03 特朗普施压参议院批准2000美元刺激支票


全文共593个词, By James Politi in Washington

Donald Trump challenged Senate Republicans to approve an increase in stimulus cheques to $2,000 per person, defying his own party leaders in Congress in one of the last political clashes of his presidency.

唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)叫板参议院共和党人批准将发给美国人的刺激支票增至每人2000美元,从而在其总统任期进入尾声之际挑起又一起政治冲突,挑战自己所属政党在国会的领导者。

A day after the Democratic-controlled House of Representatives passed legislation raising the direct payments from $600, Mr Trump urged the Republican-controlled Senate to do the same, despite the resistance of many lawmakers of his party to increased spending.


“Give the people $2,000, not $600. They have suffered enough!” Mr Trump wrote in tweet early Tuesday.


The US president’s pressure came as Mitch McConnell, the Republican Senate majority leader, prepared to bring the upper chamber back into session after the holiday. Mr McConnell has not said whether he would schedule a vote on the larger direct payments.

美国总统施压之际,共和党的参议院多数党领袖米奇·麦康奈尔(Mitch McConnell)正准备在假期结束后召集国会上院重新开会。麦康奈尔并未表示他会否安排就更大规模的直接补贴举行投票。

The $600 payments were included in a $900bn stimulus bill signed into law by Mr Trump on Sunday. Higher direct payments would increase the cost of the stimulus bill by $464bn, according to the Joint Committee on Taxation, and could support income and consumption as the US grapples with more coronavirus cases.

600美元的纾困金包含在特朗普周日签署的9000亿美元刺激法案中。据美国国会税收联合委员会(JointCommittee on Taxation)介绍,更高的直接补贴将使刺激法案的成本增加4640亿美元,可能在美国艰难应对更多新冠病例之际支持收入和消费。

On Tuesday morning, David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler, two Georgia Republican senators facing difficult run-off races next week that could determine control of the upper chamber, backed Mr Trump’s bid for $2,000 payments, squeezing Mr McConnell even further on the issue.

周二上午,戴维·珀杜(David Perdue)和凯利·罗伊弗勒(Kelly Loeffler)支持特朗普提出的向每人支付2000美元的呼吁,在这一问题上进一步向麦康奈尔施压。这两名佐治亚州共和党参议员下周将面临艰难的第二轮投票,此次选举可能决定国会上院的控制权。

Mr Perdue said in a tweet: “@realdonaldtrump is right — I support this push for $2,000 in direct relief for the American people.”


When asked if she supported the $2,000 payments, Ms Loeffler told Fox News: “The president has fought for our country from day one. He continues to fight for every single American. I've stood by the president 100 per cent of the time. I'm proud to do that. And I've said absolutely, we need to get relief to Americans now and I will support that.”

在被问及是否支持2000美元的直接支付时,罗伊弗勒向福克斯新闻(Fox News)表示:“总统从第一天起就在为我们国家奋战。他继续在为每一个美国人而战。我百分之百支持总统。我很自豪这么做。而且我绝对说过,我们需要现在就向美国人提供救济,我将支持这么做。”

Democrats have been strongly in favour of the bigger stimulus cheques and urged Mr Trump to be more forceful with his party.


“If he actually does his job now and convinces Republicans to vote for larger direct payments, then bigger cheques could start going out next week,” Jack Reed, a Democratic senator from Rhode Island, said on Monday, adding: “It’s not enough for President Trump to just sit in his Mar-a-Lago estate and send a few tweets.”

“如果现在他切实履行自己的职责,并说服共和党人投票支持规模更大的直接补贴,那么更大金额的支票下周就可以开始寄出。”来自罗得岛(Rhode Island)的民主党参议员杰克·里德(Jack Reed)周一表示,并补充道:“对特朗普总统来说,仅坐在海湖庄园(Mar-a-Lago)里发几条推文是不够的。”

As he turned up the heat on Mr McConnell over stimulus, Mr Trump also attacked Republican leadership in the upper chamber of Congress for their intention to override his veto of a $740bn defence spending bill. After the House voted to override his veto on Monday, a vote in the Senate along the same lines could happen in the coming days and would amount to a striking rebuke of the president.


Mr Trump objected to the defence bill in a bid to persuade Congress to repeal legislation granting technology companies immunity from liability for online content, and because of provisions restricting his ability to reduce US troop levels in Europe and Asia. He also criticised a measure requiring the Pentagon to rename military bases named after confederate generals.


“Weak and tired Republican “leadership” will allow the bad Defense Bill to pass,” Mr Trump said, adding:“Negotiate a better Bill, or get better leaders, NOW! Senate should not approve NDAA [National defence authorisation act] until fixed!!!”


Bernie Sanders, the Vermont senator, has signalled his intention to block a vote on overriding the defence bill veto until Mr McConnell agrees to hold a vote on the stimulus cheques, further complicating the picture for the Senate majority leader.

佛蒙特州参议员伯尼·桑德斯(Bernie Sanders)表示,他打算阻止就推翻国防法案否决投票,直至麦康奈尔同意就刺激支票举行表决,这使参议院多数党领袖面临更加复杂的局面。