

The Capitol was put on lockdown after protesters — some carrying pro-Trump paraphernalia as well as flags of the US or the Confederacy — swept through the hallways of Congress. Capitol police later began evacuating lawmakers, staffers and reporters, who were told to grab gas masks located under their seats.


Multiple US media outlets reported that one person had been shot on the Capitol grounds. Law enforcement officials did not immediately respond to request for comment.


The Capitol Police failed to control the demonstrations as they awaited for reinforcements. The governor of Virginia said he was sending members of his state’s National Guard to assist, along with 200 Virginia state troopers.

国会警察未能在等待增援时控制住示威活动。弗吉尼亚州州长表示,他将派遣该州国民警卫队(National Guard)成员以及200名弗吉尼亚州州警前去支援。

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Kayleigh McEnany, the White House press secretary, tweeted that the National Guard was “on the way” at the direction of Mr Trump along with “other federal protective services”.

白宫新闻秘书凯莉·麦肯内尼(Kayleigh McEnany)在Twitter写道,国民警卫队正在按照特朗普的指示“前来”,“其他联邦保护机构”也在路上。

The office of the Secretary of the Army said in a statement: “We are in close contact with local and federal law enforcement agencies to review potential additional support requirements for the DC National Guard.”


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Mr Pence was pulled from the Senate floor, where he was presiding over a debate about the certification. Only hours before, he had defied Donald Trump and said he would not stop Mr Biden from being certified as the winner of the US presidential election.


“The violence and destruction taking place at the US Capitol Must Stop and it Must Stop Now. Anyone involved must respect Law Enforcement officers and immediately leave the building,” Mr Pence tweeted.


“Peaceful protest is the right of every American but this attack on our Capitol will not be tolerated and those involved will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law,” he added.
