- 中医经络理论研究与实践(汉英对照)
- 李定忠 李秀章 傅松涛
- 1119字
- 2025-03-15 10:12:28
Brief introduction of translator

谢一冈,1936年2月出生,研究员。 1956年毕业于南开大学物理系。1956—1957年在留苏预备班学习俄语;1957—1978年在南开大学原子核物理与无线电技术等方面从事科研与教学工作,任教研室副主任等职务;自1978年至退休,在中国科学院高能物理研究所从事实验粒子物理和粒子探测器方面研究。担任副主任和主任工作及顾问;在退休后至2006年,被返聘中国科学院高能物理研究所顾问;2009年至今,被聘为中国科学院大学物理学院顾问,研发新型粒子探测器并指导博士生等;1982年以来,主持多项自然科学基金及大型国际科研合作项目。在瑞士、法国、意大利、美国参加国际合作工作累计约7年,并作为几项大型著名国际合作的联系人或顾问,包括:位于瑞士日内瓦的欧洲核子研究中心(CERN)的ALEPH、ATLAS及意大利罗马附近的KLOE国际合作,并出访过约20个国家进行工作和交流等。发表文章百余篇,既增加了专业知识,又提高了英语水平和写作能力。负责编著《粒子探测器与数据获取》,2003年出版;编写了《中国大百科全书》第二、第三版中的相关粒子探测器部分,第二版于2009年出版。荣获中国科学院科技进步奖二等奖一项,三等奖两项,并享受国务院政府特殊津贴。2008年翻译出版《游北京》一书。
XIE Yigang (1936— ), graduated from the department of physics of Nankai University in Tianjin.In 1956-1957, two times about one year learnt Russian language in the preparation class for studying in Russia. From 1957-1978 XIE worked in the fields of nuclear physics and radio techniques for teaching and research in Nankai University, as the deputy director of tutorial and research section etc. From 1978 to being retired, he worked in the Institute of High Energy Physics of Chinese Academy of Sciences, and mainly in the experimental particle physics and participle detectors, as the deputy director and director of research sections etc. After retiring, he was reemployed as an advisor about 10 years. From 2009 up to now, he was employed as the advisor of the School of Physical sciences of University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (UCAS), working for researching new particle detectors and conducting PhD students etc. Early since 1982, he joined and hosted many domestic topics of National Natural Science Funds, as the contact person or advisor of famous international collaborations as ALEPH, ATLAS of European Organization Nuclear Research (CERN) located in Geneva as well as KLOE near Roma of Italy, working in Switzerland, France, Italy, Russia, USA, Greece, Israel et al. in total about 7 years, visited around 20 countries for meeting or communication. His published papers are about one hundred. He is the main author of the treatise book Particle Detectors and Data Acquisition (Scientific Press, 2003), and is the editor of particle detector part of the second and third edition of Chinese Great Encyclopedia (issued in 2009). He, as the main applicants of several topics of National Natural Science Fund, has obtained one of the second grade and two of the third grade of the Reward of Scientific-technique Progress granted by Chinese Academy of Sciences, as the gainer of the Government Special Allowance. In addition, he is the translator of the book Tour Beijing (published by Chinese Developing Press, 2008).
自1967年以来因其患病,在治疗过程中热爱上中医针灸,与多位中医专家的交往中,学习掌握了许多中医经络的知识,还自制了电针仪器,不仅给自己治病,还给许多求医的病人,特别是用英语、德语给外国友人治病。1998年,应聘在涉外诊所,用英语、德语等外语讲授或翻译中医针灸经络。 2010年,对经络学专家李定忠教授的经络现代研究专著颇感兴趣,愿意协助他译成英语向外推广。因此,谢一冈既作为李教授的物理学顾问,又兼任翻译工作。
Since 1967, owing to suffering several diseases, as an amateur, he got familiar and like Chinese traditional medicine (TCM) and acupuncture. Learning from several doctors, he step by step grasped the knowledge of meridian, and made electric instrument by himself treating therapy for himself, as well as treating for peasants in the countryside and for the domestic and foreign friends. In 1998, he taught or translated TCM meridian in a clinic for foreigners. From all of these, he has got the definite practice in TCM meridian. Since 2010, he, as an advisor of physics and English et al., has been working part time for Professor LI Dingzhong.