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- 2025-02-24 07:43:19

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能够像迪士尼那样与观众建立密切联系的公司并不多。自1923年成立以来,迪士尼品牌一直是全家人优质娱乐的代名词。该公司最初由华特·迪士尼(Walt Disney)和罗伊·迪士尼(Roy Disney)兄弟创立,并在20世纪拓展了其业务范围,开始将优质且令人难忘的家庭娱乐服务带到世界各地。华特·迪士尼曾经说过,“我的兴趣不在于‘表达’自己,不在于给人留下不知其然的创新性的印象。我感兴趣的是娱乐大众,给人们带来快乐,尤其是笑声”。该公司从简单的黑白动画片开始,发展成为当今世界范围内的现象级商业帝国,包括主题公园、电影制作、电视网络、戏剧制作、消费品和不断增长的在线业务。
在创立之初的20年里,华特迪士尼制片厂(Walt Disney Productions)是一家生计维艰的卡通制片厂,它向全世界推出了其最著名的卡通形象一一米老鼠。那时,很少有人看好迪士尼的前景。但是该公司在1937年首次制作的有声长片动画电影一一《白雪公主和七个小矮人》取得了轰动性成功,并在接下来的30年里陆续推出了其他经典动画片,如《木偶奇遇记》、《小鹿斑比》、《灰姑娘》和《小飞侠彼得·潘》,还有《欢乐满人间》《万能金龟车》等影片,以及《大卫·克罗传》等电视连续剧。
失去两位元老之后,该公司惨淡经营了几年。直到20世纪80年代,华特·迪士尼公司重新站了起来,并以迪士尼品牌重新获得消费者的信任与兴趣。这一切都始于动画电影《小美人鱼》,它的上映使一个古老的童话故事变成一个神奇的百老汇风格电影。这部电影获得了两个奥斯卡奖。20世纪80年代末至21世纪初,迪士尼发布开创性的动画电影如《美女与野兽》(1991)、《阿拉丁》(1992)、《狮子王》(1994)、《玩具总动员》(与皮克斯公司合作,1995)和《花木兰》(1998),进入了一个所谓的“迪士尼复兴时代”(Disney Renaissance)。此外,公司想到一个创新方式来将核心家庭作为目标市场,并将新的领域扩展到年龄更大的受众。公司推出了迪士尼电视频道(Disney Channel)、试金石影片公司(Touchstone Pictures)和试金石电视公司(Touchstone Television)。另外,迪士尼还为ABC(美国广播公司)的《周日迪士尼影片之夜》(The Disney Sunday Night Movie)栏目制作经典电影,并以极低的价格销售迪士尼经典电影的录像带,进军新一代儿童市场。迪士尼品牌持续扩张,涉足了出版业、国际主题公园和戏剧制作等领域,打开了全世界各种受众的市场。
现在,迪士尼公司共有4大业务部门:(1)媒体网络部门(Media Networks),负责经营海量的广播、有线电视、音频、出版和数字业务,包括迪士尼/ABC电视频道集团以及ESPN公司;(2)公园、体验和消费品部门(Parks, Experience and Consumer Products),负责将迪士尼的故事、人物和特许经营权通过公园、度假村、玩具、应用程序、服装、书籍和商店等方式带到人们的现实生活中;(3)电影娱乐部门(Studio Entertainment),通过公司核心业务部门迪士尼电影公司,联手漫威工作室、皮克斯动画工作室和卢卡斯影业,负责为全世界的消费者带来电影、音乐和舞台剧;(4)直联消费者和国际部门(The Direct-To-Consumer & International division),包括数字订阅流媒体服务和国际控股业务。
目前迪士尼面临的最大挑战是,如何保持这个拥有90年历史的品牌和其核心观众,并同时坚守其传统和品牌的核心价值。迪士尼CEO鲍勃· 伊格尔(Bob lger)解释道:“作为一个备受追捧信任的品牌,应该尝试新的平台与市场,进而向新的消费者敞开大门。经营一家具有悠久历史的公司,往往要面对公司传统与创新和现实意义的冲突,为此你免不了要做出各种抉择。我绝对尊重公司的传统,但同时我也坚信公司需要创新,而且需要协调传统与现实意义之间的关系。”
迪士尼努力在多个层面上、通过每一个细节与顾客保持联系。例如,迪士尼世界(Disney World)培训“演员”要“亲切热情”,要挥舞米老鼠的大手迎接游客,分发地图给成人,分发贴纸给孩子,勤奋地清理公园使游客很难找到一块有垃圾的地方。对迪士尼来说,每一个细节都很重要。迪士尼的动画师甚至教会了保洁人员用扫帚和水桶在地上“画”高飞和米老鼠的形象。对于游客来说,它们在烈日下蒸发之前的那一分钟是一个魔法时刻。
拥有如此多的品牌、角色和企业,迪士尼利用科技来确保客户的体验在任何一个平台上都是一致的。迪士尼通过电子邮件、博客及其网站等创新方式与消费者建立联系,向他们提供对电影预告片、电视剪辑、百老汇表演和虚拟主题公园体验的介绍和分析。迪士尼是第一批开始定期播放其电视播客、发布有关其产品和相关员工采访的公司之一。“我的迪士尼体验”(My Disney Experience)应用程序使得用户能够远程从快餐店订购食物并且付款,让其在参观迪士尼乐园和度假村时避免排队。
[1] Kate Clark,"Bird CEO on Scooter Startup Copycats, Unit Economics, Safety, and Seasonality,"Tech Crunch, February 3,2019.https://www. bird. co/press, accessed 11/23/2020.
[2] Dominique M. Hanssens and Koen H. Pauwels,"Demonstrating the Value of Marketing."Jourmal of Marketing 80, no.6(2016), pp.173-90.
[3] American Marketing Association,"Definition of Marketing,"https://www. ama. org/AboutAMA/Pages/Definition-of-Marketing. aspx, accessed 11/23/2020.
[4] Robert F. Lusch and Frederick E. Webster Jr.,"AStakeholder-Uniftying, Cocreation Philosophy for Marketing,"Joumal of Macromarketing 31, no.2(2011),129-34. See also Robert F. Lusch and Frederick E. Webster Jr.,"Elevating Marketing: Marketing Is Dead! Long Live Marketing!" Journal of Academy of Marketing Science 41(January 2013), pp.389-99.
[5] Peter Drucker, Management: Tasks, Responsibilities, Practices(New York: Harper and Row,1973), pp.64-65.
[6] Irving J. Rein, Philip Kotier, Michael Hamlin, andMartin Stoller, High Visibility,3rd ed.(New York: McGraw-Hill,2006).
[7] Philip Kotier, Christer Asplund, Irving Rein, and Donald H. Haider, Marketing Places in Europe: Attracting Investments, Industries, Residents, and Visitors to European Cities, Communities, Regions, and Nations(London: Financial Times Prentice Hall,1999); Philip Kotler, Irving J. Rein, and Donald Haider, Marketing Places: Attracting Investment, Industry, and Tourism to Cities, States, and Nations(New York: Free Press,1993).
[8] Philip Kotler,"Marketing: The Underappreciated Workhorse,"Market Leader, Quarter 2(2009), pp.8-10.
[9] V. Kumar,"Transformative Marketing: The Next20Years,"Jourmal of Marketing 82, no.4(2018), pp.1-12.
[10] Thomas Friedman, The World Is Flat:A Brief History of the Twenty-First Century(New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux,2005).
[11] Homi Kharas, The Unprecedented Expansion of the Global Micddle Class,(Washington, DC: The Brookings Institution,2017).
[12] Vjay Govindarajan and Chris Trimble, ReverseInnovation: Create Far from Home, Win Everywhere(Boston: Harvard Business Schoo/Publishing,2012).
[13] Rajendra Sisodia, David Wolfe, and Jagdish Sheth, Firms of Endearment:How World-Class Companies Profit from Passion(Upper Saddle River, NJ:Wharton School Publishing, 2007).
[14] Jeffrey Hollender and Stephen Fenichell, What Matters Most(New York:Basic Books, 2004),p.168;Alexander Chernev and Sean Blair, "Doing Well by Doing Good:The Benevolent Halo of Corporate Social Responsibility," Joumal of Consumer Research 41,no.6(2015),pp.1412-25. But corporate social responsibility efforts may not work well for some types of brands, such as luxury brands;see Carlos J. Torelli, Alokpama Basu Monga, and Andrew M. Kaikati, "Doing Poorly by Doing Good:Corporate Social Responsibility and Brand Concepts," Journal of Consumer Research 38(February 2012),pp.948-63.
[15] Karey Wutkowski, "Car Makers Try to Copy Green Halo of Prius," Reuters, April 8,2008;https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/the- car-that-changed-an-industry-toyota-marks-20th-anniversary-of-prius-with-special-anniversary- edition-301055995.html, accessed 1/30/2021.
[16] For some thoughtful academic perspectives on marketing strategy and tactics, see Alice M. Tybout and Bobby J. Calder, eds.,Kellogg on Marketing, 2nd ed. (New York:Wiley, 2010)and Alice M. Tybout and Tim Calkins, eds.,Kellogg on Branding(New York:Wiley, 2005).
[17] Tomio Geron, "The Share Economy," Forbes,February 11,2013;Georgios Zervas, Davide Proserpio, and John W. Byers, "The Rise of the Sharing Economy:Estimating the Impact of Airbnb on the Hotel Industry," Journal of Marketing Research 54,no.5(2017),pp.687-705.
[18] "New Directions:Consumer Goods Companies Hone a Cross-Channel Approach to Consumer Marketing," The Economist Intelligence Unit Special Report, February 2012.
[19] Mark Schaefer, "The 10 Best Corporate Blogs in the World," www.businessesgrow.com,January 5,2011;Roger Yu, "More Companies Quit Blogging, Go with Facebook Instead," USA Today,April 20,2012.
[20] Natasha Singer, "Amazon Is Pushing Technology That a Study Says Could Be Biased," New York Times, January 24,2019;Spencer Ante,"As Economy Cools, IBM Furthers Focus on Marketers," Wall Street Journal, July 17,2012.
[21] "Case Study:Promote Iceland," www.warc.com,2012; "How to Use a Volcanic Eruption to Your Advantage in Marketing,” ICCA Best Marketing Award Entry 2010; Marc Springate and George Bryant,“Promote Iceland: Inspired by Iceland,” www.warc.com, 2012; https://www.islandsstofa .is/en, accessed 11/23/2020.
[22] Diane Cardwell,“At Patagonia, the Bottom Line Includes the Earth,” New York Times, July.30,.2014.
[23] For a discussion of the conditions when consumers are most likely to prefer fair-trade products, see Katherine White, Rhiannon MacDonnell, and John H. Ellard,“Belief in a Just World: Consumer Intentions and Behaviors toward Ethical Products,” Journal of Marketing 76 (January.2012), pp. 103–18.
[24] https://www.warc.com/NewsAndOpinion/ News/30084, accessed 11/23/2020.
[25] Alexander Edeling and Marc Fischer,“Marketing’s Impact on Firm Value: Generalizations from a Meta-Analysis,” Journal of Marketing Research 53, no. 4 (2016), pp. 515–34.
[26] Constantine S. Katsikeas, Neil A. Morgan, Leonidas C. Leonidou, and G. Tomas M. Hult,“Assessing Performance Outcomes in Marketing.” Journal of Marketing 80, no. 2 (2016), pp. 1–20.
[27] V. Kumar,“Integrating Theory and Practice in Marketing.” Journal of Marketing 81, no. 2 (2017), pp. 1–7.
[28] Theodore Levitt,“Marketing Myopia,” Harvard Business Review, July–August 1960, p. 50.
[29] For a broad historical treatment of marketing thought, see D. G. Brian Jones and Eric H. Shaw,“A History of Marketing Thought,” in Barton A. Weitz and Robin Wensley, eds., Handbook of Marketing (London: Sage, 2002), pp. 39–65. For more specific issues related to the interface between marketing and sales, see Christian Homburg, Ove Jensen, and Harley Krohmer,“Configurations of Marketing and Sales: A Taxonomy,” Journal of Marketing 72 (March 2008), pp. 133–54.
[30] For some further historical reading on the origins of brand and category management, see George S. Low and Ronald A. Fullerton,“Brands, Brand Management, and the Brand Manager System: A Critical Historical Evaluation,” Journal of Marketing Research 31.(May.1994), pp. 173–90.
[31] D. Gail Fleenor,“The Next Space Optimizer,” Progressive Grocer, March 2009.
[32] Larry Selden and Geoffrey Colvin, Angel Customers & Demon Customers (New York: Portfolio [Penguin], 2003).
[33] For an in-depth discussion of issues around implementing a customer-based organization on which much of this paragraph is based, see George S. Day,“Aligning the Organization with the.Market,” MIT Sloan Management Review 48 (Fall.2006), pp. 41–49.
[34] Frederick E. Webster Jr.,“The Role of Marketing and the Firm,” in Barton A. Weitz and Robin Wensley, eds., Handbook of Marketing (London: Sage, 2002), pp. 39–65; Colleen M. Harmeling, Robert.W..Palmatier, Eric Fang, and Dianwen Wang,“Group Marketing: Theory, Mechanisms, and Dynamics,” Journal of Marketing 81, no. 4 (2017), pp. 1–24.
[35] Ibid.; Jon R. Katzenbach and Douglas K. Smith, The Wisdom of Teams: Creating the High-Performance Organization (Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 1993); Matias G. Enz and Douglas M. Lambert,“Using Cross-Functional, Cross-Firm Teams to Co-Create Value: The Role of Financial Measures,” Industrial Marketing Management, 41 (April 2012), pp. 495–507.
[36] Agneta Larsson, Mats Johansson, Fredrik B..th, and Sanna Neselius,“Reducing Throughput Time in a Service Organization by Introducing Cross-Functional Teams,” Production Planning & Control 23 (July 2012), pp. 571–80.
[37] Peter C. Verhoef and Peter S. H. Leeflang,“Understanding the Marketing Department’s Influence within the Firm,” Journal of Marketing 73 (March 2009), pp. 14–37; Pravin Nath and Vijay Mahajan,“Marketing in the C-Suite: A Study of Chief Marketing Officer Power in Firm’s Top Management Teams,” Journal of Marketing, 75 (January 2012), pp. 60–77; Christian Schulze, Bernd Skiera, and Thorsten Weisel,“Linking Customer and Financial Metrics to Shareholder Value: The Leverage Effect in Customer-Based Valuation,” Journal of Marketing, 76 (March 2012), pp. 17–32.
[38] Nirmalya Kumar, Marketing as Strategy: Understanding the CEO’s Agenda for Driving Growth and Innovation (Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 2004).
[39] George S. Day and Robert Malcolm,“The CMO and the Future of Marketing,” Marketing Management, Spring 2012, pp. 34–43.
[40] Natalie Zmuda,“Global Experience Rises as Prerequisite to Getting Ahead,” Advertising Age, June 10, 2012.
[41] For research on the prevalence of CMOs, see Pravin Nath and Vijay Mahajan,“Chief Marketing Officers: A Study of Their Presence in Firms’ Top Management Teams,” Journal of Marketing 72 (January.2008), pp. 65–81. For more discussion on the importance of CMOs, see David A. Aaker, Spanning Silos: The New CMO Imperative (Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 2008).
[42] Rui Wang, Aditya Gupta, and Rajdeep Grewal,"Mobility of Top Marketing and Sales Executives in Business-to-Business Markets:A Social Network Perspective," Joumal of Marketing Research 54.no.4(2017),pp.650-70.
[43] V. Kumarand Werner Reinartz. "Creating Enduring Customer Value." Joumal of Marketing 80,no.6(2016). pp.36-68.
[44] Johanna Frösén, Jukka Luoma, Matti Jaakkola,Henrikki Tikkanen, and Jaakko Aspara. "What Counts versus What Can Be Counted:The Complex Interplay of Market Orientation and Marketing Performance Measurement," Jourmal of Marketing 80,no.3(2016),pp.60-78.
[45] For discussion of some of the issues involved, see Glen Urban, Don't Just Relate-Advocate(Upper Saddie River, NJ:Pearson Education, Wharton School Publishing, 2005).
[46] For a broad historical treatment of marketing thought, see D. G. Brian Jones and Eric H. Shaw,"A History of Marketing Thought," Barton A. Weitz and Robin Wensley, eds.,Handbook of Marketing(London:Sage, 2002),pp.39-65. For more specific issues related to the interface between marketing and sales, see Christian Homburg, Ove Jensen, and Harley Krohmer, "Configurations of Marketing and Sales:A Taxonomy," Journal of Marketing 72(March 2008),pp.133-54.
[47] Frederick E. Webster Jr., "Expanding Your Network," Marketing Management(Fall 2010),pp.16-23;Frederick E. Webster Jr.,Alan J. Malter,and Shankar Ganesan, "Can Marketing Regain Its Seat at the Table?" Marketing Science Institute Report No.03-113(Cambridge, MA:Marketing Science Institute, 2003);Frederick E. Webster Jr.,"The Role of Marketing and the Firm," in Barton A. Weitz and Robin Wensley, eds.,Handbook of Marketing(London:Sage, 2002),pp.39-65.
[48] Jeff S. Johnson and Joseph M. Matthes. "Sales-to-Marketing Job Transitions," Joumal of Marketing82, πo.4(2018),pp.32-48.
[49] For more on creativity, see Pat Fallon and Fred Senn, Juicing the Orange:How to Turm Creativity into a Powerful Business Advantage(Boston:Harvard Business School Press, 2006);Bob Schmetterer, Leap:A Revolution in Creative Business Strategy(Hoboken, NJ:Wiley, 2003);Jean-Marie Dru, Beyond Disruption:Changing the Rules in the Marketplace(Hoboken, NJ:Wiley,2002);and all the books by Edward DeBono.
[50] Gary Hamel, Leading the Revolution(Boston:Harvard Business School Press, 2000).
[51] Jagdish N. Sheth, The Self-Destructive Habits of Good Companies .... and How to Break Them(Upper Saddle River, NJ:Wharton School Publishing, 2007).
[52] This section is largely derived from Philip Kotler,Ten Deadly Marketing Sins:Signs and Solutions(Hoboken, NJ:Wiley, 2004). Philip Kotler.
[53] Marketing Spotlight sources:Barbara Lippert,"Game Changers:Inside the Three Greatest Ad Campaigns of the Past Three Decades." Adweek,November 17,2008;Chris Zook and James Allen,"Growth outside the Core," Harvard Business Review, December 2003,pp.66-75;Adam Lashinsky, "Nike's Master Craftsman," Fortune,November 12,2015;Laura Stevens and Sara Germano, "Retail Shift Pushed Nike to Amazon-Sneaker Giant Resisted for Years but Got Outflanked by e-Commerce," Wall Street Journal,June 29,2017;https://about.nike.com, accessed11/22/2020.
[54] Marketing Spotlight sources:Richard Siklosc,"The Iger Difference," Fortune, April 11,2008;Dorothy Pomerantz, "Five Lessons in Success from Disney's $40 Million CEO." Forbes, January23,2013;Carmine Gallo, "Customer Service the Disney Way." Forbes, April 14,2011:Hugo Martin, "Disney's 2011 Marketing Campaign Centers on Family Memories," LA Times,September 23,2010;Erich Schwartzel, "Disney Lays Out Its Plan to Fight Back against Streaming Giants," Wall Street Joumal, August 8,2018;Brooks Barnes, "Mickey Turns 90,and the Disney Marketing Machine Celebrates," New York Times, November 2,2018;https://www thewaltdisneycompany.com/about;accessed11/22/2020.