- 美国高考核心3000词(附练习册)
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- 2020-06-25 09:53:49
Word List 6

blatant /ˈbleɪtnt/
【释】adj. 明显的 (conspicuous or obtrusive)
【例】It was a blatant attempt to influence the judges.
【释】adj. 吵闹的 (unpleasantly loud and noisy)
【例】There are those who find the trombones blatant and the triangle silly, but both add effective color.
repercussion /ˌriːpərˈkʌʃn/
【释】n. 反响 (a movement back from an impact)
【例】Members of congress were warned of possible repercussions if their vote went through.
pavilion /pəˈvɪliən/
【释】n. 装饰性建筑 (a temporary building used at public events)
【例】the US pavilion at the Trade Fair
【释】n. 亭子
tapestry /ˈtæpəstri/
【释】n. 挂毯
ornate /ɔːrˈneɪt/
【释】adj. 华美的;(词藻)华丽的
【例】an ornate mirror
liken /ˈlaɪkən/
【释】v. 把某人/某事物比作
【例】Racism is likened to a contagious disease.
airborne /ˈerbɔːrn/
【释】adj. 空气传播的;航空的 (transported by air)
【例】airborne attack
deport /dɪˈpɔːrt/
【释】v. 驱逐
【例】The federal authorities deported him for illegal entry.
【近】expel, exile, transport, oust
veer /vɪr/
【释】v./n. 转向 (a sudden change of direction)
【例】The plane veered off the runway and careered through the perimeter fence.
【近】turn, sheer
miraculous /mɪˈrækjələs/
【释】adj. 奇迹般的 (highly improbable and extraordinary)
【例】a miraculous cure
delve /delv/
【释】v. 探索
【例】to delve further or deeper into the information/subject
【释】v. 挖掘,搜寻
【例】to delve into one’s pockets
brim /brɪm/
【释】n. (帽)檐
【例】a flat black hat with a wide brim
【释】v. 充盈,满溢 (be full of fluid)
【例】Michael looked at him imploringly, eyes brimming with tears.
nobility /noʊˈbɪləti/
【释】n. 高贵;贵族
【例】Earls princes and kings belong to the nobility.
brag /bræɡ/
【释】v. 吹嘘 (say in a boastful manner)
【例】“I found them,” she bragged.
synchronize /ˈsɪŋkrənaɪz/
【释】v. 同步 (occur at the same time)
【例】The show was designed so that the lights synchronized with the music.
【近】concur, coincide
floral /ˈflɔːrəl/
【释】adj. 植物的;花的 (relating to flowers)
【例】She engraved the ring in a floral pattern.
savvy /ˈsævi/
【释】n. 常识
【例】You can find your way back by yourself just using your savvy!
【释】adj. 精明的;有见识的 (shrewd and knowle- dgeable)
【例】a savvy investor
espouse /ɪˈspaʊz/
【释】n./v. 支持 (adopt or support)
【例】She ran away with him to Mexico and espoused the revolutionary cause.
【近】adopt, embrace, take up, accept
vulgar /ˈvʌlɡər/
【释】adj. 庸俗的;粗鲁的 (lacking sophistication or good taste)
【例】the vulgar trappings of wealth
【近】rude, offensive, distasteful
【反】decent, inoffensive
elongate /ɪˈlɔːŋɡeɪt/
【释】v. 拉长 (make long)
【例】The muscles are elongating rather than contracting in this exercise.
【近】protract, stretch
avid /ˈævɪd/
【释】adj. 热衷的;热心的 (marked by keen interest and enthusiasm)
【例】an avid reader/supporter
【近】keen, eager, enthusiastic, ardent, passionate, zealous
vernacular /vərˈnækjələr/
【释】n./adj. 方言(的),本地化(的)
【释】n./adj. 民间风格(的)
【例】He wrote in the vernacular to reach a wider audience.
captivate /ˈkæptɪveɪt/
【释】v. 迷住,迷惑 (attract)
【例】The allure and charm of Paris captivate all who visit there.
【近】charm, enchant, fascinate, entrance
allure /əˈlʊr/
【释】n./v. 吸引 (the quality of being attractive or fascinating)
【例】It’s a game that has really lost its allure.
【近】attraction, lure, draw, appeal
fragrance /ˈfreɪɡrəns/
【释】n. 香味
【例】Fragrance emanated from the flowers.
defiant /dɪˈfaɪənt/
【释】adj. 挑衅的 (openly refusing to obey)
【例】The terrorists sent a defiant message to the government.
deplore /dɪˈplɔːr/
【反】【释】v. 悲悼;对 (feel or express strong disapproval)
【例】I deplore and condemn this killing.
【近】regret, lament, mourn
【反】applaud, admire
harmonic /hɑːrˈmɑːnɪk/
【释】adj. 和声的 (notes are played or sung together)
【释】n. [物理]谐波
abort /əˈbɔːrt/
【释】v. 使…流产
【释】v. 中止;取消
【例】The crew aborted the takeoff.
brook /brʊk/
【释】v. 容忍,忍受 (put up with something or somebody unpleasant)
【例】I cannot brook his arrogance.
【释】n. 小溪 (a small stream)
haste /heɪst/
【释】n. 匆忙 (excessive speed or urgency)
【例】In my haste to escape, I tripped over a fallen branch.
【近】speed, urgency, rush
sneer /snɪr/
【释】v./n. 冷笑;讥笑 (a mocking smile)
【例】He acknowledged their presence with a condescending sneer.
【近】smile, jibe
aristocracy /ˌærɪˈstɑːkrəsi/
【释】n. 贵族
【近】nobility, elite
【反】working class
neutrality /nuːˈtræləti/
【释】n. 中立
【例】Switzerland declared its neutrality.
remorse /rɪˈmɔːrs/
【释】n. 懊悔 (deep regret)
【例】They were filled with remorse and shame.
【近】regret, guilt
gape /ɡeɪp/
【释】n./v. 张口结舌地瞪着
【例】She gaped at him in astonishment.
【释】v. 裂开;张大
【例】a padded coat that gaped at every seam
【近】open wide
reimburse /ˌriːɪmˈbɜːrs/
【释】v. 偿付 (repay)
【例】I’ll be happy to reimburse you for any expenses you might have incurred.
【近】repay, return, compensate
eclectic /ɪˈklektɪk/
【释】n./adj. 兼收并蓄(的) (deriving ideas from a broad range of sources)
【例】an eclectic collection of paintings, drawings, and prints
【近】comprehensive, diverse, multifaceted, heterogeneous
blockbuster /ˈblɑːkbʌstər/
【释】n. 了不起的人或事 (an usually successful hit)
【例】There is no point reviewing a blockbuster as you might review a serious novel.
decency /ˈdiːsnsi/
【释】n. 得体;礼仪 (behavior that conforms to accepted standards)
【例】It would have been only common decency to phone and say you’d be late.
【近】dignity, courtesy
treacherous /ˈtretʃərəs/
【释】adj. 奸诈的 (that cannot be trusted)
【例】Memory is particularly treacherous.
【释】adj. 危险的
【例】The ice on the roads made driving conditions treacherous.
charisma /kəˈrɪzmə/
【释】n. 个人魅力
【例】He lacks the charisma we look for in our salespeople.
coax /koʊks/
【释】v. 哄劝,劝诱 (persuade sb. by flattery)
【例】You have to coax some of the children to speak.
【近】persuade, seduce
【用】be coaxed into doing something
【释】n. 同轴电缆
varnish /ˈvɑːrnɪʃ/
【释】n./v. (涂)清漆 (a liquid that is painted onto wood, metal, etc. and that forms a hard shiny transparent surface when it is dry)
【例】an outward varnish of civilization
【近】polish, wax
carcass /ˈkɑːrkəs/
【释】n. 尸体;残骸
creed /kriːd/
【释】n. 信条;原则 (a system of Christian or other religious belief)
【近】faith, belief
idiosyncratic /ˌɪdiəsɪŋˈkrætɪk/
【释】adj. 独特的
【例】Of the great idiosyncratic detectives of fiction, Nero Wolfe is my favorite.
mediocre /ˌmiːdiˈoʊkər/
【释】adj. 普通的 (of only moderate quality)
【例】a mediocre actor
【近】ordinary, average
intangible /ɪnˈtændʒəbl/
【释】adj. 无形的
【例】The moonlight made things seem intangible.
【用】intangible asset 无资产形
intangible property 无财产
intangible value 无价值形
resurgence /rɪˈsɜːrdʒəns/
【释】n. 复兴;再现 (an increase or revival)
【例】the resurgence of jazz
【近】renewal, revival, recovery
illiterate /ɪˈlɪtərət/
【释】adj. 不识字的;文盲的 (unable to read or write)
【例】A surprising percentage of the population are illiterate.
【释】adj. 外行的;无知的 (knowing little about a particular subject)
【例】They are surprised at the extent to which voters are politically illiterate.
【释】n. 文盲;无知的人
【例】a computer illiterate
accentuate /əkˈsentʃueɪt/
【释】v. 强调 (make more noticeable or prominent)
【例】His jacket unfortunately accentuated his paunch.
【近】underline, highlight
【释】v. 重读
hysteria /hɪˈstɪriə/
【释】n. 歇斯底里
【例】His fictional account of an alien invasion caused not-so-fictional hysteria among the radio audience.
【释】n. 癔病
detour /ˈdiːtʊr/
【释】n./v. 绕道(而行) (a roundabout road)
【例】We made a detour to avoid the heavy traffic.
impartial /ɪmˈpɑːrʃl/
【释】adj. 公正的
【例】He earned a reputation as a peacemaker, serving as an impartial arbiter in numerous international disputes.
【近】unbiased, neutral
galvanize /ˈɡælvənaɪz/
【释】v. 刺激;激励 (shock or excite into taking action)
【例】The reverend’s words galvanized our group into action.
【近】shock, startle, motivate
【释】v. 给…镀锌;通电
counterfeit /ˈkaʊntərfɪt/
【释】v./adj./n. 伪造(的)(东西)
【反】genuine, original
immaculate /ɪˈmækjələt/
【释】adj. 无瑕疵的 (free from flaws)
【例】The goalkeeper’s performance was immaculate.
【近】clean, spotless
containment /kənˈteɪnmənt/
【释】n. 抑制;牵制
【例】the containment of the epidemic
【用】containment policy 遏制政策
containment vessel 保护壳,安全壳
containment action 围堵措施;遏制措施
blight /blaɪt/
【释】n./v. 破坏,毁坏;阻碍发展(的东西) (spoil or damage something, especially by causing a lot of problems)
【例】This discriminatory policy has really been a blight on America.
garrison /ˈɡærɪsn/
【释】n./v. 驻防;守卫(部队) ((the troops who) maintain and guard a fortified place)
【例】American troops still garrisoned the country.
【近】troops, fortress
sublime /səˈblaɪm/
【释】adj. 很棒的,卓越的 (of high intellectual worth)
【例】Mozart’s sublime piano concertos
【近】noble, lofty, majestic, magnificent
【释】adj. 极致的,极端的 (supreme)
【例】His face assumed an expression of sublime conceit.
dreary /ˈdrɪri/
【释】adj. 枯燥的 (dull, bleak, and lifeless)
【例】a drearily familiar scenario
【近】dull, tedious, boring, monotonous
vindicate /ˈvɪndɪkeɪt/
【释】v. 辩护 (clear sb. of blame or suspicion)
【例】There are other arguments I might adduce to vindicate Shakespeare’s authorship.
【近】justify, warrant, substantiate, ratify
subversive /səbˈvɜːrsɪv/
【释】adj./n. 颠覆性的(人)
【例】His books are highly subversive.
【近】revolutionary, rebellious, rebel
sloppy /ˈslɑːpi/
【释】adj. 邋遢的;马虎的
【例】Their defense was sloppy.
【释】adj. 宽松的
【例】She wore a sloppy sweater and jeans.
【释】adj. 稀的
【例】a sloppy serving of cereal
heady /ˈhedi/
【释】adj. (酒)上头的;浓烈的
【释】adj. 令人兴奋的
【例】the heady days of my youth
assort /əˈsɔrt/
【释】v. 分类 (classify)
【例】You will be assorted into four teams, or rather, have already been assorted into four teams.
【用】assort with 相称;与…协调
hereditary /həˈredɪteri/
【释】adj. 世袭的 (conferred by or based on inheritance)
【例】The ancient Polish aristocracy had hereditary right to elect the king.
【释】adj. 遗传的
【例】Cystic fibrosis is our most common fatal hereditary disease.
【近】ancestral, genetic
kinship /ˈkɪnʃɪp/
【释】n. [法]亲属关系
【例】Kenyans place a high value on family relationships and the importance of kinship.
ardent /ˈɑːrdnt/
【释】adj. 热烈的;热情的 (enthusiastic or passionate)
【例】He’s been one of the most ardent suppor-ters of the administration’s policy.
【近】passionate, zealous, intense
legislate /ˈledʒɪsleɪt/
【释】v. 立法
【例】We urge Congress to legislate against human cloning.
【近】make laws
detract /dɪˈtrækt/
【释】v. 减损;转移;使分心 (reduce or take away the worth or value of)
【例】They could detract little from so solid an argument.
【近】reduce, lessen, minimize
resurrect /ˌrezəˈrekt/
【释】v. 使复活 (restore to life)
【例】resurrect from the dead
disclaimer /dɪsˈkleɪmər/
【释】n. 免责声明 (a statement that denies sth.)
epoch /ˈepək/
【释】n. 时代 (a period marked by distinctive character)
【例】The birth of Christ was the beginning of a major epoch of world history.
crumple /ˈkrʌmpl/
【释】v. 弄皱 (become wrinkled)
【例】I quickly crumpled up the letter and shoved it in my pocket.
【释】v. 垮台,崩溃 (collapse)
【例】He crumpled in a heap at our feet.
【近】crush, screw up, squash, collapse
improvisation /ɪmˌprɑːvəˈzeɪʃn/
【释】n. 即兴表演;即兴创作
attire /əˈtaɪər/
【释】n./v. (穿上)盛装 (clothing of a distinctive style or for a particular occasion)
【例】The bride was attired in white.
【近】dress, wear, gear, dress up
cumbersome /ˈkʌmbərsəm/
【释】adj. 笨重的
【例】a cumbersome diving suit
【释】adj. 累赘的;不方便的
【例】cumbersome procedures
【近】unwieldy, complicated
【反】manageable, straightforward
respite /ˈrespɪt/
【释】n./v. 喘息;暂缓 (a short period of rest)
【例】Devaluation would only give the economy a brief respite.
【近】rest, break, pause, relief
erroneous /ɪˈroʊniəs/
【释】adj. 错误的
【例】an erroneous accusation
culinary /ˈkʌlɪneri/
【释】adj. 烹饪的;厨房的
desolate /ˈdesələt/
【释】adj. 荒凉的 (empty and without people: deserted)
【例】a desolate old house
【近】bleak, bare
delinquency /dɪˈlɪŋkwənsi/
【释】n. (少年)违法犯罪
【例】Last but not least, the shortcoming in education is the cause contributing to juvenile delinquency.
【用】juvenile delinquency 少年违法犯罪
aversion /əˈvɜːrʒn/
【释】n. 厌恶
【例】an aversion to the use of force
reprimand /ˈreprɪmænd/
【释】n. 惩戒 (censure severely or angrily)
【例】His boss gave him a reprimand for being late.
【近】rebuke, reproach
apprehend /ˌæprɪˈhend/
【释】v. 逮捕 (arrest someone)
【近】arrest, capture, imprison
【释】v. 理解;意识到 (understand something)
【例】Science is the systematic method by which we apprehend what is true about the real world in which we live.
acronym /ˈækrənɪm/
【释】n. 首字母缩略词
flimsy /ˈflɪmzi/
【释】adj. 劣质的 (lacking solidity or strength)
【例】a flimsy wooden door
【近】fragile, frail, unstable
【释】adj. 薄的
【释】adj. 不足信的 (not very good or convincing)
reproach /rɪˈproʊtʃ/
【释】n./v. 责备;(使感到)耻辱 (the expression of disapproval)
【例】His wife reproached him with cowardice.
【近】disgrace, shame
choreographer /ˌkɔːriˈɑːɡrəfər/
【释】n. 编舞者;舞蹈指导 (someone who creates new dances)
【例】A choreographer told me that what profe-ssionals are looking for in a good dancer is core body strength.
prerogative /prɪˈrɑːɡətɪv/
【释】n. 特权
【例】It’s my prerogative to hold on to the farm.
【近】right, privilege, advantage
flamboyant /flæmˈbɔɪənt/
【释】adj. 艳丽的 (attracting attention because of their exuberance)
【例】Freddie Mercury was a flamboyant star of the British hard rock scene.
【近】bodacious, arresting
【反】modest, dull, simple
【释】n. [植物]凤凰木
compulsive /kəmˈpʌlsɪv/
【释】adj. 难以控制的
【例】a compulsive desire
【释】adj. 吸引人的
【例】It’s compulsive viewing.
circumvent /ˌsɜːrkəmˈvent/
【释】v. 包围;回避 (surround so as to force to give up)
【例】The wealthy make most of their expensive purchases online and circumvent state sales taxes.
【近】bypass, sidestep, skirt
bounty /ˈbaʊnti/
【释】n. 慷慨 (generosity)
【例】The charity is totally dependent on the Church’s bounty.
【释】n. 赏金 (money that is offered as a reward)
【例】The government has placed a bounty on the heads of many of its opponents.
complacent /kəmˈpleɪsnt/
【释】adj. 自满的 (satisfied with a situation that you feel it needs no change)
【例】We cannot afford to be complacent about our health.
【近】indifferent, nonchalant
rendezvous /ˈrɑːndɪvuː/
【释】v./n. 约会,会面
【例】Eleanor was late for their rendezvous.
【近】meeting, appointment, date, gather
fervor /ˈfɜːrvər/
【释】n. 热忱
【例】Even the smallest of tasks he tackled with fervor.