- 徐梵澄国学三书:小学菁华
- 徐梵澄
- 1561字
- 2024-11-02 09:02:02
I.指事 Indicatives
Hsu Shên’s definition of this category is
Words “recognizable at frst glance and the idea understandable upon observation”.
The term literally means “to point to the fact”.
What is indicated is an abstraction, a feature or movement without any definite objective form. The two words given as examples by Hsu Shên, meaning “above” and “below”, clearly show this idea. Since both are relative to each other, a horizontal line of demarcation is drawn, and the idea of “above” or “below” is understood.
It must be noted here that simple signs that have no explanations are included in this category, such as the cardinal numbers from four to ten. A certain sign, usually a very simple one, was used to indicate a certain number, with no other significance. Artificial explanations based upon a theory of “words harmonic in sound may be analogous in meaning” which arose at a much later date are here discarded; otherwise the traditional explanation is given here for every word. We note here only 25 pure indicatives.

Marked below a word, usually on the right side, it denotes the repetition of the word.

这三个古体更为复杂。右边的部首“弋”是后增的(参见II. 94),以便在简单抽象的笔画之上添显分量和意义。该部首虽只表第一个字“弌”的读音,但后面两个字在造字时仍如法炮制。现代书体中,此三字仍在使用,但主要是在金融领域。
The three antique forms are more complicated. The sign on the right is a later addition(see II. 94) which serves to add weight and importance to the all too simple abstract line. Although it indicates the sound of the first word only, its use in the formation of the second and third words followed naturally. These three forms are found today in the modern written script, and used most commonly in the commercial field.

In the Archaic script, the longer line below is the horizon, and the shorter line above indicates anything above it, hence the idea of “above”. The bottom line was sometimes written as a curve; the top line was sometimes written vertically or as a dot, as illustrated here.

The explanation for this word and its variations is the reverse of the one for the word above.

The three lines represent Heaven, Earth, and Man in between. The one whose virtue pierces through these three planes is the king. The word was also written sideways in antique script.

The three downward strokes represent the rays of the sun, the moon and the stars radiating from “above”. It was also written using one less stroke.

The three lines represent the sides of the triangle used in technical drawing. It is highly probable that the T-square was also used then.

The ground and the soil are indicated by two lines with a plant springing forth in a vertical line. The top line was also written as a dot or as two sloping lines.

A plant striking roots in the soil is shown.

This is an inversion of the previous word. The short line indicates the obstruction or the thing entered into.

The pictograph in “a” shows how the word was written in the Major Script. The lines were also drawn sloping downwards.

There are five cosmic movements governing the universe (wrongly understood as the five elements) — metal, wood, fire, water, and earth. They are created by the conjunction of the two basic principles, Yin and Yang, represented here by two lines crossing. From this came the idea of five. This was the orthodox explanation given by Hsu shên in the Han Dynasty. However, in the opinion of the present writer, the lines originally indicated simply the four directions plus the central point, hence five. The traditional explanation seems a bit contrived.

In a higher sense, it means “to divide” because the sign shows a separation.

The traditional explanation is that the lines indicate the eight directions plus the directions“top” and “bottom” — hence ten.


A current of air going upward checked by something above is shown.

The form is the reverse of No. 23, and the meaning is the opposite—the exhalation is unhampered.

The corner denotes a hiding place.