04 年度词汇:Recount


全文共296个词, By Edward Luce


(noun) the act of tallying voter ballots — again


Many US elections have been subject to recounts, permitted (depending on the state) when a candidate’s margin of victory is narrow — usually less than 1 per cent. But no presidential election in modern memory has been subjected to as many challenges as 2020’s between Donald Trump and Joe Biden. Even as the votes were being counted, many polling stations were besieged by Trump-affiliated groups protesting alleged fraud. His campaign had also filed a flurry of law suits to throw out mail-in ballots that arrived after election day. Most failed.

许多届美国大选都进行过重新计票,如果(取决于州规定)候选人的得票率差距很小——通常是小于1%——是可以重新计票的。但现代历史上没有哪届总统选举像2020年唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)与乔·拜登(Joe Biden)之间的选举这样遭遇如此多挑战。甚至在清点选票期间,许多投票站就被支持特朗普的团体围住,抗议所谓的投票舞弊。特朗普的竞选团队还提出了一系列法律诉讼,要求作废选举日之后寄到的选票。但基本都失败了。

Mr Trump’s legal team twice demanded recounts in the state of Georgia. Neither process changed the result,which delivered a slim victory to Mr Biden. They also triggered recounts in two Wisconsin counties, which resulted in slightly larger totals for Mr Biden.


Though unusual, these recounts were within the rules. Mr Trump’s supporters broke all precedent, however, by petitioning the US Supreme Court to overturn the results in four swing states that tipped the race against him.

虽然这不常见,但这些重新计票都是在法律规定的范围内进行的。然而,特朗普的支持者打破了所有先例,请求美国最高法院(Supreme Court)推翻对特朗普不利的四个摇摆州的选举结果。

The suit, which originated from the Republican attorney-general of Texas, was summarily dismissed by the justices as a nuisance filing. In addition, Mr Trump’s team filed 60 lawsuits in swing states that sought to throw out absentee ballots or other kinds of postal vote, or find other ways to alter the outcome.


The net result of 2020’s legal shenanigans is that the US constitutional guardrails did their job. The system worked. But Mr Trump’s onslaught of demands could set a precedent for future elections, in spite of the fact that 2020 produced no significant evidence of fraud.


The fear is that what was once unthinkable — that a presidential candidate would refuse to accept an election outcome — will now be seen as possible.
