Uploading a photo

This is often overlooked, but it could be smart to upload a photo to each member of your team. Perhaps as you're creating an employee's ID badge, you could also upload that picture into Office 365. This is a wise idea from both interpersonal and security standpoints. It will ensure that people spread out across the organization can recognize each other as people, and it could also make it more difficult for hackers to infiltrate your company with human engineering attacks:

Changing a user image

To add an image to a user, look for the Change link immediately under the circle with the person's initials in the upper left-hand corner.

For some reason that we can't really fathom, setting a user's photo in PowerShell is done through a remote session to Exchange Online, like so:

Set-UserPhoto -Identity $Identity –PictureData ([System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes($FilePath)) -Confirm:$false  

Does this mean users without mailboxes don't have photos in Office 365? This question has been left as an exercise for the reader.

For more information visit: https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/cloudtrek365/2014/12/31/uploading-high-resolution-photos-using-powershell-for-office-365/.