序言2 认识经络自完善体系,造福人类自己

Preface 2 Understanding the Meridian Self-perfective System to Benefit Mankind

针灸是我国世界级非物质文化遗产,许多国家和地区成立了中医针灸经络的研究机构。经络学是中医针灸的理论基础,是人体生命科学重要组成部分,有深厚的科学内涵。 20世纪50年代在我国已经开始经络学的现代研究,取得了不同的研究结果。

The acupuncture and moxibustion are the world grade intangible (non-material) cultural heritage of our country. At the time being, 163 countries and regions are the members of the World Acupuncture Association Union. USA, Britain, Germany, Japan, Korea etc. have erected researching institutions. Many countries have dispatched students and visitors to China for studying the acupuncture. This fact explains that the acupuncture and moxibustion have already been propagated throughout the world. The meridian doctrine is the theoretical basis of the acupuncture and moxibustion, which are the important components of life science of the human body, having profound scientific content. The modern research of the meridian doctrine in our country started from the fiftieth of 20 century, and different researching results have been obtained by various experts.


Professor LI Dingzhong, as the member of Experts Committee of the World Federation Acupuncture-Moxibustion Societies (WFAS), the guest professor of China Beijing International Acupunctare Training Center of Institute of Acupuncture and Moxibustion of China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences and the seventh generation successor of TCM family as well as a graduated student (in 1955) from Peking University specializing in the field of western medicine, has also got experiences working at Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences. He won a bid of the topics for ten years on the meridian research of National Scale Plan of“Seventh Five Year Plan”and“Eighth Five Year Plan”, which belongs to the important fundamental theoretical topics of national grade. He cooperated with many experts and professors of the Institute of High Energy Physics of Chinese Academy of Sciences (IHEP-CAS), Chinese Institute of Atomic Energy (CIAE), The Institute of Geophysics, Peking University, Nanjing University etc. to organize researching teams doing many kinds of modern researches. With this cooperation, many gratifying scientific achievement have been obtained. The breakthrough advances have been obtained in the meridian theory, creative and therapeutic methods and practice effects. Concerning these respects, I would like to explain as the following points:


Professor LI Dingzhong insists on the way of the theory combined with practice, discovered“visible meridian phenomena”including 14 meridian routes during his clinical works, which verifies the objective existence of the meridian, thus defending the treasure of our motherland.


With the cooperation of multi-branches of disciplines, the breakthrough advances and understanding have been obtained in various respects, such as meridian operational and regulating mechanisms, as well as the meridian essence and its carriers.


Associated with the research for meridian sensitive persons, the phenomenon of“propagated sensation along meridian”(PSM) was created, the Circulated Ring of Meridian was found and“The method of epidermal pricking treatment with meridian ring”was created as well, by which the stagnant points could be stimulated and got through, so as to elevate the therapeutic effects. With these methods, the selfperfective with self-organized characteristics, the same curing effects for multiple diseases, the internal diseases cured by external treatment, the effects of dual- directional regulation and the self-organized routinization are obviously obtained. All these provide the methods for resolving many doubtful diseases or borderline cases and drug- reliable problems.


Professor LI Dingzhong together with his cooperators will publish this treatise of the meridian discipline with dual languages to the worldwide readers in order to contribute their scientific researching results, their therapeutic and practical effects mentioned by modern scientific languages and description, about which I am highly praised with admiration. Thus, this book is worthy to be read, which would play an important role in promoting the originally creative life science of China, to certify the characteristics of its scientific and practical effects. I hope that our scholars hand in hand promote to broaden our Chinese science and culture to the world in order to preserve self- health, self- balance and self-perfection being beneficial to mankind.


Chairman of World Federation Acupuncture-Moxibustion Societies (WFAS)


Chairman of China Association of Acupuncture-Moxibustion

LIU Baoyan

6th March, 2016