- 美国高考核心3000词(附练习册)
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- 2020-06-25 09:53:49
Word List 5

indict /ɪnˈdaɪt/
【释】v. 控告 (accuse of a serious crime)
【例】You can’t indict whole people for the crudeness of a few.
【近】charge with, accuse of, court for, trial for
paranoid /ˈpærənɔɪd/
【释】adj. 多疑的
【例】All the layoffs in my department have made me paranoid.
perpetual /pərˈpetʃuəl/
【释】adj. 无休止的 (lasting forever)
【例】He soon grew tired of her perpetual demands for money.
【近】everlasting, eternal, permanent
【反】temporary, intermittent
【释】n./adj. 多年生的(植物) (flowering throughout the growing season)
behold /bɪˈhoʊld/
【释】v. 看见 (see)
【例】A well executed shot of a tall ship is a joy to behold.
【近】see, view
agitate /ˈædʒɪteɪt/
【释】v. 使…激动 (disturb, excite, or anger)
【例】If I talk about the problem with him it just agitates him even more.
【释】v. 煽动 (get people to support or oppose something)
【例】Some members of the union have been agitating for a strike.
patronize /ˈpeɪtrəˌnaɪz/
【释】v. 经常光顾
【例】I’ll never patronize that store again.
stigma /ˈstɪɡmə/
【释】n. 耻辱 (a symbol of disgrace)
【例】There is no longer any stigma attached to being divorced.
【近】shame, disgrace
【释】n. (花朵的)柱头
acquit /əˈkwɪt/
【释】v. 宣判…无罪
【例】The jury acquitted her.
【释】v. 表现
【例】The boys acquitted themselves well.
clutter /ˈklʌtər/
【释】n. 杂乱的东西
【例】a clutter of toys
【近】mess, disorder, chaos
clumsy /ˈklʌmzi/
【释】adj. 笨拙的 (awkward in movement)
【例】His choice of words was clumsy.
【近】awkward, unwieldy, cumbersome
【反】graceful, elegant
detrimental /ˌdetrɪˈmentl/
【释】adj. 不利的;有害的 (harmful)
【例】The detrimental effects of smoking are well known.
【近】destructive, disastrous
disposable /dɪˈspoʊzəbl/
【释】adj. 用后即丢弃的,一次性的 (intended to be thrown away after use)
【例】An advantage of Andrea is that it requires no disposable filters.
【用】disposable income 可支配收入
disposable chopsticks 一次性筷子
disposable diaper 一次性尿片,纸尿裤
dismal /ˈdɪzməl/
【释】adj./n. 阴沉的(情绪)(causing gloom or depression)
【例】Christmas will be dismal without the children.
【近】gloomy, melancholy, miserable
【反】cheerful, bright
plump /plʌmp/
【释】adj. 胖乎乎的 (slightly fat, in a pleasant way)
【例】plump fingers
【近】chubby, fat
【释】v. 使蓬松 (make it return to its full shape)
【例】She went round the room plumping up the cushions.
enchant /ɪnˈtʃænt/
【释】v. 使陶醉 (fill with great delight)
【例】We were all enchanted by the island.
【近】charm, delight
guru /ˈɡʊruː/
【释】n. 古鲁(印度教精神导师)
【例】a Hindu guru and mystic
【释】n. 导师,权威
【例】a management guru
【近】tutor, expert, authority
【反】disciple, amateur
censure /ˈsenʃər/
【释】v./n. 谴责 (the expression of formal disapproval)
【例】a vote of censure
【近】condemnation, rebuke, disapproval
pertinent /ˈpɜːrtnənt/
【释】adj. 有关的 (relevant)
【例】knowledge and skills pertinent to classroom teaching
impede /ɪmˈpiːd/
【释】v. 阻碍 (delay or prevent)
【例】Your efforts to impede our progress will be unsuccessful.
【近】obstruct, hamper
mural /ˈmjʊrəl/
【释】n. 壁画
【例】a mural by Diego Rivera
traverse /trəˈvɜːrs/
【释】v. 穿过 (travel across)
【例】Stanley traversed the continent from west to east.
【近】across, cross, wander
parody /ˈpærədi/
【释】n./v. 拙劣的模仿;恶搞 (produce a humo-rously exaggerated imitation)
【例】The first trial was a parody of justice.
【近】satire, caricature
bestow /bɪˈstoʊ/
【释】v. 授予 (confer or present)
【例】The Queen has bestowed a knighthood on him.
【近】confer on, grant, accord
bluff /blʌf/
【释】n./v. 虚张声势
【例】I bluffed my way through the interview.
【用】call one’s bluff 揭穿某人
【释】n./adj. 峭壁;陡峭的
【例】a bluff shoreline
refurbish /ˌriːˈfɜːrbɪʃ/
【释】v. 整修
【例】The airfield plans to refurbish its museum.
solemn /ˈsɑːləm/
【释】adj. 庄严的 (formal and dignified)
【例】funerals and other solemn occasions
【近】ceremonial, stately, formal, serious
kernel /ˈkɜːrnl/
【释】n. (坚果的)仁
【近】seed, grain
【释】n. 要点 (the central idea)
【例】The kernel of that message was that peace must not be a source of advantage or disadvantage for anyone.
【近】essence, core
【释】n. 一小部分 (a small element of)
【例】For all I know, there may be a kernel of truth in what he says.
taint /teɪnt/
【释】n./v. 污染 (contaminate or pollute)
【例】Her government never really shook off the taint of corruption.
fumble /ˈfʌmbl/
【释】v. 摸索;笨拙地做
【例】She fumbled with the lock.
【近】grope, stumble, stagger
bristle /ˈbrɪsl/
【释】v. 发怒
【例】He bristled with indignation at the sugges-tion that he was racist.
【释】n. 鬃毛
【近】hair, spine
【释】v. 充满
【例】The country bristles with armed groups.
impart /ɪmˈpɑːrt/
【释】v. 传授 (make known)
【例】I am about to impart knowledge to you that you will never forget.
【近】pass on, convey
【释】v. 给予(特定品质) (bestow a quality on)
【例】She managed to impart great elegance to the unpretentious dress she was wearing.
latent /ˈleɪtnt/
【释】adj. 潜在的 (potential)
【例】latent talent
【近】dormant, untapped, invisible
hunch /hʌntʃ/
【释】n. 直觉;预感
【例】I had a hunch that Susan and I would work well together.
【释】v. 耸肩;弓身 (bend yourself up together)
【例】He got out his map of Yorkshire and hunched over it to read the small print.
【近】arch, curve
wither /ˈwɪðər/
【释】v. 衰落;枯萎 (become weak and shriveled)
【例】Industries unable to modernize have been left to wither.
【近】shrivel up, limp, fade, shrink
involuntary /ɪnˈvɑːlənteri/
【释】adj. 无意识的;非自愿的 (done without will)
【例】Other ocular signs include involuntary rhythmic movement of the eyeball.
【近】spontaneous, instinctive, unconscious
infuriate /ɪnˈfjʊrieɪt/
【释】v. 使大怒 (make extremely angry)
【例】It infuriates us to have to deal with this particular mayor.
【近】enrage, incense, provoke
disparate /ˈdɪspərət/
【释】adj. 迥然不同的
【例】our disparate opinions
【近】contrasting, different
curtail /kɜːrˈteɪl/
【释】v. 减缩 (reduce)
【例】NATO plans to curtail the number of troops being sent to the region.
【近】reduce, cut
【反】increase, lengthen
inscribe /ɪnˈskraɪb/
【释】v. 题写;雕刻 (write or carve on something)
【例】Will you inscribe your name in the book?
【近】carve, write, engrave, imprint
prairie /ˈprɛri/
【释】n. 大草原 (a treeless grassy plain)
【例】The pictures depicting the life of the prairie people are simple but touching.
shrewd /ʃruːd/
【释】adj. 精明的 (clever or resourceful)
【例】a shrewd politician
【近】astute, sharp, acute, perceptive
conjecture /kənˈdʒektʃər/
【释】n./v. 推测 (form an opinion or supposition on the basis of incomplete information)
【例】He conjectured that she might have taken a later train.
warp /wɔːrp/
【释】n./v. 扭曲 (a twist or distortion)
【例】I never had any toys; my father thought that they would warp my personal values.
【近】bend, distort, curve
savor /ˈseɪvər/
【释】v. 品尝 (enjoy the full taste)
【例】He ate his meal slowly, savoring every mouthful.
【释】v. 尽情享受 (enjoy a feeling)
【例】He smirked joyously, savoring every moment of my suffering.
【近】relish, feast on
triumphant /traɪˈʌmfənt/
【释】adj. 成功的
【例】He couldn’t suppress a triumphant smile.
thrash /θræʃ/
【释】v. 抽打 (hit someone hard several times)
【近】hit, beat, strike, hammer, pound
【释】n. 快节奏重金属摇滚乐
contrive /kənˈtraɪv/
【释】v. 设法促成
【例】You contrived to be alone with me despite the supervision.
【释】v. 出乎意料地做到
【例】She contrived to spill the can of paint.
【近】manage, devise
outburst /ˈaʊtbɜːrst/
【释】n. 迸发;爆发 (a sudden release of strong emotion)
【例】an outburst of anger
【近】eruption, explosion
conceivable /kənˈsiːvəbl/
【释】adj. 想象得到的 (capable of being imagined)
【例】The body was photographed from every conceivable angle.
ludicrous /ˈluːdɪkrəs/
【释】adj. 荒唐可笑的 (so foolish as to be amusing)
【例】It’s ludicrous that I have been fined.
【近】absurd, ridiculous, foolish
somber /ˈsɑːmbər/
【释】adj. 昏暗的;阴郁的 (dark or dull in color or tone)
【例】His expression was somber as he listened to the report of the accident.
【近】dark, dull, solemn, serious, grave
womb /wuːm/
【释】n. 子宫
dissect /daɪˈsekt/
【释】v. 解剖
【例】The body was dissected.
【近】anatomize, analyze
agonize /ˈæɡənaɪz/
【释】v. 使痛苦 (undergo great mental anguish)
【例】I spent days agonizing over whether to take the job or not.
rectify /ˈrektɪfaɪ/
【释】v. 校正 (put (something) right)
【例】Please rectify the mistakes in my bill.
【近】correct, right
orchestrate /ˈɔːrkɪstreɪt/
【释】v. 将…谱成管弦乐曲 (write an orchestra score for)
【例】He was orchestrating the second act of his opera.
【释】v. 精心策划 (plan and direct)
【例】He orchestrated that entire evening.
futile /ˈfjuːtl/
【释】adj. 无益的 (incapable of producing any useful result)
【例】Their efforts to revive him were futile.
【近】fruitless, vain, useless
fraudulent /ˈfrɔːdʒələnt/
【释】adj. 欺诈性的 (involving deception)
【例】The investigation has laid bare their fraudulent scheme.
【近】unscrupulous, crooked, shady
forage /ˈfɔːrɪdʒ/
【释】v. 搜寻(粮草) (collect or look around for food)
【例】Because of their efforts, the pioneers who followed didn’t have to forage for food.
【近】graze, pasture
【释】n. 饲料,草料
【例】Their forage and water supplies have diminished, but the cattle must still be fed.
conspire /kənˈspaɪər/
【释】v. 密谋,共谋
【例】They admitted conspiring to steal cars.
【近】plot, scheme, plan
【释】v. 共同起作用
【例】Circumstances conspired against them.
vanity /ˈvænəti/
【释】n. 过于自负;虚荣心 (excessive pride)
【例】It flattered his vanity to think I was in love with him.
【近】conceit, pride
【释】n. 无用 (worthlessness)
【例】He saw the vanity of human wishes.
havoc /ˈhævək/
【释】n. 严重破坏;浩劫
【例】The hurricane caused havoc.
【释】n. 大混乱
【例】Hyperactive children create havoc.
penalize /ˈpiːnəlaɪz/
【释】v. 处罚
【例】If you break the rules you will be penalized.
【释】v. 使处于不利地位
【例】People with certain medical conditions would be penalized.
cunning /ˈkʌnɪŋ/
【释】adj./n. 狡猾(的) (skill in achieving one’s ends by deceit)
【例】a cunning and resourceful criminal
【近】sly, astute, clever, deceptive
【释】n. 灵巧,巧妙
【例】She displayed remarkable cunning in persuading us all of her innocence.
upheaval /ʌpˈhiːvl/
【释】n. 动乱;剧变
【例】the upheaval caused by wartime evacuation
【近】disruption, chaos
【释】n. 隆起
【例】The first upheaval produced a hill which was called Roof Mountain.
deflect /dɪˈflekt/
【释】v. 使…偏斜 (turn aside from a straight course)
【例】The ball was deflected into the goal.
【近】divert, avert, distract
【释】v. 劝阻
【例】She refused to be deflected from anything she had set her mind on.
blunder /ˈblʌndər/
【释】n./v. (犯)大错 (a stupid mistake)
【近】mistake, error
diagonal /daɪˈæɡənl/
【释】adj. 对角线的
【例】Vaulting the step, he headed diagonally across the paddock.
overdue /ˌoʊvərˈduː/
【释】adj. 到期未付的
【例】overdue payments
【释】adj. 迟来的
【例】The ship is overdue.
【反】early, punctual
【释】adj. 过了预产期的
suspense /səˈspens/
【释】n. 中止
【例】He left us waiting in suspense for hours.
【近】tension, doubt
eminent /ˈemɪnənt/
【释】adj. 名声显赫的;杰出的
【例】He is one of Britain’s most eminent scientists.
【近】preeminent, notable, prestigious
ignite /ɪɡˈnaɪt/
【释】v. 点燃 (catch fire or cause to catch fire)
【例】Sparks flew out and ignited the dry scrub.
【反】go out, extinguish, dampen
【释】v. 引发
【例】to ignite tensions
【近】set off, trigger
eloquent /ˈeləkwənt/
【释】adj. 有说服力的 (fluent or persuasive in speaking or writing)
【例】an eloquent speech
【近】fluent, expressive, persuasive, powerful
renounce /rɪˈnaʊns/
【释】v. 宣布放弃;抛弃 (formally declare the abandonment of)
【例】No progress will be made until the terrorists renounce violence.
【近】give up, relinquish
【反】assert, abide by, accept, embrace
hindsight /ˈhaɪndsaɪt/
【释】n. 事后诸葛,后见之明
【例】With hindsight, I should never have gone.
mediation /ˌmiːdiˈeɪʃn/
【释】n. 调解;仲裁
【例】All efforts of mediation by a third party were in vain at all.
【用】mediation process 调解过程
revere /rɪˈvɪr/
【释】v. 敬畏 (feel deep respect)
【例】Students revere the old professors.
【近】respect, admire
disdain /dɪsˈdeɪn/
【释】n./v. 鄙视 (think that somebody/something is not good enough to deserve your respect)
【例】Her upper lip curled in disdain.
He disdained to discuss the matter further.
【近】contempt, scorn, indifference
caricature /ˈkærɪkətʃər/
【释】n. 漫画
【例】There are elements of caricature in the portrayal of the hero.
【释】n. 拙劣的模仿
【例】He looked like a caricature of his normal self.
extinguish /ɪkˈstɪŋɡwɪʃ/
【释】v. 扑灭 (cease to burn or shine)
【例】Firemen were soaking everything to extinguish the blaze.
【释】v. 使破灭 (put an end to)
【例】Hope is extinguished little by little.
【近】cringe, cower, quail
budgetary /ˈbʌdʒɪteri/
【释】adj. 预算的
【例】For budgetary reasons the redevelopment of these systems from scratch can be a poor option.
【用】budgetary control 预算控制
ominous /ˈɑːmɪnəs/
【释】adj. 不祥的 (bad omen)
【例】There was an ominous silence at the other end of the phone.
【近】unfavorable, fateful
concise /kənˈsaɪs/
【释】adj. 简洁的
【例】a concise account
lofty /ˈlɔːfti/
【释】adj. 高耸的 (of imposing height)
【例】lofty towers
【近】tall, high
【反】low, short, base, modest
【释】adj. 高尚的 (noble)
【例】an extraordinary mixture of harsh reality and lofty ideals
disillusion /ˌdɪsɪˈluːʒn/
【释】v./n. (使)幻想破灭 (deprive of illusion)
【例】When the talent is gone, the child is more likely to feel disillusion and emptiness than a normal child.
mutant /ˈmjuːtənt/
【释】adj./n. 变种的,突变的;突变体
predicament /prɪˈdɪkəmənt/
【释】n. 窘境,困境 (a difficult situation)
【例】How did you ever get yourself into such a predicament?
hue /hjuː/
【释】n. 色彩;色调 (a color or shade)
【近】color, shade, tone, tint
oblivious /əˈblɪviəs/
【释】adj. 未察觉的 (not aware of )
【例】She became absorbed, oblivious to the passage of time.
【近】unconscious, ignorant
【反】aware, conscious, sensitive
pastime /ˈpæstaɪm/
【释】n. 娱乐,消遣 (something that you do in your spare time)
【例】His favorite pastimes were shooting and golf.
poignant /ˈpɔɪnjənt/
【释】adj. 酸楚的,辛酸的 (evoking a sense of sadness or regret)
【例】a poignant reminder of the passing of time
【近】pathetic, mournful, wretched, miserable
confinement /kənˈfaɪnmənt/
【释】n. 限制;监禁
【例】He was immediately released from his confinement.
【用】inertial confinement 惯性约束
solitary confinement 单独拘禁
grudge /ɡrʌdʒ/
【释】n. 积怨 (a feeling of anger towards someone)
【例】There’s a whole list of people who might bear a grudge against him.
【释】v. 勉强给 (give something without wanting to)
【例】I grudge every minute that I have to stay away from my writing.
ecstasy /ˈekstəsi/
【释】n. 狂喜;入迷 (a feeling of great happiness)
【近】rapture, joy
【释】n. 摇头丸
tacit /ˈtæsɪt/
【释】adj. 心照不宣的 (understood or implied without being stated)
【例】Your silence may be taken to mean tacit agreement.
burgeon /ˈbɜːrdʒən/
【释】v. 萌芽,发芽;迅速发展 (grow rapidly)
【例】Plants burgeon from every available space.
【近】flourish, thrive, prosper
adamant /ˈædəmənt/
【释】adj. 坚决的;固执的
【例】He begged his mother to let him try out for the football team, but she was adamant.
hoist /hɔɪst/
【释】n./v. 升起;举起
【例】We hoisted the mainsail.
【释】n. 升降机
【例】a mechanical hoist
【近】lifting gear
whim /wɪm/
【释】n. 突发奇想,一时的兴致 (a sudden desire or change of mind)
【例】She bought it on a whim.
holistic /hoʊˈlɪstɪk/
【释】adj. 整体的 (emphasizing relation between parts and the whole)
【例】We will all need to get beyond our individual narrow interests and begin to develop a holistic solution that works for everyone.