


The acupuncture and moxubustion are the world grade intangible (non-material) cultural heritage of our country. The meridian theory is both the kernel content of acupuncture doctrine and the important component of the theoretical system of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). To determine the scientific location of the meridian would be both a breakthrough for life science research and to build a road for TCM modernization. The meridian of TCM provides the matured scientific experience for people going to a scientific domain of human body with global viewpoint, system science theory, self-regulating balance and self-perfection.


The facts have verified that the TCM and western medicine have their own advantages with very strong complementary characteristics. On one hand, the TCM requires modernization under the assistance by multi-disciplines, inspected by modern scientific and technical methods to explore and going out from philosophical inference and ancient Chinese language. On the other hand the western medicine requires fresh global concept. By combining these two medicines together and achieving mastery through comprehensive communication with each other, a quite new modern medicine with Chinese characteristics must be created.


This book is a summary of meridian therapeutic practice and clinical experimental research in my 60 years activities. Early since 1954 while starting my clinical work on dermatoses, I have found many dermal diseases distributed along the meridian lines and their phenomena of functional variation. In particular, the discovery of the congenital dermal diseases, inflammatory epidermal nevus along Pericaridium Meridian and verrucus nevus along Governor Vessel etc. provided powerful certification and evidence of the existence of the meridian, which made me to build up the confidence to research the essence of the meridian in my whole life. All these achievements have unceasingly obtained with the common understanding and have been recognized by the domestic and foreign experts.

1979年,在15个国家参加的第一届全国针灸针麻学术讨论会上,宣读了《透过93例循经皮肤病,探讨经络的存在》,并放映同名影片,大会立即产生强烈的反响,会议认为:这是人类第一次客观而形象地看到肉眼直视可见的经络现象,系统展示出十四经的循行路线。 1984年写成专著《经络现象Ⅰ》,通过人民卫生出版社与日本雄浑社合作在日本出版,同年在第二届针灸针麻大会上向世界发行,得到国内外学者的公认,被日本学者称为本次大会最有说服力的实证资料。

In 1979, on the First National Conference on Acupuncture-moxibustion and Acupuncture-anesthesia with 15 participating countries, I announced the report titled as“Through 93 cases of deramatoses (dermal diseases) along meridian to explore the existence of the meridian”, and the film of the same name was also shown. This report caused strong repercussion at once. The conference acknowledged: this is the first time having seen the meridian phenomena with naked eye of mankind, which displayed the fourteen meridian circulated routines. In 1984, my written treatise“The meridian phenomena I”was published in Japan with the help of People’s Medical Publishing House, and issued to the world at the same year on the Second National Conference on Acupuncture-moxibustion and Acupuncture-anesthesia, obtaining the universal recognitions by domestic and foreign scholars, which was also regarded by Japanese scholars as“the most persuasive verification material of this conference”.

1984年,中国中医科学院研究员、前任院长,中国中西医结合研究会主任季钟朴教授,在《经络现象Ⅰ》序言中写道:“李定忠这部系统图谱的编著是对国内外的针灸经络研究者的巨大贡献。明确显示经络这一生命现象的客观存在,具有强大的说服力。”中国中医科学院副院长、世界非物质文化遗产针灸项目传承人、世界针灸联合会前主席和终身名誉主席王雪苔资深研究员在序言中写道:“这个发现,引起了国内外学者的注意,对经络实质的研究是一个重要突破口。”日本学者世界针灸联合委员会委员间中喜雄教授在序言中写道:“《经络现象Ⅰ》循经皮肤病的出版,是划时代的著作,致以衷心的敬意。”我国著名经络学者孟昭威教授称循经皮肤病为“活的经络图”和“可见的经络现象”,“是人类第一次把经络现象使大家公认地看到了”。“这一工作受到国际的重视,说明它已具有国际意义”。孟教授在意大利天然医学大会上介绍了此项内容及有关资料,荣获了金质奖牌。中国中医科学院研究员、《中国针灸》前主编王本显先生指出:“李定忠氏的研究成果,在国内外具有领先地位。”我国著名针灸大师贺普仁及英国学者、日本学者都肯定经络的存在,这是最具有说服力的内容。 1986年《经络现象Ⅱ》通过人民卫生出版社与日本雄浑社合作在日本出版,向世界发行。介绍了循经感传及“经络环”的发现。国家“八五”“九五”攀登计划经络研究项目的首席专家顾问,都在他们的论著中引用过此项内容,并进行过国际交流。

In 1984, the former director of china Academy of Chinese Medical Societies and the director of the Research Association of Combination of TCM and Western Medicine, JI Zhongpu wrote in the preface of the book The Meridian Phenomena I,“The album of the meridian edited by LI Dingzhong is a tremendous contribution to the domestic and foreign research for acupuncture, which clearly displays the objective existence of the meridian as life phenomena, having powerful prevailing”. The deputy director of China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, the successor of the acupuncture topic of the World Intangible Culture Heritage, the former chairman and the lifelong honorary chairman of the World Federation of Acupuncture- Moxibustion Societies (WFAS), professional researcher WANG Xuetai wrote in the preface of this book:“This discovery caused the attention by domestic and foreign scholars, which is an important breakthrough for the research of meridian essence.”The member of the World Association of Acupuncture, Japanese scholar Manaka Kio (Jianzhong Xixiong) wrote in the preface:“The publication of the book Meridian Phenomena I—Dermatoses Along Meridian is a treatise of epoch- making, I would like to pay my cordial respect”. The famous meridian scholar, professor MENG Zhaowei said that the dermatoses along meridian are the“living graphs of the meridian”and the“visible meridian phenomena”,“first time the meridian phenomena are viewed and are universally recognized by the mankind”,“That the international attention has paid to this work, which explains that it already has the international significance”. Professor MENG announced that the dermatoses along meridian is the living meridian graphs and is“visible meridian phenomena”,“the meridian phenomena are first time seen and commonly recognized by mankind”,“This work has been paid attention by the international community, this fact has already obtained the international significance”. Professor MENG introduced this content and the relevant material on the Conference of Natural Medicine held in Italy, and thus obtained a golden medal with honor. The researcher of China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, the former chief editor of the magazine The Chinese Acupuncture and Moxibustion, mister WANG Benxian pointed out:“The achievement of LI Dingzhong is in the leading position in and out of the country”. The great acupuncture master of our country HE Puren as well as English and Japanese scholars all acknowledged the existence of the meridian and regarded this as the most convinced discovery. In 1986, the book The Meridian Phenomena II was published in Japan organized by People’s Medical Publishing House together with the Xionghun youkonsha press Association of Japan, and issued to the world, in which the discovery of propagated sensation along meridian (PSM) and the“meridian ring”were introduced. The chief experts and advisors of the topics on the meridian research of Climbing Plan of ‘Eighth Five Year Plan’ and ‘Ninth Five Year Plan’, with national grade, all quoted this content in their reports“Climbing Plan and related treatises”, and made international exchanges with this content.


In the proof and inspection on the topic“the meridian research”as the national important fundamental theoretical topics hosted by the National Committee of Science and Techniques, the“visible meridian phenomena”was one of the grounds for this topic to be approved. I was invited as one of the experts for topic defense, and finally this topic was surely acknowledged and determined by the inspective experts and the national administrative authorities.

研究项目《循经感传及可见的经络现象的研究》于1991年得到国家中医药管理局的承认,被评为部级科技进步奖一等奖。 1993年,《315例循经皮肤病及其在经络诊断、治疗中的应用》一书被选为第三届世界针灸、针麻大会(在日本举行)论文摘要,刊登于大会论文汇编。

In 1991, the research topic“The propagated sensation along meridian and the research on visible meridian phenomena”was recognized by the National Management Bureau of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy, and this topic was granted as the first grade reward of progress on science and techniques hosted by the Ministry In. 1993, the abstract of the thesis named as“315 cases of dermatoses along meridian and their application in the meridian diagnostics and therapy”was selected in the thesis collections of Third National Conference on Acupuncture-moxubustion and Acupuncture-anesthesia (held in Japan).


In 2003, the book Exploring the Secret of Meridian of the Traditional Chinese Medicine volume I and volume II was published and issued domestically by the Publishing Press of Liberation Army. In 2012,another book titled as The Modern Research on the Theory and Practical Effects of Traditional Chinese Medicine was published by the People’s Medical Publishing House, which is my fifth treatise on the meridian research. The new book being the essence of the efforts throughout my whole life cooperating with other authors is my sixth bilingual book to be issued domestically and to abroad.


I would like to devote my modern research and clinical practice on TCM meridian for 60 years as well as the relevant material by some other experts to the domestic and foreign scientific society, medical society and broad- wide readers and friends, as a report- back and as a thrown stone to absorb jade back for common exploration.


This new book I and II are divided into four parts in total 24 chapters in dual-languages. The first and second parts in total 17 chapters as the book-I mainly refer to theory and creative content; the third and fourth parts in total 7 chapters as the book-II mainly refer to therapeutic methods and application.


In general, the following points will be expressed in these two new books:


The meridian therapeutic methods of the TCM consist in the“regard human as the foundation”,balance Yin and Yang, balance external and internal and the principle of dynamic conservation and according to the characteristics and laws of the meridian itself, in order to excite the ability of self-against diseases and adjusting control mechanism. Thus, the created new therapeutic methods by global regulation have fast and high therapeutic effects as well as the features of less exotic and bi-actions, and are not easy to produce drug-reliability and not easy to produce germ variation.


Because the meridian has intense character of flexibility, hence the researched objects have to be global, living-active, dynamic, and the running features and laws of meridian itself have to be regarded as the basis, so that the research has to start from the clinical meridian phenomena observation and therapeutic practice to discover theoretic understanding and get into with propagated sensation laws and their variation, so as to determine correct experimental conditions and methods, this process proceeds with multi-discipline research (see the attachment table about the broad cooperation among multi-disciplines within 50 years more). On one hand, the achievement of the meridian research could conduct the practice so as to elevate the therapeutic effects, and on the other hand, the research results could be verified in the repeated practices and could lead to discover new knowledge points and breakthrough points, hence elevate scientific theory verified by using modern scientific experiments. My meridian research for more than 50 years, is just along this way of this concept.


The meridian is not a single organized structure, but a system of triple flux, i. e material, energy and information with three factors gathered together, i. e. along meridian, tending to the illness and effectiveness. The information propagates along with the physical-chemical factors and electro-magnetic oscillation having some similar quantum features. In accordance with this comprehension, I propose that the determined location of the meridian theory should be a medicine of biological energy and information of self-organized by human body, about which I would like to discuss with all of the readers.


The active process of life of the human body is a process of receiving and granting of the electrons.The kernel mechanism of the meridian regulation operate just according to the intrinsic programs of gene to adjust with self-organization, through a series of physical-chemical process, such as information trigger, electro-magnetic oscillation, biological resonance, energy conversion and biological electro-magnetic effects etc.


The research on the congenital dermal diseases along meridian reminds us that the existence of the meridian has both the congenital factors and definite environmental adaptation and flexibility. That means that building up and operation of the meridian are determined by gene. Nevertheless, it could also changes according to the individual occurrence, developing and the process of life activities.


The thermal fluctuation in and out of the human body is, probably, the dynamic sources. For the sake of the direct making use of the thermal fluctuation with very large uncertainty and stochastic characteristics, the meridian system based on its relative stability has also the larger flexibility and adaptability. Since all the living activities are dynamic conservative, so that the meridian has both its laws and has variation. The reality or truthfulness of the meridian should not be negated owing to finding some variations.


The carriers of the meridian are the synthetic tissues system, nerves, blood circulation system and fluid etc, and all these are the important components of meridian carriers. Thus, the meridian is overlapped with all physiological systems, crossing with each other and combined moving.


In the process of the regulation and treatment, not only the symptoms could be relaxed and dispelled as well as the functional situation to be improved on site, but also the body quality could be strengthened.In the therapeutic process, the morphological variation of tissue, preserving health, recuperation, cosmetics and anti- senility could be produced. Through hundreds of thousands cases of meridian practice, we have seen the power of the created meridian therapeutic method, and seen the short way to resolve the difficulty and expense of medical treatment for several billion people in our country and even more in the world. If according to the“senior doctors cure the future disease”mentioned as the principle of TCM and through the techniques of the meridian regulation, the“sub-health”could be controlled in time and blocked at the beginning of diseases in the process of self-regulation. This would be a great virtue and be beneficial to our people and our country, even to the world. There are three key points for health preservation by meridian in order to be successful and popularized: firstly, to proceed with powerful and broad scale propaganda, leading to this acknowledgement by all people; secondly, the main authorities as quickly as possible to erect and push this concept; thirdly, to broadly apply the efficient meridian therapeutic methods of TCM for our nationalities and foreigners, going on under way with western medicine. For this purpose, we compile this new book in Chinese and English dual-languages, to put few real blocks on the way of TCM going out to the world.


Originally, the content of this book would be issued with 10 thesis. Owing to the following motivation, i. e. professional researcher of China Academy of. Chinese Medical Sciences, lifelong honorary chairman of the World Federation Acupuncture- Moxibustion Societies (WFAS), WANG Xuetai, doing the speech on the specific title at the 20th anniversary of establishment of World Federation Acupuncture-Moxibustion Societies (WFAS), and in the period of his serious disease writing the preface for this book with the title of“Going to modernization of Traditional Chinese Medicine from Meridian Research”and the postwords at the end of this book, I decided to write this book for expressing my ex-putation and for giving the grieve and mourn for his death. A part content of this book has been conducted by academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), professor CHEN Hongyuan and by super-conductivity quantum expert of Peking University, professor LI Jiazhang, to whom I would like to express my deep appreciation, Besides, appreciation to my friends who supported the author’s work from different aspects and are beneficial to the edition of this book, They are ZHANG Ji, LIU Yuting, ZHANG Weibo, ZHANG Lijian, WANG Xiaoyu, JIAO Baoyuan, WANG Geng, SHANG Jing, ZHAO Yijun, YIN Hong etc. the constant chief secretary of TCM Union of Chinese Nation (named as Yan-Huang emperors), mister WEN Xin As my assistants for many years, made video records, text printing. They are ZHOU Ran, XIANG Xiaoping, LIU Shenke, MI Heyin, WANG Liyan, LIU Hua, SHI Guangming, HAO Yuhui, XIE Jun, FU Yazhai, PAN Wenqin, etc. They worked enthusiastically either as editors, or as advisor of TCM working for text, video material compile, modification or production.


The famous scientist QIAN Xuesen proposed: to acknowledge the scientific characteristics of TCM;to go on a road of TCM modernization and hand in hand with western medicine under the conditions of multi-disciplines cooperation; to create a modern medicine with Chinese characteristics!


QIAN Xuesen mentioned in the book On the Anthropic Science and Modern Scientific Techniques(Shanghai Jiao Tong University Press, 1998): The characteristics of TCM consist in its global and systematic viewpoints on anything. Owing to our research on human, to deal with anthropic science, it is very important to synthesize various respects of sciences. To research the opening and complicated macro system, it is necessary to combine both the quantitative and qualitative methods. The human is just a macro system, and the human together with the environment build a super macro system. While on researching, it is strictly avoided to regard this macro -system, i.e. anthropic science being simplified, and to treat complicated system as simple system.

人民大学黄顺基教授、北京大学褚德萤教授、浙江大学张长琳教授等诸多专家不仅和我们的观点一致,并对我们几十年的工作给予了证实和肯定。中国科学院谢一冈教授查阅大量资料完成本书的翻译工作并作为本书物理知识的权威顾问。为了加强本书的科学性和准确性,特邀请从事经络研究多年的浙江大学张长琳教授担任汉英双语审校,并请英籍科学家Catriana Nicholson协助谢一冈教授根据英语语法习惯作了一定的校对工作,表示忠心感谢。最后,衷心感谢世界针联、国家科技部、国家中医药管理局和市、区各级主管部门的领导以及同志们的关心、支持,特别是北京市第六医院的领导和皮肤科、影像室、信息室、同位素室及胃镜室的许多同志们给予的帮助,表示敬意!我们期待一切有志之士能与我们共同创建和谐健康、兴旺发达的中华民族乐园,并走向世界。

Professor HUANG Shunji of Chinese People’s University, professor CHU Deying of Peking University, professor ZHANG Changlin of ZheJiang University and many other experts not only have the same viewpoints with us, but also verified and affirmed our works. Professor XIE Yigang of Chinese Academy of Sciences has inspected a lot of material and documents, completed the translation work and as the authoritative advisor of physics knowledge of this book. In particular, professor ZHANG Changlin of Zhejiang University researching on meridian for many years is invited, in order to strengthen the scientific characteristics and correctness of Chinese- English dual- languages. Besides, the English scientist, Caitriana Nicholson is invited in order to help professor XIE Yigang to grasp the precision of English grammar and language custom, so as to finish definite editorial work. Here cordially express my thanks to her. Finally, thanks to the World Federation Acupuncture- Moxibustion Societies (WFAS), National Science- Techniques Ministry, National TCM and Pharmacy Administrative Bureau, as well as to the leaders and colleagues of the authorities of city, district, for their supports and concern. Especially thanks and respect to many colleagues of dermatoses department, video section, information section, radioactive section and gastroscope section of Beijing No.6 Hospital for their help. We expect all those who have the deed to create together a Chinese playground with harmony and health, prosperity and development.


To explore the original creative Chinese life science for two thousand years—to determine the modern scientific location of TCM meridian is a very difficult synthetic scientific topic researched by multidisciplines. In spite of the continuous work day and night devoted with our eagerness for whole life, limited by our knowledge, very likely, there would be many shortcomings or some points not yet being understood or concerned. Thus far, I hope domestic and foreign experts of various disciplines as well as enthusiastic readers to give us frank correction and criticism.


LI Dingzhong


18th January, 2017